I think I have it figured out. And I probably was the one to mess it up Because I loaded the first turn 4000BC using the multiplyaer/host game method. So I think I messed it up on turn 1. Yesterday I loaded the first and second turns through the multiplayer/host game method. And both had accel production turned on. the reason for that is below.
When you click on host a game, the options for the last game are still set. And the last game I created had accelerated production turned on. When I loaded with it clicked on the game loaded with accel. prod. turned on. But when I clicked accel. produciton off. Then loaded the game, it loaded correctly.
When you click on host a game, the options for the last game are still set. And the last game I created had accelerated production turned on. When I loaded with it clicked on the game loaded with accel. prod. turned on. But when I clicked accel. produciton off. Then loaded the game, it loaded correctly.