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Living Large: Chapter 1

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  • #46
    I think I have it figured out. And I probably was the one to mess it up Because I loaded the first turn 4000BC using the multiplyaer/host game method. So I think I messed it up on turn 1. Yesterday I loaded the first and second turns through the multiplayer/host game method. And both had accel production turned on. the reason for that is below.

    When you click on host a game, the options for the last game are still set. And the last game I created had accelerated production turned on. When I loaded with it clicked on the game loaded with accel. prod. turned on. But when I clicked accel. produciton off. Then loaded the game, it loaded correctly.


    • #47
      So here is my proposal.

      I don't suggest loading through the single player game as that can accidently lead to problems.

      But if you load through the multiplayer/host game method you have to be sure to check for what I mentioned above.

      So after you go to multiplayer. Hit host game. Then click your name and hit launch whatever (note: you won't have to do this if your locatin is set for local). This leads you to the game setup screen. What happens here is civ3 remembers what the settins were for the last game you created (and my last game did have accel. production- sorry). What you want to do is make sure accel. production is unchecked. then after you uncheck it, then you can go to the load game on the drop down menu.

      Now accel. production seems to be the only option that has a problem. We should make sure all the other settings are correct. The last game I created had small world, accel production, regent, roaming barbs, and a few other settings I can't recall right now. I don't think these setting carried over. Just the accel. production bug.

      I'm thinking game rules is the only thing that may carry over. So even though this screen is to create a new game- these game rules carry over when you load a game. So before you hit load game make sure you don't have any weird game rules checked.
      Last edited by Dis; January 7, 2003, 19:42.


      • #48
        Update. Yes this applies to other game rules as well.

        I clicked regicide and elmimination. Like I said this screen is to create a new game. But if you load a game through this screen you end up changing the rules to the game. I loaded living large and it loaded with regicide and elimination turned on.

        So before you load the game make sure you have the standard game rules checked, and no weird one checked. I believe we are playing with the entire left column checked, and preserve random seed and cultural conversions on the right side checked. Nothing else should be checked when you load the game.


        • #49
          turn sent to ghengis and flandrien...everything was ok now, hope that this won't change too quickly


          • #50
            Dissident - right on with your comments.

            As I said in the pbem bug thread - it would be nice of pbem games a) had their own launch option from the main screen to avoid this nonsense and b) would carry around the game settings fixed to the game save and c) a more fool proof method of making sure you only see what you are suppose to see.

            Also - your observations jive with the Ghengis/Ralph methodology I posted above.

            (yah - we could call it the Ghengis-Ralph method )
            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


            • #51
              Sent to Andy_hammer and Flandrien.

              Everything was fine.


              • #52
                yeah that's the same thing in the PTW democracy forum. didn't notice that at first.

                Yes following those instructions should prevent any further complications.


                • #53


                  • #54
                    Turn sent to Betahound (and Flandrien). No problems.
                    Never give an AI an even break.


                    • #55
                      turn sent out


                      • #56
                        turn sent


                        • #57
                          3900BC sent
                          Never give an AI an even break.


                          • #58
                            oops - forgot to post - turn sent. Couple of hours ago,
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by BetaHound
                              oops - forgot to post - turn sent. Couple of hours ago,
                              how could you forget? I thought increasing our postcount was the only sense of all the turn sent posts in this forum...



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Mazarin

                                how could you forget? I thought increasing our postcount was the only sense of all the turn sent posts in this forum...
                                I have noticed that side effect to PBEM games.

