Pandora PBEM , 1605 AD + huge battle report
My marine campaign was more successful than i could have tought.
I had one marine army and additional marines.
My initial plan was try to take North Point with them, if successful,
then ship enough infantry/artillery over to try to hold the city.
I hoped that Enamel had not reinforced defenses at North Point since
my last successful bombardment that hurt the defending unit there some
turns ago, where the infantry defender went to yellow, and that unit
stayed on top, so there could not have been more than one inf. defender
at that time. One Infantry could propably be taken out easily with so many Marines. (maybe some weaker units there, because wounded inf stayed on top but marines could hopefully take them out)
OK. Campaign starts.
1. bombard North Point with all Ironclads available - all miss
2. load Marine army and rest of Marines into transport and move to
attack range
3. attack with marine army - killed the infantry - marine army down to
yellow (5hp) - bad news, a second infantry is revealed, Enamel had
reinforced defenses at North Point. And i only had single marines left,
didnt wait for more armies to finish.
4. attacked with rest of marines, i think 2 marines died, and 3rd killed
the 2nd infantry from the city. but that was it ! Enamel had no more
defenders at North Point - it was mine !
5. captured some artillery from North Point, used these to bombard
Victory Cove, after capturing the worker fortified at coast. hurt the
inf. def. there, and another vet inf revealed.
at this point i am thinking - hm. what if there is only 2 defenders too,
and another is already hurt by bombardment.
6. ship some regular & elite cavalry in. attack with cavalry. first
cavalry dies, but hurts the inf to 3/4 hp and no new infs revealed, so i
continue with the attack. lose 3 or 4 cav, but take the Victory Cove.
7. still some cav left, so explore lands with captured workers. move
cavalry near the spice city and what do i see - its undefended (not
surprising, inland city at democracy. i have all my cities undefended
except those on Roman border - because i can see from diplo that neither
of you is tech-wise even close on marines)
8. capture the spice city
9. same thing for desert city and settlers swim city
10. i had moved cavalry next to remaining cities that were in reach of
cavs at this point, grand palace, off island, and tuna. all seemed
defended by infs. Off Island was in range of artillery, so bombarded it,
after that cavalry took the city. Grand Palace was taken as well (with
heavy casualties).
11. At this point i had only two cavalry left who could attack
somewhere, so its time to move units who have movement points left back
to North Point, load them into transports and ship them back home.
12. Sell all improvement in Japanese towns that i can - this gives nice
amount of cash - about 400-500 gold.
13. disband all captured units that didnt fit into transports (about 15
jap workers)
14. abandon captured cities, because i cant hold them.
Didnt remember all battles exact results, but tried to write here as
accurate as i remember. I think its deserved because this game has
lasted exceptionally long time.
I did take only one screenshot, but i can replay the turn, if you want
to see more accurate battle reports and more screenshots. (i propably
will replay the turn anyway for my own fun, now that the game is
practically over)
If you want to continue game, its OK by me, but if you wish to quit, i have no objections to that. I propably would not continue after such hit.
I dont think that Enamel or the Romans have realistic chanses of winning anymore.
I have Roman border towns fortified so heavily (atleast 8 veteran Infantry in each) that Romans would need huge amount of cavalry to take them. Roman army is weak compared to me accoding my advisor, so i dont think Romans have such amount of cavalry.
Only the 2 southernmost (near my coal) towns are not defended in fear that they might culture flip to Rome, and those cities Romans could take with ease.
Screenshot after my campaign, just before disbanding the cities attached. Stupid of me not to take more screenshots. Well, i'll play the turn again and take more. Not right now tho, it took me almost 2 hours to play the turn & write this little story
My marine campaign was more successful than i could have tought.
I had one marine army and additional marines.
My initial plan was try to take North Point with them, if successful,
then ship enough infantry/artillery over to try to hold the city.
I hoped that Enamel had not reinforced defenses at North Point since
my last successful bombardment that hurt the defending unit there some
turns ago, where the infantry defender went to yellow, and that unit
stayed on top, so there could not have been more than one inf. defender
at that time. One Infantry could propably be taken out easily with so many Marines. (maybe some weaker units there, because wounded inf stayed on top but marines could hopefully take them out)
OK. Campaign starts.
1. bombard North Point with all Ironclads available - all miss

2. load Marine army and rest of Marines into transport and move to
attack range
3. attack with marine army - killed the infantry - marine army down to
yellow (5hp) - bad news, a second infantry is revealed, Enamel had
reinforced defenses at North Point. And i only had single marines left,
didnt wait for more armies to finish.
4. attacked with rest of marines, i think 2 marines died, and 3rd killed
the 2nd infantry from the city. but that was it ! Enamel had no more
defenders at North Point - it was mine !
5. captured some artillery from North Point, used these to bombard
Victory Cove, after capturing the worker fortified at coast. hurt the
inf. def. there, and another vet inf revealed.
at this point i am thinking - hm. what if there is only 2 defenders too,
and another is already hurt by bombardment.
6. ship some regular & elite cavalry in. attack with cavalry. first
cavalry dies, but hurts the inf to 3/4 hp and no new infs revealed, so i
continue with the attack. lose 3 or 4 cav, but take the Victory Cove.
7. still some cav left, so explore lands with captured workers. move
cavalry near the spice city and what do i see - its undefended (not
surprising, inland city at democracy. i have all my cities undefended
except those on Roman border - because i can see from diplo that neither
of you is tech-wise even close on marines)
8. capture the spice city
9. same thing for desert city and settlers swim city
10. i had moved cavalry next to remaining cities that were in reach of
cavs at this point, grand palace, off island, and tuna. all seemed
defended by infs. Off Island was in range of artillery, so bombarded it,
after that cavalry took the city. Grand Palace was taken as well (with
heavy casualties).
11. At this point i had only two cavalry left who could attack
somewhere, so its time to move units who have movement points left back
to North Point, load them into transports and ship them back home.
12. Sell all improvement in Japanese towns that i can - this gives nice
amount of cash - about 400-500 gold.
13. disband all captured units that didnt fit into transports (about 15
jap workers)
14. abandon captured cities, because i cant hold them.
Didnt remember all battles exact results, but tried to write here as
accurate as i remember. I think its deserved because this game has
lasted exceptionally long time.
I did take only one screenshot, but i can replay the turn, if you want
to see more accurate battle reports and more screenshots. (i propably
will replay the turn anyway for my own fun, now that the game is
practically over)
If you want to continue game, its OK by me, but if you wish to quit, i have no objections to that. I propably would not continue after such hit.
I dont think that Enamel or the Romans have realistic chanses of winning anymore.
I have Roman border towns fortified so heavily (atleast 8 veteran Infantry in each) that Romans would need huge amount of cavalry to take them. Roman army is weak compared to me accoding my advisor, so i dont think Romans have such amount of cavalry.
Only the 2 southernmost (near my coal) towns are not defended in fear that they might culture flip to Rome, and those cities Romans could take with ease.
Screenshot after my campaign, just before disbanding the cities attached. Stupid of me not to take more screenshots. Well, i'll play the turn again and take more. Not right now tho, it took me almost 2 hours to play the turn & write this little story
