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PBEM for begiiners the Texan and the Aussie

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  • After turn 150 sent.

    The last ride of the Lone Horsemen

    The lone Horsemen quickly completed their task of pillaging the hills Iron Ore extracting supplies and equipment just in time to dash off into the adjacent Mountains before the army of 4 Archers and 2 Swordsmen advanced up from the base of the hill. Once in the mountains the lone Horsemen were ambushed by 2 Warriors attempting to cross the mountains and were promoted to veteran after defeating both ambush attempts. Weary from pillaging and yet another days battles fought and won the lone Horsemen now veterans were beginning to lay down to sleep when another unexpected Viking ambush appeared from the city near them. Tired and half asleep the lone Horsemen were butchered like cattle before they could react to the savage Viking Swordsmen that fell upon them as they slept. Forever will the memories of the deeds of the lone Horsemen be sung in battle hymns and beer halls from Moscow to Oslo as they gave their lives valiantly protecting the futures of the northern peoples of the Nordic lands and their brethren Aussie and Russian soldiers who vow to avenge their deaths.


    • 151

      It was with great sadness that the aussie soldiers in the north heard of the massacre of the lone battalian of russian horsemen,

      A week of mourning was called for and a national memorial day was installed in australian calenders.

      Aussie swordsmen launxhed a savage attack agaisnt vikings in all directions and it wasnt until sense finalyl prevailed that order ws returned and the australains finally redirected their attacks at the coastal viking city..

      fleets arrived with more swordsmen and the 2nd and thirs fleet were sent to collect the new medieval soldiers....
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • After turn 151 sent with new snowy mountains.

        After the loass of the Horsemen the cataoults(2) warrior(1) and Horsemen(1) have to retreat again while waiting for more reinforcements. 2 more Horsemen are appraoching quickly through the central valley and a Galley loaded with another catapult and a settler to claim the Iron near the southern Nordic mountains is underway soon foloowed by more Horsemen crossing the mountains. The Russians Military production is starting to arrive in waves. Will not be long now.


        • 152

          in a berzerk attack two swrodsmen with little hjealth left attacked the coastal viking city and destroyed both spearmen within... the villagers swore allgience to the australains and a gang of local workers were immediatly set to rebuilding the roads to the southern city.

          Viking government immdeiatly called for contact with the australian and in a cowardly offer the surrended another city to the uastralians for a cease fire...

          Australia knowing it needed a fe wturns to rest its wounded sworrdmen and knowing its med armys were still a few eons away, accepted th edeal and put its whole northern offence on hold till the newly aquired citys were defended.

          no swordsmen of viking origina seen anyewhere so any that ar eleft alive must be in western half of the isle....

          Australian citiznes rejoice dwith peace and built an extensiopn on King Joe's Throne room.

          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • After turn 152 sent with more mountians files.

            The catapults and warrior and horsemen retreated north towards the undefended, hopefully, Viking coastal city.


            • 153 sdent

              ausseis rushing ahead with larger armed forces....

              preparign for the next assukt versus overseas nations..

              new navy being constructed in preparation...

              final viking war to begin soon.. hoepfully you awake till it over..

              then we can split the territory down hte middle and i will cede to you the western citys i have been givenm ...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • is this what the moutnains meant to look like ??
                Attached Files
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • After turn 153 sent.

                  Yep thats them. Wait for the others to add more life to the scenery. Mountains are more Rocky but some with forests stay the same.

                  Viking city kills archer.


                  • 154

                    ok might jsut take time to get used to them,

                    aussies consolidating around viking citys...

                    viking swordmen arrives, if he steps into aussie territory it will be war...

                    med inf marching northwards ,. some boarding fleets...

                    homeland continues to grow...
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • After turn 154 sent with more terrain files.

                      Retreat from viking city.


                      • vikings advanced a huge army into recently aquired aussie territory, we couldnt allow this to go unpunished and so war was announced again..

                        aussies lose two swordswmen and the vikings two swordsmen one arcehr and two spoearmen...

                        aussie swordsmen lead by the brave rasputin have been lauded all over australia, for his brave efforts rasputin has been promoted to general and has been given the right to Form his own Army....

                        Rasputin decides to await the arrival of the med inf before creating his new army....
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • new aussie assualkt shoudl see all north eastern citys cpatured soon. once that complete we wil lturn back to help russians conquer their citys in the west......
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • After turn 155 sent with terrain irrigation files.

                            This is great news with an army you can build the military academy later and other things too. Great for conquesting the rest of the Nordiclands.

                            The Russians lost another Horsemen to the attacking Archers near Odense but the counter-attack should defeat them soundly. More Horsemen are crossing the open area south of the Nordiclands.

                            Began the Sistine Chapel and the Sun Tzu's but will switch to Leonardo's and let the Aussies take a shot at SunTzu's when we get invention reserched soon.

                            Will trade Theology for Chivalry when the Aussies reach that advance.

                            Seems Russian science is advancing nicely especially when combined with Aussie augmented research in different fields. The Middle Ages sould go by much faster then normal.

                            Somewhere out there is another 5 empires waiting for us, Ohh. Remember to not bombard the Vikings city with the Great LightHouse as it will enable the exploration of the sea zones earlier than navigation. There appears to be some areas of long sea zones along the northern and eastern shores of the continent perhaps leading to other islands or continents. The western seas disappear into oceans so the Russian Galley with the Scout are headed for the eastern shores of the continent. A long journey to be sure.


                            • aussies confirm they are after taking the lighthouse intact..

                              ausseis started work on the magnificent su tzus ... many turns away....

                              birka in central viking territory will probalby be lsot to vikings soon, many vikings gathering near it and no aussies near by to save them...

                              road thru mountains continues...

                              viking workers join the road game and head south...

                              Political upheaval upon the death of King Joe

                              His sons fight over the throne and the people arent happy till their sister assumes control and puts her two brothers into separate wings of the palace... new eastern wing built to house the brothers, Queen Helen reigns in main palace...

                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • After turn 15? sent.

                                Russians lose another Warrior in the North but the Vikings lose an Archer so fair trade. Remaining Horsemen and 2 catapults retreat back towards the western shore awaiting reinforcements that are arriving shortly.

