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PBEM for begiiners the Texan and the Aussie

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  • 144 sent

    Aussies gathering next wave of swordsmen in viking-1 city.

    New technology breakthru leads to new traiing for aussies armned forces.

    Ausseis send the russians the knowledge we have and await a fair offr in return.

    once again as soo nas we get breakthru we send info to russians .

    new aussie road thru the jugles is approaching half way mark...

    new aussie citys are being join ed to the southern empire..
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • After turn 144 sent.

      The Russians again back-off from direct confrontations with the numerically superior Viking forces in the North. Hope that the Aussie Swordsmen can escape as well because converting the Aussie Swordsmen into Midieval Infantrymen will turn the tide in our favor in the North.

      The Russians recommend that the Aussies secure the road to the iron near their captured northern city. Build a Barracks and upgrade the Swordsmen their so that they can better attack the Vikings in a few turns after the upgrades. By that time the Russians will have a few more Horsemen in the Northern territories and a combined assault can begin like planned but failed before. The Aussies concentrated in the South and the Russians concentrated in the North.


      • will play next turn once i get home tonight...

        aussies wil lbe sending the new medieval infantry to all viking citys soon...

        swrodmen from south will arrive at captured viking city soon. will rush build a barraks to allow med upgrades...

        aussie swordmen/ medieveal infantry will continue taking citys along the east coast .....

        once we got spares avaialbe we will send them to the west to help secure that last iron deposit for the russians ans hope they can cpature the city there so the russians will hav etheir own iron source....
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • 145 sent

          two more aussie swordsmen die,, i hate tihs aobut pbem , i dont eve nget to see wher ethey died or how

          med infantry upgrade process begun ...
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • After turn 145 sent.

            Northern forces moving more inland towards center of continent hoping that the AIs have lost sight of them and heading towards Iron source. Hopefully the Vikings just over extended themselves if not then the same strategic retreat and avoidance techniques will be used until more forces arrive in about 10 turns from the south.


            • 146 sent

              final assualt being prepared for coastal citys in east...

              viking moving swordsmen south to meet the advancing aussie swordsmen.

              ausie horse not far away preparing to clean up any stragglers chasing a scout at present.

              med inf moving northwards..

              aussies researching an advancment for horses to make thme stronger.

              will be a wating game for next few turns as we await the southern reinforcments. road has finally got to the southern mountains.
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • After turn 146 sent.

                The Russian encountered One Swordsmen when they moved south east towards the city that killed a warrior. Hope fuly the Horsemen can outdistance the others and take the source of Iron next to the city while surviving the cities counter-attacks.


                • good idea , once that iron gone we can start knocking of his current swordsmen and know we wont have to face any others... that will b ethe beginning of the end for him.....

                  once that acomplished we can start the division of viking territory .. i suggest similar division as the rest of our isle , that is right down the middle.... you take west i take east citys..

                  but we can swap any citys we take between now and final death of vikings at the end of war...
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • 147 sent

                    ausseis continue to advnce on the next costal town... more swordmen climb down form the mountiaqns and prepare to cross the desert to the viking territory.

                    horsemen continues poursuit of the viking scout...

                    building gold reserves to garner barracks in crucial citys..
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • After turn 147 sent.
                      For my esteemed colleagues in arms
                      The Aussie Generals of the Northern Armies in the Nordic infested lands of the North

                      Here are the Russian battle plans

                      The Horsemen(4) in the North and the Catapults(2) with the Warrior(1) will continue to cautiously approach the Vikings Iron supply while the Horsemen(2) that just landed in the southern mountain gap by the other sorce of Iron on the western coast approach from the southwest. The Galley that dropped these Horsemen will return in about 10 more turns on a regular rotation and will be joined by a second Galley on the second trip north with more reinforcements bringing the reinforcements to 4 units per voyage for the western transport fleet. It will take approximately six turns for these Horsemen(2) that were just unloaded to reach the others on the northern edge of the mountains and only 3 tiles from the western edges of the Vikings city near the Iron supply.

                      The last attempt at getting close to that city resulted in high Russian losses from the cities defenders using the roads to move to any of the tiles within the 3 tile radius of the city cutting off early attempts to get the Iron supplies next to but on the opposite and protected side of the city. Hopefully the Vikings gold coffers are running on empty with having to support his counter-attacking Swordsmen, Archers, and the Spearmen surely garrisoned in his cities after the apparent rush buying of mercenary Swordsmen that plagued the Russians and Aussies earlier. Lets hope his gold reserves are dry and only one or two units can counter-attack from the city. Hopefully if all goes well the forces on the western hills and mountains from that city will have the Vikings pre-occupied while the new Horsemen arriving from the south go through the central valley south of the city where the Aussies and Russian first fought side by side and over the mountains gap on the eastern side of the city and secure the Iron source. Hopefully the Horsemen's retreat abilities will keep them safe from counter-attacks. Lets hope and pray.

                      The Russian Generals

                      Players Note:
                      What I wouldn't give for some bombers or modern artillery right now as this mountainous terrain is working in the Vikings favor but I soon hope to turn this advantage to my own uses defensively.


                      • 148

                        looks like ausseis will lose the city of oslo... the wholw army that was chasing the russians has encircled oslo and will more than liklely fall this turn ...

                        still awaiting more swrodmen in east...

                        ausie growth seems to have slowed down ,, not sure why ??
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • After turn 148 sent.

                          The first battle of the new offensive in the North bodes well for the Aussies and the Russians. While the Vikings are busy reacquireing the city given to the Aussies during cease-fire negotiations the forces that have dodged those same Viking forces have won their first battle against the Vikings in the north by defending a solitary Horsemen who was attacked by the Viking's rear-guard of Swordsmen and actually miraculously lived to tell the tale as other Horsemen rushed to his aid. This unit is being applauded as a hero even if it narrowly survived the battle. The frist battle won by the Russian's northern campaigns have renewed morale after running away in 'strategic retreats' for far too long. A lone Viking Swordsmen crests the hilltop overlooking the scene from the south and cringes as the tired of running and now bloodthirsty Horsemen cry-out for Viking blood to be spilt in vengeance of the young Warriors that were slaughtered in the earlier northern campaigns. This marks a turning point in the Nordic campaigns and will forever be remembered by the Russian peoples as the story of the power of the lone Russian Horsemen a unit soon to be very valueable indeed to the Russians future empire.


                          • 149

                            aussie city of oslo holds against teh first wave of viking swordsmen but mroe stil lthere and also viking archers...

                            aussies stil lawaiting the next wave but news of the russians battle frield victory has traveleld far and aussis cheer loudly and salute the hero horseman and applaud as their own horse battalion arives in viking-1 city...

                            polls back homw bwign conducted to rename the captured city...

                            new military defenders known as pikemen being moved around the aussie homeland to replace older style units.....
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • After turn 149 sent.

                              The battle was hard fought for the Iron Source costing the sacrifice of two Russian Horsemen but in the end the wounded lone Russian Horsemen again carried the day as the last unit with in range of the battle. Having heard of the lost battles of the two Horsemen before him that faced the Viking Swordsmen defending the vital Iron supplies the Horsemen knew the Viking Swordsmen could not be uninjured and though while gravely injured himself the lone Russian Horsemen spurred his steed forward into battle and won the day yet again. While standing atop the hilltop with the precious Viking Iron supply the lone Horsemen could see the mass of Viking Swordsmen and Archers approaching from the North and knew that his actions might have also sparred the new Aussie controlled city of Oslo from being sieged or burnt to the ground and razed as the Vikings had done in the South to the other Aussie captured cities actually killing their own innocent peoples. Though he most probably will die the lone Russian Horsemen will pillage the Iron mines infrastructure to insure that more Russian and Aussie lives will not be lost to the bite of Viking Iron swords.


                              • king Aussie Bob III pledges t obuild a memorial to the lone horseman..... his actions may swing the war ..

                                Oslo truly does hold out a second sccessive wave of attacks but it is less now that the vikings are heading towaqrds the iron.

                                aussies will be in position to inflict major damage soon..

                                two wandering swordmen killed as they tryed t oambush aussies, and also a viking spearmen found in the moiuntains east of the iron city

                                maps were exchanged last turn ...
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

