After turn 125 sent.
The Warriors demonstrated their point to the Aussie Wariors when the Viking Archers attemted to attack them unsuccessfully but wounding them badly. Since they are on the front lines they will retreat behind the protection of the other Archers and the Aussies to their immediate north to recuperate.
At Oslo the first volleys of the Catapults went wide and far of the cities watching Spearmen who in the spirit of Monty Python and the Holy Grail yelled down from their fortified positions, 'Nasty English Kaniggets go AAway or I shal taunt you a second time.' and stuck out their tongues and spat at the Russian attackers.
The Warriors demonstrated their point to the Aussie Wariors when the Viking Archers attemted to attack them unsuccessfully but wounding them badly. Since they are on the front lines they will retreat behind the protection of the other Archers and the Aussies to their immediate north to recuperate.
At Oslo the first volleys of the Catapults went wide and far of the cities watching Spearmen who in the spirit of Monty Python and the Holy Grail yelled down from their fortified positions, 'Nasty English Kaniggets go AAway or I shal taunt you a second time.' and stuck out their tongues and spat at the Russian attackers.