why dont you guys get a replacement and continue this game without me until you do decide to patch? just ask for a temp replacement, i dont want to hold up the game over something trivial like this, surgery, hospital stays, short trips out of town are one thing, but this is just a stupid delay IMHO.
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C3C PBEM Tournament : Game # 1
predesad is unavailable for an extended period of time, that is all i am permitted to say. i will provide password information and diplomacy information he has saved in a notepad file to whoever needs it, just pm predesad, don't bother emailing i do not have access to his email.
Originally posted by ADG
But I've seen they have released a 'Fixed exe' patch to 1.20... haven't tried it yet... what problems where the in the initial 1.20?
MP games had problems loading, thats why the quick fix. Sure, there are some small glitches it PBEM too, but nothing severe.
So, if you could get 1.20 working, ADG, i think we could get the game rolling again
Originally posted by ADG
I haven't kept an eye on the other games... how much have they played? Are they getting ahead of us?
1.20 and 1.22 PBEM saves are compatible both ways
I loaded 1.20 started PBEM game in 1.22, saved the turn and continued in 1.20. No problems.
So - if ADG gets 1.20 working, we can continue the game even others would use 1.22 (or 1.20, no matter)
/edit: wrong information here. read http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...13#post2869113Last edited by Conqueror; April 4, 2004, 04:35.
Now i tested again, and loading failed with data error
So, i cant be sure about the compatibility of 120 and 122
Going to test some more.
/edit: wrong information here. read http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...13#post2869113Last edited by Conqueror; April 4, 2004, 04:34.
More testing seems to reveal that games started with 1.20 dont load on 1.22 at all
But, old games that are started in earlier versions, load ok in 1.22. You can even switch back and forth 1.20/1.22 with these games.
So, we should be safe to use either 1.20 or 1.22 in this game because of its started before 1.20.
/edit: wrong information here, read http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...13#post2869113Last edited by Conqueror; April 4, 2004, 04:36.
C3C 1.20 Bug Thread , page 2
Alexmans post explaining the issue
Seems like its the mod thats causing this. Damn, shoud read more and test less on my own. But still, we should be safe in this game either way. Tried to load my latest turn with 1.22 and no problem.Last edited by Conqueror; April 4, 2004, 04:42.
The fix ADG is referring to (1.22) is primarily for the online MP problems. ADG's CD bug is probably not significant enough to register on Firaxis's RADAR. How long did it take for the no-CD crack for 1.15 to appear? Was it from a third party?Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!
Originally posted by ADG
I haven't kept an eye on the other games... how much have they played? Are they getting ahead of us?Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!
Originally posted by Rommel2D
The fix ADG is referring to (1.22) is primarily for the online MP problems. ADG's CD bug is probably not significant enough to register on Firaxis's RADAR. How long did it take for the no-CD crack for 1.15 to appear? Was it from a third party?I tought he was referring to no-cd. They are sometimes referred as 'fixed exe'
No-CD's came pretty fast back in PtW days when i had similar CD problems with the first versions of PtW. It took only few days, a week max to find one with edonkey, imesh or such program.
Propably less demand for C3C ones, or then its harder to make one - dont know.
I have to get a temp replacement for all my PBEM games
My power-supply 'burned' my graphics card yesterday, and I just got a different computer, though at the moment it can only surf the web... I can't even get into WinXP, so I'm using Win Me at the moment
I have no idea when (if) I get my normal computer up 'n' running again, but I doubt it'll be within a week
I'll create a "search for temp replacement thread" soon...This space is empty... or is it?
Originally posted by ADG
Or wait... did we agree that if we only needed a temp replacement, then Oct X would take over? Right?
Conq and pred, are you both set to go with 1.22 if we find a sub? I've read a few comments about old saves not working under 1.22, but I can't tell if this is just a game of Chinese telephone or a serious problem.Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!
Originally posted by Rommel2D
Conq and pred, are you both set to go with 1.22 if we find a sub? I've read a few comments about old saves not working under 1.22, but I can't tell if this is just a game of Chinese telephone or a serious problem.
There really is a problem with old games and 1.22, but it should not bother our game. Atleast i managed to load my turn properly in 1.22.
So, we are quite ready, if sub is found, i imagine. I even managed to found no-cd patch for ADG, but unfortunately his computer brokeIf anyone is in need for one, PM me.