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Easygoing C3C PBEM game

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  • Andydog, my peaceful settlers only mean to reach some unclaimed land. If they proceed without military units, will that be acceptable?

    Save over to Paddy

    BTW, Andydog, you have many troops stationed in unclaimed lands along my border. Do I have something to fear?
    Haven't been here for ages....


    • onto Andy
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • Greetings fellow globe dwellers.

        I appreciate the peaceful nature of you offer. In that vein, perhaps now is the time to discuss and agree borders. The South Eastern cape you seek is surrounded by my borders and plans to develop this land are agreed and finalised with my ministers. . We note that your recent founding of Nanking has effectively sealed off the wondrousness and varied lands of the North – a land plentiful in resources I might add. Can we agree I have the south and you have the north (roughly the same in landmass) so that our glorious civilisations may live peacefully side by side, our borders stretching between the Chinese cities of Nanking, Canton, and Shanghai, and the Persian cities of Gordium, Pasagradae, and Antioch?

        Obviously, the Persians would not send any settlers up to colonise unclaimed parts of the North via the marsh that lies in the current gap in your boarders.

        I have begun the withdrawal of my Warrior lookout squad as a show of good faith. We celebrate the success of connecting our peoples with roads - we would welcome the opportunity to open trade negotiations for our pristine Persian wines, and I tell you, they’re scrup-tidilty-uptious!

        Permission to send my Curragh through your waters? If so we would naturally grant full permission for your sailors to navigate the wonderful lands of Persia.

        The Persians send regards to the English, cheers for the lumpy ales.. *hiccup*


        • Off to shogn

          Andydog you have permission to explore the lands.


          • Mickeyj, and I'll need this one again too, please.
            Haven't been here for ages....


            • Resent - included Hoth


              • Andydog, I accept your proposition. My apologies for not seeking earlier permission for my curragh travelling into your waters. They are returning back to my seas via the eastern approach.

                Thank you for your peaceful nature. We will work on a road shortly. We have some goodies native to China.

                Shogun Gunner

                Save to Paddy
                Haven't been here for ages....


                • Thanks Gunner

                  Onto Andy
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • Shogun, let our agreement henceforth be known as the 'Nanking Gordium Pact'.

                    We will work on a road shortly. We have some goodies native to China.
                    The Persia minister of trade confirms that our roads are already connected near Antioch, and that our wine will be corked, packed, and ready for distribution in a few turns time.

                    The Persians welcome Ghandi's permission to Navigate the coast of India. May those dreaded vindaloo farts escape our sails - least they overcome our sailors and blow us out to sea!

                    (turn away)


                    • Off to shogun


                      • Andydog, agreed! We will also package some goods for trade!

                        over to Paddy
                        Haven't been here for ages....


                        • onto Andy

                          have a great weekend party people...

                          I must say, it is a pleasure to play these games with your good selves..
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • I'm enjoying these games also.

                            turn away


                            • Happy Easter ! Hope you all had a good one.

                              Off to Shogun


                              • Thanks Paddy - I'm enjoying these games as well.

                                Back to paddy.
                                Haven't been here for ages....

