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Cold War PBEM - tracker thread
Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
Weren't you in China, Mickeyj??? You know, Comrade Beta is the leader of the country you just visited
Hope you weren't committing civ espionage for India....
Turn to Moonbars
Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
Weren't you in China, Mickeyj??? You know, Comrade Beta is the leader of the country you just visited
Hope you weren't committing civ espionage for India....Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
I have already played the save MJ sent me (july 1962) attaching here for Modo, whose Email address I think I have lost. I have had a lot of PC problems, I think I assumed i'd sent it out on my original PC, before I had my interim emergency system built up due to my new Abit motherboard based PC blowing up, I had to get a replacement for that, and then I had to reinstall everything - again.
And even though it's got TWO SLI'd Nvidia 6800 GPUs, and a Intel 3Ghz P4, and 2gig Ram, it still plays jerky movies in Civ4. That game SUCKS.
I have already played the save MJ sent me (july 1962) attaching here for Modo, whose Email address I think I have lost. I have had a lot of PC problems, I think I assumed i'd sent it out on my original PC, before I had my interim emergency system built up due to my new Abit motherboard based PC blowing up, I had to get a replacement for that, and then I had to reinstall everything - again.
And even though it's got TWO SLI'd Nvidia 6800 GPUs, and a Intel 3Ghz P4, and 2gig Ram, it still plays jerky movies in Civ4. That game SUCKS.Attached Files
apart from the jerky movies and the way it slows down to a unresponsive crawl on Full Screen, the game works OK. What I dislike about it is the pace, which is far to fast. Either cut out a lot of the technologies, or increase the cost & the number of turns. Then we have the AI, which at best is no better than the AI in C3C, and at worst is not as good as that. i've had the AI attack me twice, once with a galleon that raided my fish and then landed some obsolete bowmen that I destoryed, and once via land. This invasion was for no clear benefit to the AI, and was conducted with a dribble of obsolete units over a 5 turn period. Stupid Stupid Stupid. But we are off topic are we not
Sorry to hear that about CIV, Moonbars. It works fine on my Athlon XP (1.8 GHz), 1.5 GB RAM and a single GeForce FX 5200 (that one being just above minimum specs). Bad things must have happened to your Windows (or good things did not).
(And if you are fighting an AI that has obsolete units, it is time to move up a difficulty level or two. )
As to the Cold War save, it is the one I played last time. Sending again to Beta. The date should change between Mickeyj (July) and Moonbars (August or thereabouts, I do not recall the time settings for this scenario).Last edited by Modo44; December 18, 2005, 12:45.Seriously. Kung freaking fu.
I play epic routinely just because the additional turns required per tech and city growth stretch out the game. To me, that feels right. I don't mind a game lasting longer to get the right feel for each era.
The last time I played "normal" (as opposed to epic) I played the French and just as I finally built my first musketeer unit (French UU), riflemen became available
yes, off topic, but then again, we can fit in three or four conversations between turns on this threadHaven't been here for ages....