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World War II in Europe - tracker thread

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    Destroyed Harbor at Brest after 4 destroyers, 2 Battleships and 6 bombing runs took place

    Nobles 3 bomb runs minimal damage
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • I'm out, my two city empire can be run easily by the UK
      Password is cyb6rg06
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


      • This game is far too slow for me as well

        Im resigning as well

        I took over because I was led to believe the game was trying to move forward but it isnt

        I play and thats what i am interested in doing

        If anyone wants they can have at my former civ


        Been some fun

        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • Hello to CIV, bye to this game?
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • Originally posted by Modo44
            Hello to CIV, bye to this game?

            I say this

            I am very diligent,somewhat patient and dedicated to playing for fun


            when I am getting a turn a month or even a turn evry third week

            the game will go on for several years..hence my loss of fun

            Im not talking of the occassional absenteeism
            we all have real life issues
            Im speaking of games just not happening

            I have games ongoing for 15 months that I will identify and drop that are in the 2000 B C stages



            I will still play games that are moving

            Hope this helps clarify

            and yes
            CIV IV Here

            many people who were already slow with civ III Conquests will simply stall out in CIV III and many mve to CIV IV

            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • Whatever you say. I thought one save a week was actually pretty quick, given how big this game is.
              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


              • Originally posted by Modo44
                Whatever you say. I thought one save a week was actually pretty quick, given how big this game is.
                5 turns in 6 weeks

                thats a couple years to do the game, correct?

                Just asking, trying to be enlightened
                Attached Files
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                  5 turns in 6 weeks
                  Well, it is just over a week for a turn, so the speed is something I can live with (though it could be faster, that I give you).

                  Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                  thats a couple years to do the game, correct?
                  Not in this game. This is a scenario, which means everything is rolling without a lengthy build up phase. (In case you did not notice, the German borders are moving each turn. ) I would say that, if the Allies can actually stop Germany, we should be done in less than a year. If I manage to get an offensive rolling against the USSR, we might be done in 20-30 turns, which is about half a year at the current speed. Even less if you do take over for Jon (or Jon takes over for you ).
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • It's an unfortunate fact that the more players in a game, the slower it goes. I've noticed that if there are more than 4 players, the wheels turn slowly.
                    Even a fool is thought wise if he remains silent.


                    • Do you guys need a replacement? I'd be happy to step in.

                      (I'm all about keeping the game going at a good pace, too.)


                      • Yes, we do need a replacement, it seems. You would take over for both England and France (they are allied). Please contact Grandpa Troll for the save and his password (if he has a password, that is ). Also contact adamsaka for his e-mail (or I can PM it to you).

                        To play this scenario, you will need to download some files, which can be found here:

                        Unzip those into your Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios folder (two folders should be created if all is unzipped correctly).
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • Thanks for letting a no-name like me in.

                          I've fired off PMs to both Grandpa Troll and Adamsaka. I have the passwords I need. I'm only waiting for the save game file now.

                          I downloaded the scenario files as you said. I'm about to go test it out.

                          So, I'll be doing this each time:

                          1. take England's turn.
                          2. save game.
                          3. load game.
                          3. take France's turn.
                          4. save game.
                          5. send game to Adamsaka.

                          Does that look right?

                          Thanks again Modo44.


                          • Even if it's slow, I'm definatly happy to keep playing!
                            I'll pass my email to Joshciv
                            I think it will be good having 1 player for england and france.

                            Edit: PM'ed Email address. And game status update.

                            Edit 2 : Let's whoop some German arse!
                            Last edited by adamsaka; November 1, 2005, 20:28.


                            • I got Adamsaka's email. I also have the save game file. Thanks a bunch for the status, Adamsaka.

                              I promise to take faster turns once this one is sent. England has a lot going on. It takes a while to absorb it all.

                              PS. Did the Germans actually seek out the two-front war they've gone and gotten themselves into?


                              • Germany attacked France. But Russia declared war on Germany very early to assist France. The french held out for a while, but couldn't last.

                                Russia was pushed back quickly early on, but the border has settled into one line for a while which is now a large killing field.

                                England has landed in Europe once, but was pushed back to the sea.

                                The Spanish keep changing teams, havn't had any serious battles.

