@ both of your posts. Funny stuff.
Well, maybe I'll send King Mursilis a nice gift fruit basket with a note saying "Sorry for your loss" and a big yellow foam finger in the shape of an index finger saying "YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!" That should help
Now, what reparations have the Vikings made to the Germans. Chancellor Bismark seems mighty displeased that his capital is overrun with hooligan Vikings on leave. It's not the military presence as much as it is the looting, fornication and pissing in the street that he finds so disagreable. You can see it in his face.
And what, pray tell, is hidden in the Celtic corner of the word? I have not heard much from the Aztec Montezuma recently. Is he getting on okay with the Celtic nation? Maybe I should send a patrol down south to check things out...
Well, maybe I'll send King Mursilis a nice gift fruit basket with a note saying "Sorry for your loss" and a big yellow foam finger in the shape of an index finger saying "YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!" That should help
Now, what reparations have the Vikings made to the Germans. Chancellor Bismark seems mighty displeased that his capital is overrun with hooligan Vikings on leave. It's not the military presence as much as it is the looting, fornication and pissing in the street that he finds so disagreable. You can see it in his face.
And what, pray tell, is hidden in the Celtic corner of the word? I have not heard much from the Aztec Montezuma recently. Is he getting on okay with the Celtic nation? Maybe I should send a patrol down south to check things out...