DogScotShogun, to Andy, 2310 BC
No announcement yet.
"The Silence of the Dog - Scot - Gunner"
--> Shogun
The Celts were happy to hear that the Japanese have opted for peace.Now there is the matter of the Hittites. We have interests with these fine people but you are killing them. What is going on there?
We thank the Vikings for their patience and hope that they enjoy the secrets of Map Making, gifted by the Celts, as a gesture of our friendship.
--> onwards
Well, those Hittite guys aren't so nice. There's a disagreement about exactly where the borders runs -- so my samuari are helping by serving in a "surveyor" role. We hope to reach an agreement soon. Thanks for your concern.
Such a generous gift to offer Map Making to the Vikings. Although I'm happy to see such a noble people receive such knowledge, I must ask if there is some other arrangement that was worked out -- which is being held out of view? The German ambassador is very concerned about your two nations -- he mentioned it during his last visit to Kyoto.
2270 BC to PaddyHaven't been here for ages....
Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
Well, those Hittite guys aren't so nice. There's a disagreement about exactly where the borders runs -- so my samuari are helping by serving in a "surveyor" role. We hope to reach an agreement soon. Thanks for your concern.
Such a generous gift to offer Map Making to the Vikings. Although I'm happy to see such a noble people receive such knowledge, I must ask if there is some other arrangement that was worked out -- which is being held out of view? The German ambassador is very concerned about your two nations -- he mentioned it during his last visit to Kyoto.
--> Gunner
Interesting. How can I be sure that Hittite cities are not falling into the hands of the Celts? I see you have dispatched another warrior to spy and interfere. We will not wait for you attack first this time. However, we wish no dispute with Celts. Please remain peaceful.
Regarding your other comment, I will not race to give the Vikings a tech just to show how generous the Japanese can be.However, I strongly suspect there is some alliance between your two nations. That leaves me to partner up with some half-wit, intermarried royal leader from one of the AI nations.
2230 to PaddyHaven't been here for ages....
Well. According to the Japs you and I are in an alliance. You heard it here first!
The Celts confirm that at no time have we been at war with the Hittities. We will give our word that if Japan secures peace with them then we will remain friends with the Hittites and will remain peaceful with the Japanese.
turn onwards
Okay we will try to secure peace with the Hittites. Please remove your warrior away from our borders. You have already attacked unarmed Japanese civilians with your military units. You will have to forgive us if we don't completely feel comfortable.
Maybe we can patch over this difference...and I can invite you to eat at my restuarant in Kyoto.
2190 BC to PaddyHaven't been here for ages....
Congratulations on establishing peace.Our traders are reporting much relief amongst the Hittite people, although the atrocity committed by Japan of destroying a Hittite city seems to have induced a hatred that burns deep within them. We hope they find it in their hearts to forgive Japan for this bloodshed.
Now Lord Shogun, a steak you say? Sounds like a plan. Perhaps I'll bring a pot of Irish Stew and potatoes over, we can really pig out. I asked King Mursilis if he wanted to join us, but he only snorted and muttered something about being too busy burying the bodies of the dead.
--> onwards