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Iron Civer Tournament- Coliseum B

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  • #16
    I have accepted the invite and just read the rules. I'm ok with them. Most of the exploits I wasn't even aware of.

    to Rommel and Conqueror:
    Do these rules also apply to the tourney game you are playing with ADG and Predesad?

    In one of my games I met someone who was quite far away from me. We agreed (early game) to exchange techs for the time being. Is this allowed? Even if we are making sure we do not research the same tech at the same time? It's getting borderline, I know. We didn't establish embassies.
    don't worry about things you have no influence on...


    • #17
      Game regenerated and sent to McMeadows. He has almost the same availability as IJ had- mornings and evenings- so I put him in the same spot. Hopefully this will make for more than a turn a day pace.

      The information at the top of this thread has been updated, but I still need email addresses from Flandrien and LzPrst. My apologies if I lost them in this pile of information I've accumulated for the tourney...

      McM: I think the exploit/etiquette list is a good code of honor to follow in general, but nothing like it was agreed to in the other tournament. Technically, anything goes there. Of course, I doubt anyone will violate the major exploits.

      As far as this game goes, you should not discuss any technology you have not already discovered, even the ones you are currently researching, unless you have an embassy with the other person. I think this is the clearest line that can be drawn on the matter.
      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


      • #18
        clear and sound...
        Received my turn and will play it in 10 hours.
        don't worry about things you have no influence on...


        • #19
          Worked a little more today. Played the 3950 BC (?) turn sent to me by Rommel and sent on to Conqueroor.
          Good luck all, let's hope for a quick and fun game...
          don't worry about things you have no influence on...


          • #20
            hm. do you have my address correct ?

            i have not received your mail yet.

            conqueror AT mbnet DOT fi

            /edit: still nothing also sent this with PM and mail to McMeadows
            Last edited by Conqueror; April 27, 2004, 14:36.


            • #21

              No mail from McMeadows yet.

              However - now IRON JACKSON sent me mail saying he just got home and played his turn

              What to do now ? I'm confused. Rommel2D can use his admin powers and say if McMeadows plays or what do we do.

              Technically Iron Jackson was replaced already.

              So, i'll play McMeadows's turn if i have it in few hours, otherwise i'll go 2 sleep and see in the morning whats going on.


              • #22
                OK. Rommel cleared me to continue play with McMeadows turn. Iron Jackson himself mailed me too, and said its okay, he was late, so he doesnt have any bad feelings about being replaced (or so i understood it).

                If only the McMeadows turn would appear to my mailbox


                • #23
                  I had the correct e-mail addres, allready from the tourney game where I played a few turns for ADG and sent my played turns to you (Conqueror) as well, without problems.
                  Now I got this:

                  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

                  Delivery to the following recipients failed.


                  Tuesday's and friday's I'm playing sports in the evening. That's why I didn't respond. I resent the save to both addresses you gave me and if you still don't have it in the morning, please let me know, and I'll use another e-mail address to send it from.
                  don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                  • #24
                    Mails arrived ok to both addresses from your 2nd try. Must have been some internet hiccup.

                    True Iron Civer checks the mail in the middle of the night too while letting the cat out

                    So, 3950 BC sent to Flandrien. Good Luck everyone. Now back to


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Conqueror
                      True Iron Civer checks the mail in the middle of the night too while letting the cat out
                      I got your turn at 1 AM.
                      Since I don't have a cat, I didn't get up.

                      Besides, I need an e-mail address to send my turn to.
                      veni vidi PWNED!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Flandrien
                        Besides, I need an e-mail address to send my turn to.
                        I PM'd him to tell us his mail address ASAP.


                        • #27
                          Ok, I've mined it from another tracker thread:
                          lzprst at hotmail dot com

                          BTW if there's ever any doubt, don't hesitate to post the turn in the thread here. You can always edit it out the next turn.

                          Now, as long as LzPrst can find the time to play...
                          Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                          • #28
                            Flandrien, did you send? I can't get the game moving unless I know where the hold-up is at.

                            It looks likd LzPrst is on a 3-day unannounced LOA. Assuming he doesn't appear it looks like another restart. I offered IJ alternate status after he responded late the first time, but he didn't reply to me at all. Krill from the replacement pool has been active in other threads, I'm inclined to think he would be most reliable in the long run. Let's see if any of them are following this thread and want to play...
                            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                            • #29
                              I'll play for you, but short term is a no-no. I leave tomorrow night since i am away for the bank holiday, and I'll be back ~5pm UK time Tuesday.
                              Last edited by Krill; April 29, 2004, 15:00.
                              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                              • #30
                                Argh. not another restart Would suite me fine since i'm not a huge fan of Russian civ, but it was painful enough to get the game to this point.

                                Maybe someone who will come to replace could use LzPrst password ?
                                Unless ofcourse LzPrst start is middle of tundra and the replacement wants to call a restart.

