Originally posted by Awsric Armitage
Got the job just training on all the required systems and software etc.
Got the job just training on all the required systems and software etc.
After turn 199 Sent.
The Russians are switching most cities over to wealth as they complete their Universities. As soon as Banking is researched in 2 turns then we will research Democracy while our larger cities build banks. Hopefully with the additional gold the banks will make the transition into a Democratic government more stable and profitable.
The Texas Rangers entered a new village in the North and they shared their maps with us. The southern Texas Rangers scouted out the other side of the penninsula that looks like it might broaden out into another continent. Maybe but too early to tell for sure.
The Armitages scout got lucky and found a tribe that wanted to join us as a new clan. We immediately settled the land the clan was found on and hope that when Farming is discovered in 2 turns then we will get some better food sources.
The two tribes are continuing to explore, not too many Huts around...
Farming being researched now so that may speed things up a bit...