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Russia and Australia Take on the World

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  • #91
    wel lthe units we built were t o use agaisnt the vikings, whilst you built few and benifited from our attacks...

    perhaps i see now how you repaed so much for so little outlay....

    hmmm next game i wil lbe wiser, but oh well i learn a littel each day...
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #92
      Was smarter for your armies to carry the fight as you had iron and I did not. The Vikings were distracted by the Russian horsmen long enough for you to get to Knights and Midieval Infantry to crush them with.

      Also do not forget that we have been trading science as well using my civilizations better science rating while your access to resources of iron carried the fight.

      If not exchangeing both techs, luxuries, and troops to fight we both would not be in such a good spot.

      Your conquested Viking cities only need to grow to above size 6 each and then you get extra free support units. That combined with a change in Government when we reach democracy will benefit us both.

      Also we have cornered the market on Furs it appears for me and on dyes it appears for you. Later after the others switch to Republics and Democracies these extra luxuries can be sold for high profits each 20 turns renegotiating the price higher for the others to have access.


      • #93
        this al laboive and beyond what i know,...

        i just usily build citys , expand ahve wars etc... never looked a tlong term goals of how to make moeny or stuff...

        oh turns sent ... we met everyone

        strange map in tha *** put the two humans on a island with one other civ, and surrounded by so much sea that galleys can not cross safely, never seen it before....
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #94
          For money marketplaces first then banks. Do not have the banking tech just yet but right around the corner. Build the marketplaces in your larger cities and I bet you can get to 5.5.0 instead of 3.7.0.
          You want to get the first number as high as you can for the science race.


          • #95
            i am on 3.3 ...... what it the last 0 for ??? i stil lnot got that figured out
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #96
              It goes first numer egualsthe science rate, second number is the tax rate, thrid number is the luxuries rate.

              All these are percentages that the commerce points are split in between for each city.


              • #97
                turns sent...

                Aussies not got much to do, being slaughtered by Vikings in east now. More Knights enroute.

                in the DyP more explroign being done..

                Now back to those numbers...

                So if my numbers are 3.4.3 ... howe do i adjust my tax rate...

                I see sliders for adjusting my science rate between 1 and 10 and a slider for adjusting my Lux from 1 to 10 .. does this mean i cna have 10.10.10

                jasut cant find the tax slider?????????
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #98
                  OK a litle more specfic/ The numbers 5.5.0 means 50% science and 50% taxes and 0% Luxuries.

                  Each city gathers all the commerce from it's worked tiles and then divides them up into this ratio. So commerce is actually used for three things that you set ahead of time for all your cities to spend.

                  Taxes are not a set rate but rather what ever is left over after you have decided to do research or to provide more luxuries for you citizens.

                  They all three combined alsways equal 100%. No more no less.

                  Balancing these three settings is one of the more intricate things in Civ.

                  Hope that helps you out in understanding what is happening??


                  • #99
                    Aftre turn 195 sent.

                    The Russians are enjoying the new found peace. We are building our infrasructure slowy and will soon have to lower our science rate some until the settlers can be moved off the main contentent.


                    The Texas Rangers discovered Warrior Code in a small village.

                    The Armitage clan finally found some fruit but is a long way away. Perhaps crops will grow close to the city.


                    • Originally posted by Awsric Armitage
                      OK a litle more specfic/ The numbers 5.5.0 means 50% science and 50% taxes and 0% Luxuries.

                      Each city gathers all the commerce from it's worked tiles and then divides them up into this ratio. So commerce is actually used for three things that you set ahead of time for all your cities to spend.

                      Taxes are not a set rate but rather what ever is left over after you have decided to do research or to provide more luxuries for you citizens.

                      They all three combined alsways equal 100%. No more no less.

                      Balancing these three settings is one of the more intricate things in Civ.

                      Hope that helps you out in understanding what is happening??
                      so how do i balance them if my sliders allow me to have 10 and 10 on both of them.

                      i know civ2 had 3 sliders that had to ad up to 100% but seems in civ3 you can have 200%
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • Nope. It is still the same as Civ 2 and Civ with the 100% for all ratings in the Domestic advisor or F1 key screen. Just click the top science slider bar to increase or decrease it accordingly. IIRC the luxuries slider stays locked at 0% until you manually increase it or decrease it by any amount. Any changes in either the science or the luxuries slider settings reduces your taxes first before the other slider. They still reamin at 100% total for all three sliders together.

                        I actual;y rarely use the luxuries slider at all unless I really need to in the late Ancient Era and early Middle Ages Era in order to switch to the Republic. Usually switching to the Republic as early as possible is a good idea. Unless you are involved in many early wars and need the higher troop maintenence and military police happiness from Monarchy which would be better for a wartime posture. Monarchy does not give you the extra commerce bonus that the Republic and Democracy do however so the troop maintenance costs are somtimes paid for just by the increased commerce output alone. Every tile producing a point of commerce under Monarchy or Despotism gets a bonus one point under the Republic and the maximum xcience settings allowed is increased to speed potential research growth.

                        Switching into the better science minded governments is another very complicated but exxentia part of becoming a better Civ player. Understanding when and how to prepare for the switches in government can be cery challenging as the game situations are very fluid and changing constantly. Typically the more advances forms of government limit your war time abilities with war weariness so you must plan your offesive war operations before declaring war in order to end the wars quickly and decisively.

                        More advice to come if you want it after the turns are returned or if you have more specific questions feel free to ask them while we are playing. As allies we are trying to help each other as much as possible inthis game situation anyways and I see no reason to change that asit is a gppd opportunity to ask questions that we can discuss as we play and show in-game examples to illustrate the finer points.

                        I do not mind and hopefully it will enable you to enjoy some of the more intricate points of the game rather than be confused or frustrated by them. Better to actually enjoy them I think.


                        • i guess that as good as it gets...

                          Aussies struggling to beat spearmen now in last remiaining viking city.. its almsot like they suddnely got very strong...

                          many aussue kive slost i nthis final battle...

                          Nothing else done as we cxant get off the island....
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • DYP

                            DyP ...

                            Both nations still exploring, no huts around, very slow as no settelrs .....
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • After turn 196 sent.

                              The Russian have switched there two largest cities over to producing wealth in order to keep money coming into the empire. Still with these two cities producing wealth the treasury is slowly being depleted turn after turn.

                              After scanning the empire several smaller cities that only support 1 or 2 units will soon grow into supporting more units for free when they reach size 7. This will make the drain disappear from the treasury when the cities grow and can better support their garrisons with out help from the Imperial treasury.

                              The Russians also have lined up three or four settlers to cross the ocean and settle the open areas left on the southern tip of the Persian's and Iroquois continent. The galleys that were heading north to reinforce the now almost extint Viking empire are heading back south to pick-up these settlers after converting themselves into Caravels after Navigation is discovered soon. That is if we can get enough gold saved by then to buy the ship upgrades.


                              The Texans are growing at a nice pace with a size 3 Austin beginning to build its first Clan after another defending Tribal Spearman. The 2 Texas Rangers continue to scour the countryside searching for new tribes and knowledge for the growing Texans.

                              The Armitage clan is slowly approaching Farming and will be able to grow faster after it is researched.


                              • turn 197 finally sent on ...

                                ausseis basically on hold, no plans nothing, we fianly destryoed the vikings...
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

