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Total Carbohydrate (Turn Tracking Thread)
turn 6 to Germans
this accelerated start seems to work ok, maybe giving even more units would be also good. I think what would be the optimum? 3 settlers would be too many or not? I played alpha centauri with 3 colony pods in the start - that was not too many. Also alpha centauri on the highest level of difficulty gives always 2 colony pods, so 3 is not too many rather.
more scouts and warriors and workers too?
Only issues with adding starting units is balancing with the number of human players vs AIs and the difficulty level settings. If giving all players AI and human the same set-up then this is not as much an issue as creating enough gold reserves to also pay the increased support maintenance costs until the additional units can be supported from the founding cities. Without the additional few gold in our case we all would have been backrupted soon due to maintenance costs so if adding more units make sure to balance the starting gold or the additional units will become more of a hinderance than a help.
That said, I do like starting the pbem games with more units as it gives the players more of feeling as if they are at least accomplishing something worth while on their first few turns. Especially with a larger and slower moving game as it may take a few weeks before things get rolling and some players may get discouraged and drop out due to boredom with the games pace.
All in all its a good addition if balanced with proper supporting gold reserves to balance the first 1500 to 2000 years until the players can get their initial cities up and running. Also a word of warning while we are still in the early stages consider what you build carefully as you already have some units and watch your maintenance costs closer than you would at first as compared to starting from scratch.
Looking forward to more player interaction as some might be getting close to discovering each other. With that said mart7x5 since its in-effect your hosting and others for that matter might want to lay down some ground rules for diplomatic contact and negotiations before we get into muddied waters. No meet me at coordinates x,y in 5 turns to facilite first contact or swapping screen-shot maps of locations before making diplomatic contact and that sort of stuff. Play fair by what would reasonably be available to your in-game situations and all should be well.
Looking forward to another turn soon. Thanks All.
Awsric ArmitageLast edited by Awsric Armitage; March 13, 2004, 14:19.
turn 7 to Germans