The 4 civs in our game ended up being the Inca (me), the Carthaginians (Wittlich), the Greeks and the Mayans. I had contact with the Greeks and the Mayans by about 3200BC and I think Wittlich and I ran into each other sometime around 2700BCish. No attacks took place, but I didn't proceed any further south with my Chasqui Scout so for most of the game, Wittlich's land was blind to me. I used the scout to keep tabs on where his warrior was wandering and followed it all the way to my own borders
At this point, I had a spearman in each town, but little else in the way of military. However, he didn't proceed any further and was content to keep the warrior stationed a few squares outside my borders until (I think), the Mayans started a war with him at which point he moved it back towards his land.
So, expansion continued along merrily in the Incan homeland. I had decided once I saw all the rivers to pursue an aggressive growth strategy early on, moderated by the omission of granaries. Unfortuneately, I didn't make it to the iron until the Greeks had already settled a city there (they beat me by two turns
) I ended up sending the settler intended for the iron south to found a city near the dyes. It was at this point that I decided to bulk up and prune the Greeks back. They had started slow, but were coming on strong and with the hoplite unit, it was better to do it quick. So, barracks were built in the majority of the core cities and mass horsemen were begun.
In the screenshot below, you can see three luxuries within my immediate borders (dyes, incense - under the spearman, and gems). Past the upper right corner there is also ivory and another iron off in the jungle to the right.

At this point, I had a spearman in each town, but little else in the way of military. However, he didn't proceed any further and was content to keep the warrior stationed a few squares outside my borders until (I think), the Mayans started a war with him at which point he moved it back towards his land.
So, expansion continued along merrily in the Incan homeland. I had decided once I saw all the rivers to pursue an aggressive growth strategy early on, moderated by the omission of granaries. Unfortuneately, I didn't make it to the iron until the Greeks had already settled a city there (they beat me by two turns

In the screenshot below, you can see three luxuries within my immediate borders (dyes, incense - under the spearman, and gems). Past the upper right corner there is also ivory and another iron off in the jungle to the right.