I decided to try playing expansionist because I've seen a lot of posts about it (negative ones). So I thought i'd give it a try. Because I am a dane, I played the vikings (off course
) and I found that it was quite easy to get more towns than the AI players (monarch difficulty), and having the scout, it was easy enough to keep up in science as well, because of goody huts). But that was pangea. Achipelago was a totally different story. I began at a small island (5 cities max), with another one neighboring (typo? plz correct my spelling) it (another 5 towns). And I couldn't get away from it, before I discovered astronomy. And when that happened, my competitors were so advanced, and so powerful, that even a berserk raid couldn't touch them. Razed a couple of coastal cities
and got a lot of slaves. I traded them for two techs...maybe that was a good strat?
Another try: arabs, I like the religious trait, and I wanted the expansionist trait as well (I know very well that the Iroqouis have the same traits, but: been there, done that etc. etc. ). I out expanded the AI players (large pangea, random climate), but fell hopelessly behind in the tech race, even though I found techs in the majority of the GH....
What am I doing wrong (plz don't say: quit playing expansionist

Another try: arabs, I like the religious trait, and I wanted the expansionist trait as well (I know very well that the Iroqouis have the same traits, but: been there, done that etc. etc. ). I out expanded the AI players (large pangea, random climate), but fell hopelessly behind in the tech race, even though I found techs in the majority of the GH....

What am I doing wrong (plz don't say: quit playing expansionist
