No matter how you put it, the explanation it's still unacceptable to me.
If they wanted to reflect unhapyness caused by switching rulers, they should have put it another motive, like "Babylonians, Go Home !", for example.
No way should they tell me they "Can not forget the cruel opression" or "Hell, no..." as long as for occupied people that should be the least of their concerns !
So, IMO, this is a flaw in the game.
If they wanted to reflect unhapyness caused by switching rulers, they should have put it another motive, like "Babylonians, Go Home !", for example.
No way should they tell me they "Can not forget the cruel opression" or "Hell, no..." as long as for occupied people that should be the least of their concerns !
So, IMO, this is a flaw in the game.