It looks to me from the screenshots that unlike SMAC building a city does not push the enemy border back. Once a tile is inside someone's cultural border it stays there until war changes the border. So one city could be almost entirely surrounded by another culture if it was founded later or did not build the culture expanding buildings as fast as its neighbour.
In a similar way to a normal new city I imagine a colony has a culture border of its own square so it will never become part of another cultures country. It could end up being entirely surrounded though, like West Berlin in the cold war days. Then the enemy could legally stick a unit on the connecting road inside its border and there would not be anything you could do about it except declare war.
I am looking forward to seeing if either of these scenarios become a problem in real games. I can certainly see difficulties with competing cities appearing close together where cultures meet since there is no ZoC to stop settlers pushing past where you want your borders to eventually be.
In a similar way to a normal new city I imagine a colony has a culture border of its own square so it will never become part of another cultures country. It could end up being entirely surrounded though, like West Berlin in the cold war days. Then the enemy could legally stick a unit on the connecting road inside its border and there would not be anything you could do about it except declare war.
I am looking forward to seeing if either of these scenarios become a problem in real games. I can certainly see difficulties with competing cities appearing close together where cultures meet since there is no ZoC to stop settlers pushing past where you want your borders to eventually be.