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Civ3: "Civer Edition"--How much would YOU pay?

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  • #61
    Hey, howcome that poll came and went so quickly?! I miss one evening of browsing these forums, and a brand new poll I've never seen before has been closed already!!

    Anyway, I wouldn't pay anything extra for a civer's edition. I want to see what the game's like, first - ToT was a desperate disappointment, so I don't want to buy a special bells-&-smells edition only to throw it away after a week or so! And if the civer's edition comes out at a later date, there's no way I'm going to throw good money away by buying the game all over again just to get a couple of pretty pictures, CD's and a cheap figurine, etc.!



    Every time you win, remember: "The first shall be last".
    Every time you lose, remember: "The last shall be first".


    • #62

      Originally posted by Ilkuul on 05-03-2001 03:59 PM
      Hey, howcome that poll came and went so quickly?! I miss one evening of browsing these forums, and a brand new poll I've never seen before has been closed already!!

      What poll????
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #63
        Go back and read the post. This poll was back in March of 2000. One year and 2 months ago.



        • #64
          70 bucks? I can a get a cheap h ...

          anyhow -- I'll never pay more 50 bucks for any game, Civ III or not. I can be patient.


          • #65
            I would pay whatever. It is no big deal to me.



            • #66
              Hrmm... Don't get me wrong, I love the Civ series, in fact, it is one of the few games that has passed the test of time for me (sorry, I couln't resist). But I would be weary of paying more for a game that had "extas" that I already own or a figurine that would only cluter further my already small, yet quite busy apartment.

              If they released both at the same time, I would have no objections (yes, that is big of me, har har) but I can honestly say I would spend my money on the the less expensive, yet just as playable version.


              • #67
                id payed 80 and idealy have a
                Civ 1
                Civ 2 -complete (includes all exp. packs)
                Alpha Centauri -complete
                the tech tree for each game
                a gaming guide for all the games


                • #68

                  Originally posted by ancient on 05-05-2001 05:10 PM
                  id payed 80 and idealy have a
                  Civ 1
                  Civ 2 -complete (includes all exp. packs)
                  Alpha Centauri -complete
                  the tech tree for each game
                  a gaming guide for all the games

                  Above configuration is really extremely unlikely. Besides the fact that it is Microprose (not Firaxis) that own the rights for Civ-1/Civ-2, why on earth should they add so much old stuff?? And "gaming guide for all games" - my God, how much does that weigh? Ever heard of transport- and storage-fees? Yes, it can all be in PDF-format, but is it really worth the expenses? I think not.

                  I say; let them concentrate on Civ-3 stuff only for crying out load. Compare with "Ultimate Civilization II collectors edition" - that package included Civ-2 related stuff only. So judging from the past, it really seems most likely that any future (at least 2 years from now) "Civers edition" will also contain Civ-3 related stuff only, doesnt it?


                  • #69
                    it would all be usefull though. id buy because the only one of those i have is civ 2 and not even the gold edition or the expansion pack..


                    • #70
                      I'm going to buy whichever version is sitting on the store shelf in week 1 of the UK release. If the two choices were sitting side by side on the shelf then I might well buy the special edition if it had the full Civ II/Fantastic Worlds/ToT/T-Shirt bundle just because CD's get scratched so another backup is welcome. The chances of me actually playing Civ II again if Civ III lives up to even half of our expectations is slim.
                      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.

