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Civ3: "Civer Edition"--How much would YOU pay?

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  • #16
    If I see a demo or the actual game and can tell that the game meets the Civ III expectations, then I would probably be willing to pay close to $70 for it plus the 'extras'.

    Maybe we could see a separate forum on what items people would like to see in these 'extras', and then vote on them, similar to the new ideas and fixes for Civ III a few months back.

    WWAAZZAAAAAAAAAAPP!!!! (back at ya sammyboy7)


    • #17
      I would expect a map of the world to be in the normal Civ3 packet. About the historic proposals, buy yourself a good history book/atlas and you've got something much better. About that Sid/Jeff letter: they're just humans, you know, not gods. Not worth the money.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        I want to see it include a bad ass *POSTER*! Did anyone here ever buy Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 3? Inside was a big fold out poster that was the best game art EVER.

        I mean it just ruled this poster was that good. I haven't played the game in 7 years, but still have the poster on my wall. One one side is a map of China, and on the other is a kind of "box art" montage of some of the more memorable characters, in striking poses, in the game.

        How about it Firaxis? I can't imagine a "gamers pack" without a collectible poster!?!?


        • #19
          How about this:

          Thay could put all the games, the music, and what ever extras they could come up with on a single DVD disk, and then put a real tacky interface on it to start up your favorite version of the game, view the editors notes, watch the How-They-Did-It movie or what ever...


          • #20
            The point of a thank-you letter isn't that they are Gods but that it 1) Gives them a chance to thank fans and 2) Becomes part of a collectible package. However, if all these things are donely cheaply (as with UIX), then it backfires.
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #21
              thanx, bill3000
              btw ( ) *picks up phone* havin a bud, watchin the game. wait... wat game are you watchin, gearyman?


              • #22
                I think a map of the world would be definitely necessary in the originial package, but this kind of expansion should include maybe a map of all five continents, a few scenarios for all of them and why not some mod packs (BTW, I think civ3 should allow more easy use of MOD packs). I think for an expansion, I'll probably won't go over 35-40$.
                [This message has been edited by general_charles (edited April 24, 2000).]
                -- Capitalism slaughterer --


                • #23

                  What would I want to see inside it?:[list][*]A game CD with a cool map of the world on it.[*]Civ1 and 2 on a special "Civ Collector's" CD, with the original manuals in .pdf format (only if some deal could be struck with Microprose, of course).[*]A cloth map of the world (or a great fold-out with cool historical facts and a timeline on the back).

                  Instead of a cloth world map, I think a cloth Tech tree and units roster is better (and more useful). I always play on random maps anyway. :-)

                  Webmaster of Civilization Fanatics' Center @ Strategy Gaming Online
                  [This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited April 25, 2000).]
                  Civilization Fanatics' Center


                  • #24
                    Yeah, love the idea and I would pay $70 for it. Specially like the idea of the pewter figures. I would also like more info, in the form of a booklet, on the Wonders. Ok, some are well known, but the war academy was new to me.
                    Also a decent theme pack that actually worked and didn't crash the computer would be a pleasant bonus...


                    • #25
                      I want to buy things that are useful to me. I can't think of any good use for a pewter figurine for a computer game. I won't give a dime, on the contrary, I'd be annoyed about the stupidity.
                      Bye, Dirk
                      "Dirks and Daggers."
                      Bye, Dirk
                      "Dirks and Daggers"


                      • #26
                        Just the thing I need... how nice.


                        • #27
                          The number one consideration is that it would have to be available at the same time the standard version is released. It ****s me up the wall when companies do stuff like this 6 months later, after all the die-hard fans have bought it in the first few weeks. This happens all the time with CDs as a marketing ploy, rather than giving extras to the real fans.

                          I'd be willing to pay extra for some goodies, but I want to be able to do it when I originally buy Civ3. Otherwise frustration is bound to insue!

                          - MKL
                          - mkl


                          • #28
                            If they were smart they would issue a deluxe version 1 week before the standard one,get the retailers some cash and get the hardcore people the best product.Since Hasbro is the parent company it would more likely include a rare collectible card,like their Pokemon product. I would certainly pay high dollar for a kewl version of the game, up to $100


                            • #29
                              Thank the fans they can (have to) also do in the Credits.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #30
                                A note to Civ 3 game makers,

                                Make a great game but don't charge too much for it. I am not a thief but I know many who are. If you charge to much for it people will just burn it. If you charge a reasonable price then people will pay for it. Possibly have a CD key to play online (such as half life does for counterstrike-Sierra game). I have my university marketing degree so if you are looking to hire marketers for this game (or any others) feel free to email me at

                                Looking forward to the game, Eagle Scream.

                                PS: In my humble opinion I suggest having the combat options as you have in Master of Orion 2 in the game please.

