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Dear god, the auto workers are coming!

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  • #76

    Originally posted by raingoon on 04-10-2001 06:20 PM
    First, the question: "CTP's Public Works, good?"

    Skewed. In polling responses, people tend to agree rather than disagree, thereby avoiding psychological conflict.
    psychological conflict when voting in a poll on an internet site from the privacy of your computer?? come on....


    Secondly, this poll only offers us a choice between PW and the total absence of PW.
    and what would be a second "no" option?

    bottom line: i dont try to have an equal number of positive and negative options to vote for. i try to put all the popular opinions on the subject. it is then up to the people to vote whatever they wish
    [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited April 10, 2001).]


    • #77

      psychological conflict when voting in a poll on an internet site from the privace of their computer?? come on....

      I think it is clear I'm talking about uncounscious impulses. The "conflict" I'm talking about a voter experieincing is obviously not more than would be appropriate for the context you describe, yet no less than is required to skew your result. Which is what happened.


      and what would be a second "no" option?


      [This message has been edited by raingoon (edited April 10, 2001).]


      • #78
        Marg G, now the NEW PW vs. Settle poll is PERFECT!


        • #79
          Uh, sorry. I mean Mark.


          • #80
            (Im Italian so, please, forgive my poor english...)
            Hi everyone!
            Ah, you must be joking...You really have so many time to waste for micromanage an EMPIRE?! Well, i havent. Scientific research, diplomatic accords, military manouvers, politic reforms, trace trade routes, converting peoples to my religion (CTP2)... and you else want to allocate and employ every single citizien of all your cities? Uhm, im a Leader: someone else (mayors) think that for me I have other problems to resolve! If i really want to waste my time with capillar city micromanagement, i play with Sim City 3000...

            Pw is the better choice, Why? Because is realistic! Every cities has a pubblic fund for manage the pubblic works. "Ordinary" people can make the settler, in one turn (ex. 50 years) can cultivate only one square (ehm). With PW, and fund for finance the works, i can cultivate even 3-4, in the real life, how many km. of terrain i should can work in 50y?

            If i want to build a single trait of road (destroyed by a barbaric horde), i really have to take a unit of citiziens, wait tot. turn for the making of the unit, and finally pay tot. of shields? FOR A PIECE OF ROAD?? NO WAY! Why? Because isn't realistic!



            • #81
              Hey, craftsmoon guy. How can you say public works is more realistic? I don't know how roads, farms, and mines appear in Italy but I know here in the US it's real workers who create roads, farms, and mines.
              However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


              • #82
                You tell him, Techwins!

                By the way, I'm just north of you, up in Snobsdale ... I mean, Scottsdale.


                • #83
                  well, maybe here in America you guys lack of immagination... because seem that if you dont see, you don't believe! well, and realy you should make a graphic unit for an activity one-turn long? Ah, my God! and the little materials that appears when you first click into the "empty" square? What do you think, that is a some sort of "pollution" or what? Ehm, please...
                  Pw, dear Sid, pw... is since my first civ-play on the Amiga 500 that i pray for one brilliant solution like this!


                  • #84

                    Originally posted by raingoon on 04-10-2001 07:16 PM

                    and what would be a second "no" option?
                    that's already included in the "no" option.


                    • #85

                      Originally posted by raingoon on 04-10-2001 09:33 PM
                      the NEW PW vs. Settle poll is PERFECT!

                      perhaps in the future i should get your advice in case i subconsciously put subconscious pressure to people who vote...


                      • #86
                        Let's be honest, you won't get advice in the future, you'll just get steadily harrassed by random posters you've never heard before such as myself till our needs (I have needs too) are placated. Damn, that sucks for your email. Sorry.

                        PS try not to drown in the sarcasm

                        PPS Thanks again for the poll


                        • #87
                          Craftmason -- I want to thank you for your wise insight, mostly because I agree with it.
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                          • #88
                            Oh, and one other thing -- I can see possible crises across the nation if we continue with Workers for tile improvement.

                            1) Divorce rates increase to 100% of all marriages, due to husbands and wives who are complaining, "You spend more time micromanaging those Workers in that worthless game than with me!"

                            2) The FBI might get suspicious of thousands of players micromanaging Workers, as they may investigate to assure themselves that we're not sending out orders to actual militia extremists.

                            3) More babies will die of malnutrition as mothers and fathers become obsessed with micromanaging dozens of Workers to improve tiles.

                            4) The federal government may want to implement the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on these Workers for this software game. They would not want openly gay Workers represented in Civilization III.

                            5) and . . . . I can't think of any other possible crisis due to this grave mistake.
                            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                            • #89

                              (Mark G said) and what would be a second "no" option?

                              (raingoon) Settlers.
                              (Mark G) that's already included in the "no" option.

                              that's why your first poll was bogus. Actually, you're right -- in your first poll settlers were indicated in the word "no." In your new poll settlers are indicated in the word "settlers," which at least in my case is the word I most often associate with actual settlers...

                              [This message has been edited by raingoon (edited April 11, 2001).]


                              • #90
                                Managing the workers in civ 3 will be no different than it was in civ 2, etc. except that the AI for auto-workers will be improoved (and more options available for how the AI will manage them). If you liked the CTP way of doing it, then play CTP. This is Civ 3, this is the way it is, DEAL WITH IT.
                                I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.

