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Dear god, the auto workers are coming!

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  • #46
    conner, that was such a good idea that I incorporated it into my own post, sorry, failed to give credit where it is due. Will do so now.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • #47
      Pardon muwah, but I suggested queues before connor did, give credit where credit is due pulllleezzz


      • #48
        CHRISSHAFFER QUOTE: "I'm perfectly happy to build my empire with my own workers."

        Me too (I presume you mean your own units). Units give that "attention to logistics and planning" feel that PW didn't have. I don't care for the "roads falling out of the sky" syndrome either.


        • #49

          Pardon muwah, but I suggested queues before connor did, give credit where credit is due pulllleezzz

          Sorry then Par4, i hadn't ever seen that suggestion before. If that idea is put into the game, you can have the credit
          "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


          • #50
            Civnet had a feature where you could command a settler to connect 2 cities with a highway, but it didn't work. If it was there back then, I don't see why it couldn't be made to work now.

            When I first started playing AC (I refuse to call it smac), I felt like sending a thank you note to Firaxis on the spot when I saw the city build queue. (if there's one AC feature that HAS to make it...) I would also love there to be a settler, xcuse me, a worker improvement queue. I almost always know what I want my engineers to be doing next, and next, and next.

            I'm not worried about the worker hordes. I LOVE worker hordes.

            I wonder if I can get them to build a great inland waterway like the one to Tol Honeth, or the St Lawrence seaway.
            Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

            I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
            ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


            • #51
              Oh, and MarkG, it looks like you have a topic for your next poll.
              Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

              I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
              ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


              • #52
                Well, here's an idea nobody will like. How about both workers and PW? A worker represents the labor and PW represents the materials, you guessed it, resources.

                Basicly, when you instruct a worker to build a mine, road, or railroad, PW's are expended.
                [This message has been edited by Lancer (edited April 09, 2001).]
                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • #53
                  I don't get it. Firaxis announce no public works, worker unit system instead, and everybody rejoices like it's the greatest idea under the sun!! After CTP, I thought there was a general agreement that Public Works were the to go to implement that part of the game!! Obviously not. Either that, or everyone is just kissing Firaxis' butt!

                  Good idea for the next poll Father. Should be an interesting result!
                  If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                  • #54
                    we already had a pw poll in the past...

                    CTP's Public Works, good?
                    Yes 171 / 35%
                    Yes, but could be better 140 / 28%
                    No 92 / 18%
                    For certain tasks... 67 / 13%
                    No opinion 16 / 3%


                    • #55
                      Personally I feel that the reason that PW can be superior is because it is much simpler to write an effective AI for distributing PW than it is to write one that directs units to do tile improvements. I see this as an issue that is important whether the player wants to micro-manage his tile improvements with settlers or not, since in either case the strength and effectiveness of your AI opponents is partially dependant on THEM having the ability to effectively build tile improvements.
                      My bottom line is if the former/worker units in CIV3 are going to be only a small step up from the AI that ran them in SMAC it means inferior opponents and a less satisfying game. (I hate playing a game against civs that are no challenge, this isn't sim city afterall) and if you think this isn't the case, how often in SMAC or even civ2 did you have to move in a herd of settlers/formers to clean up the tile improvements around a recently conquered civ just to get the cities up to their full potential?


                      • #56
                        Isn't the debate over public works been put to rest yet by the announced Firaxis decisions? Any reworking of the terrain upgrade system from settler/workers to public works would require a total reworking of code by firaxis as it would have to be a very early decision in forming the AI and playbalancing. Such a reworking would take months, pushing CivIII back till at least Christmas 2002 at the earliest, not 2001 (if we're lucky). I'd rather have a new Civ game with the tried and true mechanics of worker units (its what SMAC had without the worker pop cost) that might not be the most efficient, but at least it'll get me a Civ game before I have to file another tax return.


                        • #57
                          sorry, repost.

                          [This message has been edited by shuttleswo (edited April 09, 2001).]


                          • #58

                            Originally posted by Chronus on 04-09-2001 12:03 PM
                            Hi MarkG,

                            I find that poll rather skewed.

                            First, I presume it was conducted in the CTP/CTP2 forums (but please forgive me if I'm wrong)


                            i forgive you


                            Consequently, you have only one sure-fire vote option against PW.
                            what does this have to do with the results? if the people voting in the poll were anti-pw they would vote for "no"

                            in the very end, when a 35% clearly says "yes", is that because it was fooled by the poll options??????


                            • #59

                              Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-09-2001 02:03 PM
                              Isn't the debate over public works been put to rest yet by the announced Firaxis decisions
                              the fact that a decision has been made and announced doesnt mean that we cant discuss about it

                              consider such a discussion to be in the "general" part of the forum and not on the "suggestions" one


                              • #60
                                35% "yes" isn't exactly a stunning majority.

                                Also, a vote for "CtP Public Works are good" doesn't equal a vote for "SMAC Terraformers are bad."

                                And, finally, Firaxis is developing the game (fortunately). Popularity contests don't determine everything. If they did, Civ3 would be one big warmongers fest with very little to appeal to those of us that are builders.

