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Your favorite modifications

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  • #31
    Having "all terrain as roads", ships will then move three spaces for each movement point on any "terrain" (coast, sea, ocean) and ignore the move costs I have associated with those terrains (coast = 1, sea = 2, ocean = 3 ). The result is a rather sudden leap in naval movement ability once Combustion is researched. Much closer to "reality" for my money.

    For example, my Iron Clads have a movement of 8 (double the vanilla rate), but they pay three to move through ocean. My destroyer has the default move of 5, but this equates to 15 tiles for "all terrain as roads".
    "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
    "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
    "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


    • #32
      All I use is Sn00py's graphic mod.
      I'm going to rub some stakes on my face and pour beer on my chest while I listen Guns'nRoses welcome to the jungle and watch porno. Lesbian porno.
      Supercitzen Pekka


      • #33
        Originally posted by Stuie
        My "favorite" changes... I've made quite a few, but to keep it short:

        No exchanging maps until Astronomy, no exchanging
        communications until Navigation.
        I see what you are trying do, but this mod also would stop these from being exchanged with civs on your own continent

        Changed move costs: Sea = 2, Ocean = 3 and no "wheeled" units.Flagged Galleys as "wheeled".
        No wheeled land units? Respectfully disagree with this Idea.

        Doubled the movement points for ALL ships up through Iron Clad.Flagged every ship above Iron Clad to treat all terrain as roads.
        This idea has merit...Will implement this change to my mod ASAP.

        Note that I usually play on a 170x170 map.
        Play on 180X180 myself
        * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
        * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
        * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
        * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Mad Bomber
          No wheeled land units? Respectfully disagree with this Idea.
          No, no, no. I meant the movement cost for ocean = 3, and no wheeled units are allowed in ocean tiles. Then I flagged galleys as wheeled so they can no longer cross oceans. Thus, the age of exploration actually occurs much later in my games (mid-Middle Ages). Like I said, map trading comes later (Astronomy) and communications trading come with Navigation. I like keeping most of the world in the dark longer; it really gives a better feeling to the game in my opinion. I thought it was silly that the whole world would be revealed in the late BCs; now that revelation is delayed until much later. As for my own continent, usually there's enough wandering around that everyone gets to know each other soon enough.

          I actually added the wheeled flag to more land units (tanks, MA, MI, RA) so that infantry units would continue to play a role late into the game in un-roaded jungles and mountains and deserts.
          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


          • #35
            What I'd like to know from everyone who has posted a response is : Do you feel your mods are necessary to balance gameplay or do they just make the game more fun for you?

            To me, the game isn't fun unless it is balanced. Personally, I have limited time to play Civ3 so I don't have time to test and consider the effect of various editor settings on gameplay. I paid $45 for my copy of Civ3 and I'd like to think that Firaxis, if it is a responsible company, has already ensured that gameplay is balanced.

            I'm very interested in this thread and I will try playing with modifications that are made by those of you who feel they are balancing gameplay.


            • #36
              I make mods to be balanced and fun.

              Also try to make them as much conservative as possibile to keep original flavor.


              • #37
                I replaced all buildings that increase production with buildings that are required for the Space Race Victory. The reason for this is that the AI industrialized that badly, that I could always outproduce em in the later stages of the game.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by AIL
                  I replaced all buildings that increase production with buildings that are required for the Space Race Victory. The reason for this is that the AI industrialized that badly, that I could always outproduce em in the later stages of the game.

                  Could you elaborate more, i'm not sure I understand what you are saying but it sounds like an interesting mod
                  * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                  * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                  * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                  * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Feephi
                    What I'd like to know from everyone who has posted a response is : Do you feel your mods are necessary to balance gameplay or do they just make the game more fun for you?
                    The game works quite well IMHO and many people will never touch the editor. If you find yourself saying "I don't think it should be like that" then you can usually do something about it with the editor but be warned it can get addictive to try mods.
                    Never give an AI an even break.

