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Civ3 site is here!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #76

    Originally posted by JosefGiven on 01-13-2001 05:21 PM

    Surely it would be as easy as breathing (or there abouts) to implement this facility in the final game. At last, a chance to play in red...

    I'm not really concerned about that. They surely will continue with the Civilization tradition, so there will be a color for each civ (the Romans are white, the Spanish are yellow, etc). No need to play in blue again and again, that was an Age of Empires mistake. Firaxis won't do the same, I believe.
    "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
    - Spiro T. Agnew


    • #77
      Fiera, I'm sorry you feel this way. Didn't you get cheesed of playing solely in white, in all your single-player games of Civ II?

      A change is as good as a rest, as they say. Surely Firaxis could include a very simple 'customisable colours' option, which traditionalists like your good self could switch off?

      Anyway, back to the original topic of the new(ish) official Civ III site:

      Great site, layout, unit pics etc....

      isn't it about time for an update though?

      Josef Given

      [This message has been edited by JosefGiven (edited January 14, 2001).]
      A fact, spinning alone through infospace. Without help, it could be lost forever, because only THIS can turn it into a News.


      • #78
        1st- Well, yes I forgot about the ctp animations -when it was released, it endured only for a week on my harddisk- , it should be something like that...

        2nd- It is funny indeed that we are trying to squeeze meaning out of the tiny bits Firaxis throws at us, but they must be aware of the obsessed civ community out there, and post whatever info. they do with that in mind. pathetic, maybe...
        'We note that your primitive civil-^
        ization has not even discovered^
        $RPLC1. Do you care^
        to exchange knowledge with us?'^
        _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
        _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


        • #79

          Originally posted by JosefGiven on 01-14-2001 07:22 AM
          Fiera, I'm sorry you feel this way. Didn't you get cheesed of playing solely in white, in all your single-player games of Civ II?

          No, in fact I always played in yellow, as the Spanish.


          A change is as good as a rest, as they say. Surely Firaxis could include a very simple 'customisable colours' option, which traditionalists like your good self could switch off?

          Agreed. But you could easily mod the cities.gif file in Civ2, at least in FW, so that the whites could be made brown, if you wanted to. I believe that ability will be somewhere in CIv3.

          [This message has been edited by Fiera (edited January 14, 2001).]
          "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
          - Spiro T. Agnew


          • #80

