go play a bummer game? this game is too good for you? that is maybe the worst arguement I've ever seen
How can you say what different people will be able to do? some people probably can't even figure out how to turn on hte custom rules. So are you basically saying that if someone gave you a game that was completely imbalanced (not saying Civ 3 is so nobody claim that I am) and not at all to your liking that you would love it as long as you could modify it to the point of it being good? even if all this editing took you hours? or days? and what about all the trail and error?
Honestly I think that customization should be a bonus that's added after not used as an excuse for the fact that the game has certain obvious problems, some of which most everyone changes. Yeah you can customize the game to a point, but you can't make civs split into cival wars like Civ 2 or use trade caravans, or do a bunch of other things that made the previous civ games what they were. If you really want a game to be able to be customized however you like then make one of you own. I personally like the game but I can't deny the fact that it's pretty obvious they took out alot of cool old features from the old game even though most people liked them, some can be recreated in the editor, others can't be (atleast without som coding experiance).

How can you say what different people will be able to do? some people probably can't even figure out how to turn on hte custom rules. So are you basically saying that if someone gave you a game that was completely imbalanced (not saying Civ 3 is so nobody claim that I am) and not at all to your liking that you would love it as long as you could modify it to the point of it being good? even if all this editing took you hours? or days? and what about all the trail and error?
Honestly I think that customization should be a bonus that's added after not used as an excuse for the fact that the game has certain obvious problems, some of which most everyone changes. Yeah you can customize the game to a point, but you can't make civs split into cival wars like Civ 2 or use trade caravans, or do a bunch of other things that made the previous civ games what they were. If you really want a game to be able to be customized however you like then make one of you own. I personally like the game but I can't deny the fact that it's pretty obvious they took out alot of cool old features from the old game even though most people liked them, some can be recreated in the editor, others can't be (atleast without som coding experiance).