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a personal view as to why civ3 doest cut it.

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  • #16
    You make good points, especially on the 'flare' part.

    There just seems to be 'something' fundamental lacking from Civ 3 that would make it a perfect game. Civ 2 was edging on that. Civ 3 is a very vanilla game. But it's one of the better vanillas you'll ever find. Despite this, Civ 3 is my most played game to date, maybe a bit behind Panzer General.


    • #17
      Jag, easy tiger, whats your problem?

      i dont know where this idea that i dont like options came from. sure throw as many in as you want, but being able to turn something off is not a substitute for solid, well implemented ideas. how is this contraversial?

      von, i do edit my games to a certain extent before i play, but i do think thats missing the point. sure, some of the the stuff that i had a problem with can be played around with with in the editor, but i cant resolve the fundemental flaws of the game (and yes i know this is highly subjective, but i never said otherwise). having a good editor is great but it doesnt get the developers off the hook.

      anyway, this has probably run its course. it was good to hear your thoughts!

      ps. jag, youre critique of my spelling is really lame; its not good english to litter your posts with smiley faces and i dont really think that a bunch of people who spend all day in a PC gaming forum are in a good position to challenge each other's intellectual credentials. if this was a English Writing forum maybe....


      • #18
        I was talkin about editing things in the editor not turning off an option in the options screen, not everything can be controlled through the options menu (that's why I said editor in my post).

        Also those people with english as a 2nd language aren't any of my concern, there are plenty of german and other countries sites out their for them to go to. Most speak english well enough to understand what most people say anyway, and most of the ones who don't, don't speak english well enough for us to understand them anyway.


        • #19
          Indeed, three things, even after all the patches, are lacking from Civ III:

          The Flare.

          That certain "je ne sais quois".

          An edge.

          That said, I still play it a lot.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Be Quicker
            Indeed, three things, even after all the patches, are lacking from Civ III:

            The Flare.

            That certain "je ne sais quois".

            An edge.

            That said, I still play it a lot.
            My sentiment exactly.


            • #21
              Civ 3 is still fun and still probably the best game currently on the market that's come out in the last few years. Most people here have played Civ 2 and SMAC to death and need something new, right now I don't know anything in the genre better then Civ3.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Cidifer
                ...right now I don't know anything in the genre better then Civ3.
                Modded CTP2 comes to mind - Link up here for a surprising insight...
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                • #23
                  Originally posted by benjy
                  i dont know where this idea that i dont like options came from. sure throw as many in as you want, but being able to turn something off is not a substitute for solid, well implemented ideas. how is this contraversial?
                  I completely agree with you in the case of say, culture flipping. The Culture flips could be better done. However, in the case of civ-specific traits and units, which you didn't like, you said
                  ruby - yes youre right i could turn off the features i dont like. but personally i expect a higher standard than "oh dont worry you can switch off the bits that make your of civ3 exeperience mediocre"!
                  And I questioned it because, well, what would you suggest? You can either play with inherent civ abilities from the beginning, or without them. I don't see what else you're asking for.
                  "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                  Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                  • #24
                    Do you guys view civ3 as a sequal to civ2 or a natural progression from Alpha Centauri?
                    The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


                    • #25
                      Sequel. SMAC does not even come to mind.


                      • #26
                        Its not a sequel. SMAC was the sequel to Civ in that it takes the story of mankind from earth to space colonialization.

                        Civ3 is a remake of Civ2. The AI is better and there were lots of minor improvements but overall and IMHO, its is not in the same class as Civ2 or SMAC.

                        Civ3 is definitely dumbed down, though there are some subtleties in Civ3 they are more accidental than designed.

                        SMAC still sets the standard for me, though I have not played CTP2.


                        • #27
                          I doubt any one cares about your opion, but the question was not was it a remake of Civ2. I do not normally say that but when you open thread after thread to say the same thing it get tedious. If you made your point and let it go, I could respect that.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Be Quicker
                            Indeed, three things, even after all the patches, are lacking from Civ III:

                            The Flare.

                            That certain "je ne sais quois".

                            An edge.

                            That said, I still play it a lot.

                            My 2 cents as well: As good as Civ 3 is (and it is!) some of the great gems from Civ 2 are really missed. Why did Philosophy stop granting the first Civ a free pick? I always like that - and Leonardo's worksop video, it had cool music!
                            A penny saved today is a penny spent tomorrow. - MFDII


                            • #29
                              SMAC is certainly more accomplished in many areas, which is surprising considering its the 1st attempt at an off world civ (although I believe that SMAC is the sequel to civ2 and Civ3 to smac - same designers same game mechanics).
                              The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


                              • #30
                                Go play another game. Do not change anything, because you can not with the other game.

                                In Civ III, one can modify the game to one's content!

                                The game is just too good for you. Play a bummer game, because you simply love bummer games.

                                Those traits can be unchecked in the editor, takes a few minutes, and no Civ has any traits with it.

                                Go play a bummer game, and leave the real computer games, which there is only a few, to the real gamers out there. Civ is too good for you.

                                After 12-13 years this game has been out, with people doing all sorts of things to it, even changing the text files and anything else, exactly where do you buy a game where anyone can change the entire game around?

                                Nowhere, not even MOO III is as customizable as Civ III.
                                The game is too good for you.

                                I think you want the modern age through the entire game. Life was slower, and the game reflects that.
                                If you are bored then, maybe you should check your pulse.
                                I just downed the yellow in the graphics by taking off some of the yellow with red and green gamma for the terrain.

                                The only problem some may have is making units with the movement files, like the fli files, since one I looked at was 120 frames long. It was a Leader file.
                                I think it used AutoDesk, so that is an expensive program. That may be the only problem some will have with the game.
                                When you can edit the text files, edit the Civilopedia entries, add Government types, take off all the traits, change just about anything around one wants too,
                                What I do find, is that people have gotten lazier with the game. May be a lack of time, perhaps, like me, but stick around, I am sure someone out there, will make scenarios, and shorter games, perhaps, with the same type of editor that Civ II came out with only 2 years later, instead of just in one year.
                                I think perhaps, you have the lazy complaint, perhaps, due to something else happening in your life.
                                I have never encountered a game that offers so much, complete customization for the player.

                                Some people explore its possiblities, not the other way around.

                                One is even lucky that the game came out again.

