Civ3 is addictive. Firaxis' designers know it. They should put a disclaimer and develop mechanisms for players to control this addiction (e.g. timer where a player sets how long he/she wants to play ahead of time, and after which the player cannot extend the game for extra turns/time).
Tobbaco companies got sued because in the past they knew that cigarettes were addictive but did not inform the public about it. Civ3 publishers should have a big disclaimer that civ is addictive and can "ruin" a person's life! I even contend that Feraxis should ask for informed consent to allow players to play for extended periods of time (e.g. players can set the game to play for more than 2 hours at a time provided they agree to a screen message that the game is addictive and sending Feraxis an automated email about their consent to play the game for more than 2 hours at a time).
Let's write ideas in this forum about how Feraxis can improve the game by making it less addictive or how Feraxis can give people mechanisms to control their addiction and the amount of time they play!
I like the game so much it is ruining my life!
Tobbaco companies got sued because in the past they knew that cigarettes were addictive but did not inform the public about it. Civ3 publishers should have a big disclaimer that civ is addictive and can "ruin" a person's life! I even contend that Feraxis should ask for informed consent to allow players to play for extended periods of time (e.g. players can set the game to play for more than 2 hours at a time provided they agree to a screen message that the game is addictive and sending Feraxis an automated email about their consent to play the game for more than 2 hours at a time).
Let's write ideas in this forum about how Feraxis can improve the game by making it less addictive or how Feraxis can give people mechanisms to control their addiction and the amount of time they play!
I like the game so much it is ruining my life!