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Global Warming Question

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  • #46
    Global Global Warming?

    Originally posted by Zachriel
    I would be more than willing to admit error in my previous post, but I would need more proof.

    Originally posted by WarpStorm

    Global warming in Civ3 is caused by all civs not just yours.
    Is Global Warming truly global? To test this hypothesis, I took a game at 2049 AD, a game entering the Age of Future Techs. The Sun was yellow indicating some Global Warming. I abandoned every metropolis (population over 12). I deleted every pollution-causing improvement in my sole remaining city. Still Global Warming. I hit end-turn to make sure. Still Global Warming!

    So yes, Global Warming is global. I stand corrected.


    • #47
      Zach, while I do believe that global warming is caused by all civs,* I doubt very much that your test as described would be valid. The affects of your sacrifice would not be seen for a few (or several) turns.

      *Having AI civs also being effected by pollution is SUCH an improvement over civ2. I basically stopped playing civ2 because the AI would never get a polluted square.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Jaybe
        Zach, while I do believe that global warming is caused by all civs,* I doubt very much that your test as described would be valid. The affects of your sacrifice would not be seen for a few (or several) turns.
        You are indicating a "flywheel effect." I ran the experiment for 2-3 turns. I might try running the experiment again when I have time.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Jaybe
          Zach, while I do believe that global warming is caused by all civs,* I doubt very much that your test as described would be valid. The affects of your sacrifice would not be seen for a few (or several) turns.
          Well I'm not sure about Zach's test, but I can assure you that using nukes affects the Global Warming Indicator the VERY next turn. My current game is proof of that.


          • #50
            Originally posted by vmxa1

            My experience is that players can not avoid warming regardless of what they do, unless they keep the pop below thresholds.
            Two methods to deal with the socialistic "politically correct" concept of "Global Warming". {Scientists agree desertification is occuring at a higher rate, but convincing scientific data for hypothesis of 'Global Warming' is still missing as our data pools are too small and time frames are too large. Unless you use the Ice Age as the baseline norm, then we are definitely warming.}

            Ok, ok, back to the game:

            A- default rules

            • Never build coal plants.
            • Keep city population below 20.
            • Don't cover every tile in your empire with a city tile.
            • Plant some forests.
            • Don't mine every tile.
            • Conquer bad civs who use coal plants, etc.
            • When you conquer a civ leave open space in new land. It is messed up with corruption anyway, so if no resources you are not really losing anything except score points based on land under control.
            • Conquer other civs before nukes are available.

            B- edited rules
            Go into the editor and change the effect of each terrain type for warming to none.



            • #51
              I think you just proved my case. Anyway the civs have those nasty little yellow dots on the advisor screen soooo early.


              • #52
                Guess I did, but only for Option A, not option B.

                Here's an interesting thought-- will Manhattan as a SW tend to increase or decrease use of nukes and resultant desertificadtion?

                -- PF


                • #53
                  In single player, I would think reduce it at levels below emp/deity. I say that as the closer you are to Chief the less likely they will ever get it built. If MOnarch or higher and conquest or even dominate only then maybe they can get it. Just a guess.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vmxa1
                    I think you just proved my case. Anyway the civs have those nasty little yellow dots on the advisor screen soooo early.

                    Oh, that was a good one!
                    Referring to the F4 embassy indicators ...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by planetfall

                      Plant some forests.

                      I think it's been established that planting forests has no effect.
                      Rhett Monroe Chassereau

                      "I use to be with it, then they changed what it is. And what I'm with isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me." -Abe Simpson

