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Greek Translation problem Solved (no text)

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  • #31
    Ok nobody has said it yet so it will :

    'Its all greek to me'
    If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected - SunTzu


    • #32
      Greek Translation problem Solved (no text)
      What do you mean: "no text"? I see 2 pages of text here, and all in greek

      Most bosszubol kellene mondjak valamit magyarul mert ugysem erti senki sem.
      "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
      --George Bernard Shaw
      A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
      --Woody Allen


      • #33
        Originally posted by Lucarse
        Ok nobody has said it yet so it will :

        'Its all greek to me'
        "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
        --George Bernard Shaw
        A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
        --Woody Allen


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tiberius

          Most bosszubol kellene mondjak valamit magyarul mert ugysem erti senki sem.

          I hope you are not swearing in Hungarian....

          Alithia autos o Fox molder pou arxise to thread kai kanei kai ti metafrasi pou eine?Exei kairo na grapsei kati.

          Mporei oi Tourkoi na itan brosta apo tous byzantinous sta purovola opla, alla oxi kai brosta apo tous Bourgoundious kai Gallous.
          "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

          All those who want to die, follow me!
          Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Lucarse
            Ok nobody has said it yet so it will :

            'Its all greek to me'

            ÐÜíôùò áí ìðïñïýìå íá êÜíïõìå êáé åìåßò êÜôé (êáìéÜ ìåôÜöñáóç ðëÜêá-ðëÜêá) ðåßôå ôï ìáò...
            " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
            -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


            • #36
              Sugnwmh pou den apanthsa toso kairo.Hmoun sthn polh mou gia 10 meres kai molis shmera gurisa sth Thessaloniki.To script.txt sxedon to teleiwsa.
              Pistevw pws "Parapotamia livadia" einai arketa kalos orismos opote mallon kratw ayto.Epishs to na poume th men republic "dhmokratia" kai th democracy "politeia" mou fainetai pws pio pollh sugxush prokalei.O oros Laokratia gia th Republic de mou fenetai asxhmos.
              Twra,oson afora th metafrash na pw pws exw vrei merika kena sto labels.txt.
              Gia paradeigma,sta options opou dialegoume "world size" ta sizes de ta exw vrei sto -labels.txt- kai ws ek toutou de mporw na ta metafrasw.An ta vrei kapoios se allo arxeio,as mou to pei gia na to psaxw.
              Loipon,prosexte.Grafw th xhmeia stis 4 tou mhnos kai meta teleiwnw to project se prwto vathmo.H Civilopedia einai terastia kai isws arghsei.Mh perimenoume thaumata apo mia stigmh sthn allh.
              The Truth is Out There...


              • #37
                Áò áñ÷ßóïõìå ëïéðüí ìå ôçí Åãêõêëïð.

                Ï÷é èáýìáôá. ÁðëÜ äïõëåéÜ.

                ÐñïóùðéêÜ, èá Þèåëá íá äïõëÝøù ëßãï óôçí ðñïóðÜèåéá åîåëëçíéóìïý ôïõ "Ðïëéôéóìïý 3" êáé ôçò Åãêõêëïðáßäåéáò ôïõ.

                Êáé íáé, èá ðÜñåé ðïëý ÷ñüíï, áëëÜ áîßæåé ôïí êüðï. Åî Üëëïõ üôáí ôï "Ðáßîôå ôïí Êüóìï" âãåß, èá Ý÷ïõìå ðïëý ÷ñüíï ìÝ÷ñé ôçí åðüìåíç Ýêäïóç.

                Áí êáôáöÝñù íá âñù ôá .txt files èá áñ÷ßóù ìå ôçí ìåôÜöñáóç. Áðü ôï Á êáé óõíå÷ßæïõìå.
                I just love Civ (AND I HOPE THERE IS MORE THAN 3)


                • #38
                  si, si... vamos a la playa!!


                  • #39
                    Ñå ðáéäßá, ìÞðùò ôï "Ðáßîôå ôïí Êüóìï" ôåëéêÜ äåí èá åßíáé óõìâáôï üôáí âãåé (ìå ôï êáëü) ìå ôï ìåôáöñáóìÝíï Civ3;

                    Åðåßóçò ðåßôå ìïõ (óáò èåñìïðáñáêáëþ) ðþò äïõëåýôå ãéá íá ìåôáöñÜóåôáé ôï ðáé÷íßäé;;;;;;;;;;;;;

                    ¢íôå íá ðéÜóù êáé åãþ ôï Æ , íá ôåëåéþíïõìå ìéá þñá áñ÷ßôåñá!
                    " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                    -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


                    • #40
                      Apla to paixnidi exei olo to keimena tou se .txt sto directory text kai mporeis xwris na allazeis vevaia ta strings na to ejellhniseis.Vevaia,na xerete pws gia na paixei me ellhnika xreiazeste mia grammatoseira diaforetikh apo ayth pou exei to paixnidi ws default.
                      Me auth th grammatoseira to paixnidi nomizei pws xrhsimopoiei agglika enw sthn pragmatikothta xrhsimopoiei ellhnikos xarakthres.To vrady tha sas pw leptomereies.Twra,pou teleiwsa tis exetaseis as to teleiwsoume to project kai otan vgei to "paixe ton kosmo" vlepoume an ginetai to idio.
                      The Truth is Out There...


                      • #41
                        I guess I'll carry on the discussion in some alternative language...

                        Sen voin sanoa että kyseinen käännös ei nähtävästi aiheuta ongelmia, jos sen tekee huolellisesti. Itse ainakin suosittelisin että kukaan ei yrittäisi kiirehtiä projektin etenemistä, sillä tässäkin työssä on tietty tarkkuusvaatimus. Että sill' viisii.

                        Och samma på svenska...

                        Det kan jag säga att översättningen i fråga borde inte orsaka problem, om man gör den noggrannt. Jag själv skulle rekommendera att ingen skulle försöka öka farten för projektets framgång, eftersom också det här arbetet kräver en viss noggrannhet.
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Fox Mulder
                          Apla to paixnidi exei olo to keimena tou se .txt sto directory text kai mporeis xwris na allazeis vevaia ta strings na to ejellhniseis.Vevaia,na xerete pws gia na paixei me ellhnika xreiazeste mia grammatoseira diaforetikh apo ayth pou exei to paixnidi ws default.
                          Me auth th grammatoseira to paixnidi nomizei pws xrhsimopoiei agglika enw sthn pragmatikothta xrhsimopoiei ellhnikos xarakthres.To vrady tha sas pw leptomereies.Twra,pou teleiwsa tis exetaseis as to teleiwsoume to project kai otan vgei to "paixe ton kosmo" vlepoume an ginetai to idio.
                          Èá ðåñéìÝíù õðïìïíåôéêá!

                          ÁëÞèåéá ôé åßíáé ôá strings; Áìá áëëÜîù ôï üíïìá ôùí techs äåí èá ðñÝðåé êáé íá ôá áëëÜîù; Áí åßíáé áõôü ðïõ öáíôÜæïìáé âåâáéá.
                          " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                          -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


                          • #43
                            Ta strings einai gia paradeigma: $unit0 , $City0, #newleader kai paei legontas.Allazeis loipon oso keimeno den exei mprosta to $ h to # giati ayta upodhlwnoun metavlhth.Allazeis men tis times ths metavlhths alla oxi to onoma ths pou to paixnidi to xrhsimopoiei ws odhgo gia na xerei ti na xrhsimopoihsei.
                            Etsi de tha deis mesa sto paixnidi pote "$unit0".Antitheta ,opou vlepei to paixnidi auto to string sto arxeiotha parousiazei mesa sto paixnidi thn timh tou,p.x warrior,settler kao outw kathexhs.
                            The Truth is Out There...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Fox Mulder
                              Ta strings einai gia paradeigma: $unit0 , $City0, #newleader kai paei legontas.Allazeis loipon oso keimeno den exei mprosta to $ h to # giati ayta upodhlwnoun metavlhth.Allazeis men tis times ths metavlhths alla oxi to onoma ths pou to paixnidi to xrhsimopoiei ws odhgo gia na xerei ti na xrhsimopoihsei.
                              Etsi de tha deis mesa sto paixnidi pote "$unit0".Antitheta ,opou vlepei to paixnidi auto to string sto arxeiotha parousiazei mesa sto paixnidi thn timh tou,p.x warrior,settler kao outw kathexhs.
                              ÄçëáäÞ áí ïíïìÜóù ôï Bronze Working óå Äïýëåìá ×áëêïõ ( ëÝìå ôùñá) áí äù ôï string êáðïõ (üíïìá êáé áõôü) ð÷ $Bronze Working äåí ôï ðåéñÜæù Ýôóé;

                              ð÷. áí Ý÷ù


                              ôüôå èá ãßíåé



                              áí åßíáé üðùò åäþ ôüôå ôé íá êÜíù;


                              ÁëëÜæù ôð "GCON" Þ èåùñÞôå êáé áõôü string; Áí óå Ýíá êåßìåíï Ý÷åé ìðñïóôÜ "^", äåí ôï áãíïþ, å;

                              Á, êáé ôÝëïò ôß ãñáììáôïóåéñÜ ÷ñåéÜæåôáé; Ôßðïôá áëëï ãéá ëá ëÜâïõìå õðþøéí; Ðïý Ý÷åéò öôÜóåé åóý Fox;
                              " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                              -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


                              • #45
                                Óå ðáñáêáëþ ðáááááááááááÜñá ðïëý, ðþò èá ìåôÝöñáæåò ôï ðáñáêÜôù áðÜóðáóìá;
                                ^When a civilization develops $LINK its citizens can be drafted into
                                military service. Each city can draft some of its population each turn, depending upon the government currently in effect.
                                ^* A civilization in $LINK may not use the draft.
                                ^* A $LINK or $LINK can draft [one] citizen per turn.
                                ^* A $LINK or $LINK can draft [two] citizens per turn.
                                ^* A $LINK city can draft [two] citizens per turn.
                                ^To utilize the draft, press the "Draft" button on the City Display.
                                " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                                -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...

