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Greek Translation problem Solved (no text)

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  • #16
    1.Default =prokathorismeno; Gia to flood den xero.
    2.Vasika o aristotelis to elege dimokratia kai tin Democracy tin elege politeia. elege oti gia kathe politeuma uparxei i kali kai i kaki morphi.


    3.Nai Zululandi. Alla den tha itan kalitera "Autokratoria ton Zulu", i "KwaZulu" sta Africanica;

    Elpizo na voithisa.
    "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

    All those who want to die, follow me!
    Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


    • #17
      Polla Thanx Palaiologe gia th voithia.

      Eidika to "prokaqorismeno" einai idanikos oros.

      "Autokratoria twn Zulu" einai eindeiktiko politeumatos opote as to afhsoume mallon.

      Shmera doulepsa kai to script.txt kai to labels.txt an kai paraskevi grafw anatomia.
      To script.txt thelei mono merikes metafraseis stous advisors kai ta upoloipa einai ekeina pou leei o science advisor otan pas na kaneis research kathe technology.En oligois,to 1 arxeio teleiwnei sxedon!
      The Truth is Out There...


      • #18
        Elpizw, an ola pane gorga, sto Civ3:Play the world na uparxei kosmos pou na paizei sta ellhnika!An kai spasthka me ta traits twn Tourkwn kai mou fenete oti h Firaxis meta to Alpha Centauri kanei ola ta lathi mazemena.
        Akou na vgalei to Fontamentalismo kai to poison water supply tou Espionage logw 11/9!
        Pantws toulaxiston oson afora tous Araves egw thewrw thn prosfora tous sthn Episthmh shmantikh.An kai den to xw psaxei gia tis alles episthmes (oti xerw apo to sxoleio), eidika sthn Iatrikh voithisan kai me metafraseis Ippokratikwn,Galhnikwn kai loipwn keimenwn kai me dikes tous prosthikes,kuriws Farmakologias.
        The Truth is Out There...


        • #19
          Xereis exoume mia megali sizitisi gia tous tourkous kai ta traits tous sto thread "Turks" tou Tiberius gia to PTW. Axizei na to daivaseis olo selida, selida exei pola endiaferonta stoixeia mesa. Eimai o monos Elinas ekei pera kai os ek toutou o monos me anti tour****s apopseis.

          Tha sou sinistousa na to diavaseis( eidika gia ta istorika stixia pou anaferontai ekei mesa).

          Kai oso gia tous araves tha eprepe na eine scientific. Oi tourkoi to mono pu anakalipsan eine oi tour****s toualetes.

          Gia ta politeumata ti les? Sostos o Aristotelis?

          Isos to Republic na onomastei Oxlocratia. Sti civilopaedia lei oti to republic einai omada poleon-craton organomenon se omospondia. Isos sinomospondia tote;Simpoliteia;

          Aurio (isos kai simera) tha vro gia to flood plains.
          Last edited by Palaiologos; September 11, 2002, 05:07.
          "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

          All those who want to die, follow me!
          Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


          • #20
            i feel so left out!

            *mutters in MONGOLIAN*



            • #21
              Xtes,PRIN na grapsw gia to project ths metafrashs kathomoun hdh kai to diavaza to "Turks".
              Gia thn akriveia to eixa psaxei o idios prin apo kamia dekaria hmeres otan ematha oti oi turkoi einai sto expansion,alla epeidh hmoun se internet cafe de prolava na ta diavasw ola.Opote ekana search "turks" kai na to.
              Pragmatika uparxei polys asxetos kosmos (xenoi kyriws...) pou nomizei oti h politikh twn tourkwn exei allaxei teleutaia.As pane na zhsoun ligo sto kourdistan ki an de fane kamia rouketa apo peripolo elikopterwn, tha tous pw egw.Ki ystera lene oti sth Thraki katapiezoume tous "Tourkous".
              Prwton,h syntriptikh pleiopshfia twn Mousoulmanwn ths Thrakis autoprosdiorizontai swsta ws Pomakoi (pou einai ,outws h allws, pomakoi kai OXI Tourkoi.Tous Tourkous den tous pane, giati prospathoun na tous xrhsimopoihsoun san politiko upovathro diekdikhsewn)
              Otan lew syntriptikh pleiopshfia ennow suntriptikh,oxi asteia.
              2.Eimaste pio anektikoi me tous mousoulmanous apo oti me tous Ellines giati eimaste filoxenoi.Ton Ellina ton binelikwneis me th mia enw tous allous oxi toso eukola.
              3.An einai oi Tourkoi scientific kai oxi oi Arabs tote ti na pw?Ama xanaparw paixnidi ths Firaxis...
              To poly na vgalei h Activision kanena Alpha Centauri:Call to Power , giati an pei h Firaxis na ftiaxoun Alpha Centauri 2 kai aplopoihsoun to prwto kai to kanoun gia paidia 5 xronwn opws to Civ3,ANTE GEIA.Gia na mhn pw pali ta peri 11/9, pou kopsan concepts apo to paixnidi oi apisteutoi.
              Gia ta politeumata thelei skepsh na parei.Na doume ti tha poun kai oi alloi kai an den exoun tipota kalutero ta allazoume etsi.Oxlokratia ligo bary den akougetai?
              The Truth is Out There...


              • #22
                i have a level ancient greek, so at least i understand half of what they where on about.
                but it's difficult for me to read greek with the wrong alphabet.
                i'm trying to learn some modern greek, too. i visited thessanoliki and athens last april. but i'm english and so naturally bad at languages.
                to onoma mou eine emma! hihi
                but i can acctually understand everything that was posted.
                I'm interested: how are you going to get the greek alphabet into the game?


                • #23
                  Ancient Greek is difficult for many Greeks as it is much more complicated than modern.But more or less the words are the same.
                  It is quite an accomplishment not to be Greek and learn Ancient Greek.In fact,I heard there was this international competition about ancient greek.The winner was not greek at all!Brilliant person, I 'd say.

                  A teacher told me once that non-greek people think the Greek language sounds nice,sort of musical.Is that true?How does the language sound to you Emma?

                  Were you in Thessaloniki on vacation or did it have with school or college?Btw,poswn xronwn eisai?

                  I don't think English people are bad at languages,just that they don't try because they don't have to.Look at what Tolkien did(and he learned Finnish(!) as well as greek,latin etc.).He even created new languages.

                  About the greek font:I have found a font where english characters are replaced with greek ones and so the game doesn't produce hieroglyphics when typing greek letters.So, I don't have to use any greek characters in script.txt.For example,in script.txt i write "Aqhna" and in the game you see Athens written in greek.You see, the letter q is replaced in the game with the charater "thita",th as in "THeater".And so on with letters that differ.A,b,k,l etc.are the same so there's no problem.
                  The Truth is Out There...


                  • #24
                    Signomi pou argisa na apantiso.

                    Gia to flood to kalitero pou vrika einai: "parapotamia livadia", mia kai ta flood plains eine panta dipla sta rivers.
                    "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                    All those who want to die, follow me!
                    Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                    • #25
                      ÂëÝðù üôé åßìáóôå ðïëëÜ ÅëëçíÜêéá, ãåãïíüò ðïõ ìïõ áñÝóåé ðïëý! Ïìùò ñå ðáßäåò ÅëëÞíùí äåí êáôÜëáâá êáëÜ....ðñïóðáèåßôå íá ìåôáöñÜóåôå ôï ðáé÷íßäé óôá ÅëëçíéêÜ;

                      Ïóï ãéá ôïõò Ôïýñêïõò óõìöþíù ìå óáò....ôï äéÜâáóá êáé åß÷å ðïëý åíäéáöÝñïí! ÐïëëÜ ðñÜãìáôá äåí ôá Þîåñá! Åßíáé êáëü íá áêïýãïíôáé êáé ïé äýï ðëåõñÝò ïóï êáé ïé ôåëÝéùò Üó÷åôïé!

                      Ïé ïèïìáíïß åðñåðå íá åßíáé scientific/militaristic.....áëëÜ áò ìçí îå÷íÜìå üôé ðñÝðåé íá åßìáóôå êáé political correct Ýôóé;

                      ÌåñéêÝò éäÝåò ãéá ôéò ìåôáöñÜóåéò óáò

                      Flood Plains: ÐáñáðïôÜìéåò Ï÷èåò Þ Ðëçìõñßæïíôåò Ï÷èåò

                      Republic: Ñåðïýìðëéêá-áêïýãåôå áóôåßï áëëÜ Ýôóé ëÝíå ôá âéâëßá
                      " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                      -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


                      • #26
                        What about moving this to OT and renaming it Hellenithreadi?


                        • #27
                          Plhthainoume kai magalwnoume tha elega. Marko, olo kai perissoteroi ginwmaste edw mesa.

                          So long...
                          Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
                          Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
                          Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Athitis
                            ÂëÝðù üôé åßìáóôå ðïëëÜ ÅëëçíÜêéá, ãåãïíüò ðïõ ìïõ áñÝóåé ðïëý! Ïìùò ñå ðáßäåò ÅëëÞíùí äåí êáôÜëáâá êáëÜ....ðñïóðáèåßôå íá ìåôáöñÜóåôå ôï ðáé÷íßäé óôá ÅëëçíéêÜ;

                            Ïóï ãéá ôïõò Ôïýñêïõò óõìöþíù ìå óáò....ôï äéÜâáóá êáé åß÷å ðïëý åíäéáöÝñïí! ÐïëëÜ ðñÜãìáôá äåí ôá Þîåñá! Åßíáé êáëü íá áêïýãïíôáé êáé ïé äýï ðëåõñÝò ïóï êáé ïé ôåëÝéùò Üó÷åôïé!

                            Ïé ïèïìáíïß åðñåðå íá åßíáé scientific/militaristic.....áëëÜ áò ìçí îå÷íÜìå üôé ðñÝðåé íá åßìáóôå êáé political correct Ýôóé;

                            ÌåñéêÝò éäÝåò ãéá ôéò ìåôáöñÜóåéò óáò

                            Flood Plains: ÐáñáðïôÜìéåò Ï÷èåò Þ Ðëçìõñßæïíôåò Ï÷èåò

                            Republic: Ñåðïýìðëéêá-áêïýãåôå áóôåßï áëëÜ Ýôóé ëÝíå ôá âéâëßá

                            Giati scientific oi Tourkoi;. Ti anakalupsan;
                            Telos panton. Sumphono gia to flood plains, alloste plisiazei kai ston diko mou orismo.

                            Gia to Republic emmeno se auta pou eipe o Aristotelis.
                            "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                            All those who want to die, follow me!
                            Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Palaiologos

                              Giati scientific oi Tourkoi;. Ti anakalupsan;
                              Telos panton. Sumphono gia to flood plains, alloste plisiazei kai ston diko mou orismo.

                              Gia to Republic emmeno se auta pou eipe o Aristotelis.
                              Ïé Ôïýñêïé âñßóêïíôáí ãéá ðïëý êáéñü Ýíá âÞìá ìðñïóôÜ óå üôé áöïñïýóå ôçí ðõñßôéäá êáé ç Êþíóôáíôéíüõðïëç Ýðåóå åîáéôßáò ôùí êáíïíéþí ôïõò. ôá ôïõöÝêéá ôïõò èÝñéæáí ôïõò Âõæáíôéíïýò...ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí áðï üóï îÝñù, that is!

                              Ðþò ôá ðÜôå ìå ôçí ìåôÜöñáóç; ÕðÜñ÷ïõí êÜðïéïé Üëëïé üñïé ìå ôïõò ïðïßïõò íá ìðïñïýóáìå íá óáò âïçèÞóïõìå;
                              " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
                              -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


                              • #30

                                ÏÕ ÌÏÍÏÍ ÔÙÍ ÓÕÃ×ÑÏÍÙÍ ÅËËÇÍÉÊÙÍ ÄÅÉ ÌÅÔÁÖÑÁÓÉÓ.

                                (ugly attempt at remembering Ancient Greek, from Hi-school)

                                áöïý ôåëåéþóïõìå ìå ôá íÝá ðñÝðåé íá äïýìå ôß èá ãßíåé êáé ìå ôá áñ÷áßá.

                                ¼óïí áöïñÜ ôïõò Ôïýñêïõò, äåí ôïõò ìÜèáìå óÞìåñá. ÐñïóöÝñïìáé (åðåéäÞ ìðïñþ) íá âïçèÞóù óôçí ðñïóðÜèåéá ìåôÜöñáóçò ôïõ CIV.

                                AðëÜ, ðñßí áðü ïôéäÞðïôå Üëëï, ðñÝðåé íá ôåèïýí êÜðïéåò êïéíÝò ïñïëïãßåò, ïé ïðïßåò ðñÝðåé êáé íá ôçñçèïýí.

                                Å÷ù Cambridge Proficiency êáé ðáßæù CIV áðü ôüôå ðïõ âãÞêå. Ìüíï áí ìå óêïôþóåôå, äåí èá âïçèÞóù. ÁðëÜ, ç Ðáôñßäá ìå áðáó÷ïëåß áõôÞ ôç óôéãìÞ, áëëÜ óå ëßãïõò ìÞíåò ðïõ èá åßìáé ðïëßôçò, ìðïñþ íá áöéåñþóù êÜðïéåò þñåò ôç âäïìÜäá, ãéá Ýíá ôÝôïéï ëåéôïýñãçìá.

                                Öáíôáóôåßôå ìüíï, ðüóï ðéï åýêïëá èá ãßíïõí ãéá ôïõò îÝíïõò ôá ÅëëçíéêÜ. Ìüíï ðáßæïíôáò ìáèáßíåéò (ðïëëÜ ðñÜãìáôá)
                                I just love Civ (AND I HOPE THERE IS MORE THAN 3)

