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  • WISH List

    After reading a bunch of posts here... Not even close to 1/4 of them... I've decided to see what else everyone else wanted/would like to see/wished for in an upcoming patch or in the expansion pack?

    I've seen people mention that certian things where in CIV 2 and even in CIV 1 but were left out of CIV3 Having played many war games I prefer to be able to blow ships or towns out of existance.

    Another thing is that I'd like to see the battle aspect of the game be a bit more realistic in that there are many times when, say like a spearman kills a pikeman... A bit odd that they can do that. Sure given certian circumstances it can and will happen.

    I know many have 'complained' about the way the governer does things... So that's a given

    And yet another is the fact that the game is Mouse based... You have a lot of clicking to do... That isn't that good. Given there are many keyboard shortcuts... But how many actually use them all. I use many in the 'play' screen, and only a few in the city screen.

    I also read where you were able to terraform in the other version... Gee! That'd be perfect! Especially, say if you were removing a mountain and could get shields or stuff for it!

    I'd personally like to see the game lengthened!!! LOL

    Well, I have a lot more on my wish list... But I'll let everyone else put theirs in

  • #2
    Hi, theres a load of threads kicking around on this, but:

    1) Lethal bombard I agree should be there, for example planes can and do sink ships.

    2) Spearman - Pikeman isnt really an issue, it could happen. What rats everyone off is when their Modern Armor gets killed by a Pikeman (whats it do? poke it to death???)

    Governors ive never used, terraform would be good though, that would mean an effective way to control global warming at last (and global warming is real? 50 years ago people were worrying about "global cooling"

    Im no scientist, but its a thought.

    Personal ones:
    1: Bring back the permanent strategic alliance. I miss that.
    2: More diplomatic options (pollution treaties, nuclear treaties, the ability to ask one civ to stop attacking another?) etc
    3) Greater spy options to be more underhand, for instance sabotaging the transport links to vital resources

    And more that I cant think of right now
    "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


    • #3
      The thing I want most is for the game to last longer. not go into the furture but mearly exspand the last two hundred years of the game. E.G. more modern units and improvments and slow the turn rate down.
      I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


      • #4
        Yes! More realistic battles and deplomacy!
        As for global warming. Yes... For the past 15 years I've seen the winters in my region grow warmer and warmer. If that isn't due to global warming... Then I don't know. Back in the 60's I remember each and every winter we had snow. Then now.. Even back in the mid 80's we were concidered lucky to have snow... Except for the winter of 86... We had a blizzard...

        Oh well... Back to the game!
        Definately more diplomatic options! And yes... I knew but couldn't remember a good example for the battle as the current game Im playing hasn't reached the modern era


        • #5
          Re: WISH List

          Originally posted by ACTD_Ran
          I've seen people mention that certian things where in CIV 2 and even in CIV 1 but were left out of CIV3 Having played many war games I prefer to be able to blow ships or towns out of existance.
          You can blow ships out. Just set Lethal Bombard in the Editor.

          Another thing is that I'd like to see the battle aspect of the game be a bit more realistic in that there are many times when, say like a spearman kills a pikeman... A bit odd that they can do that. Sure given certian circumstances it can and will happen.
          Ditto on the editor, add a few hit points to the more modern units.

          And yet another is the fact that the game is Mouse based... You have a lot of clicking to do... That isn't that good. Given there are many keyboard shortcuts... But how many actually use them all. I use many in the 'play' screen, and only a few in the city screen.
          If you don't use the keyboard commands they did give, why are you complaining? Nearly the entire game can be played with just the keyboard.

          I also read where you were able to terraform in the other version... Gee! That'd be perfect! Especially, say if you were removing a mountain and could get shields or stuff for it!
          I don't remember terraforming doing anything to mountains, tundra and deserts, yes.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6
            I would really like to slow the game down a bit, you only get a handful of turns in the beginning, before you know it youre already using riflemen. I dont feel you get a lot of time to spend with each unit before it become obsolete... Im sure in the editor there is a way to increase the beaker count for each tech, but I dont like messing around with that...


            • #7
              hi ,


              a colony should stay , when inside "cultural borders" , not when in a city limit (!)
              more wonders
              more buildings
              more units
              at least a second UU for each civ
              a bigger map
              more civ's
              a canal
              more types of terrain
              more options in the editor
              more era's
              more control on the year's , week's and month's
              the ability to chose an end year - the ability to play further then 2050
              more "civ-specific-abilities"
              more type of government
              more resources
              a bigger range on airunits (8 is to low)
              more control at fields in the editor , like the airunits range that is pre-fixed
              more music
              more screen's for the advisor's
              more "views" when having the foreign advisor screen
              the option to see what a civ could use from you in trade
              the option to stop all global warming , yet still have pollution
              the option to have some blank fields in the units and buildings fields , example you want a nuke sub , but change its options to different values , yet you want all the PCX files and sound to be the same , you would just give it a different name and values
              idem for the buildings
              natural disaster's
              day and night

              that's about it for now , .....

              if the above would be included , well , .......

              one can only hope for it

              have a nice day and night
              Last edited by Panag; June 25, 2002, 19:03.
              - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
              WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


              • #8
                All I want for Civ-mass is a better AI...

                ...but don't call me jimmytrick jr.


                • #9
                  Really love the game the it the way it is.
                  Maybe better editor though with mini map and enabling scenario builders to buld good scenarios for us to play.


                  • #10
                    I rather like Civ III (although I also like modded CTPs (tip of the hat to IW, Hex, P1, etc.))

                    Panag got there first on some changes. Permanent colonies that you can keep as long as you can defend them militarily (Hong Kong anyone?), Canals.

                    Information screens and flags ("The English have discovered Radon") so we don't have to clickfest. (or clickfast either)

                    Stacked combat - although this one is way better than Civ II. I was playing Civ II the other day and lost my entire stack of units before I remembered..... It's doable and doesn't destroy the game. (You could always have it disabled.)

                    Ability to make each time turn one, two or three movement turns. (Might actually be easy to program), so you actually have time to enjoy an era and have a battle or two of knight v. knight.

                    Fix, fix fix, please the valuation module for diplomacy. I constantly try to sweeten an offer only to find that they would Never accept a better offer than the one that was close to a deal. I like this diplomacy model, (although the transfer of land model in EUII has some interesting points).

                    Re: Global warming. It is true that in the 30's we had some extremes - the dustbowl years and the "year without a summer" when snow stayed in the coulees all year round being notable. And it is true that in the late 1960's scientists were warning of global cooling (the coming "little ice age".
                    But I have clear proof of global warming. When I was young we had snowfalls up over my shoulders almost every year. Now it's only up to my waist at best.
                    Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!


                    • #11
                      * Ability to specify how the years map to turn numbers in the editor. At present, the game starts at 4000 BC and the years go by in steps of 50, gradually diminishing to 1. A scenario maker may want to change this so the years go by at different rates, or are even not years at all. For example, a WWII scenario might have turns be different days in 1943, with turn 1 being 1 Jan 1943, turn 2 being 2 Jan 1943, etc.

                      * Better ability to control the corruption model in the editor. At present, we have the "communal" corruption model included with the others in a single list of options. Instead, we should have two lists:

                      catastrophic, minimal, nuisance, etc. (amount of corruption)

                      centralised, mixed, communal (corruption model. Here, "mixed" is a corruption model midway between centralised and communal)

                      Also, the corruption model should separate out corruption and waste into two separate components.

                      * AI's assimilating a colony with a city should be considered an act of war as if the colony was destroyed by a military unit.

                      EDIT - clarification - the colony assimilation only applies to new cities. Assimilating a colony by culture expansion should not count.
                      None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Changmai Beagle
                        But I have clear proof of global warming. When I was young we had snowfalls up over my shoulders almost every year. Now it's only up to my waist at best.
                        Now I get it. But the average temperature on the planet has increased by about 0.5ºF over the past 20-25 years.


                        • #13
                          star mouse...

                          Didn't your signature used to complain that there was no "None" setting for barbarians? Or was that someone else?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Changmai Beagle
                            I rather like Civ III (although I also like modded CTPs (tip of the hat to IW, Hex, P1, etc.))

                            Panag got there first on some changes. Permanent colonies that you can keep as long as you can defend them militarily (Hong Kong anyone?), Canals.

                            Information screens and flags ("The English have discovered Radon") so we don't have to clickfest. (or clickfast either)

                            Stacked combat - although this one is way better than Civ II. I was playing Civ II the other day and lost my entire stack of units before I remembered..... It's doable and doesn't destroy the game. (You could always have it disabled.)

                            Ability to make each time turn one, two or three movement turns. (Might actually be easy to program), so you actually have time to enjoy an era and have a battle or two of knight v. knight.

                            Fix, fix fix, please the valuation module for diplomacy. I constantly try to sweeten an offer only to find that they would Never accept a better offer than the one that was close to a deal. I like this diplomacy model, (although the transfer of land model in EUII has some interesting points).

                            Re: Global warming. It is true that in the 30's we had some extremes - the dustbowl years and the "year without a summer" when snow stayed in the coulees all year round being notable. And it is true that in the late 1960's scientists were warning of global cooling (the coming "little ice age".
                            But I have clear proof of global warming. When I was young we had snowfalls up over my shoulders almost every year. Now it's only up to my waist at best.
                            hi ,

                            , they ought to put random events and disasters in , ....

                            have a nice day
                            - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                            WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                            • #15
                              I haven't tried the editor yet... But I do know and understand the fact that there are many things you can do with it. Most of my Complaining has to do with the game as is, because when I usually play, I just go to "Start new game" and go from there. I don't load scenarios or anything else... Just use the 1.21F patch and go with it. So... With that in mind... I can't do alot of that stuff unless I take the time out to actually start using the editor Or go and grab someone else's scenario... I've read many posts on the editor and have seen many complaints about it, so therefore I'm waiting for the next patch which is suppose to focus upon the editor. Who knows, maybe I'll start using it then. I prefer to play 99% of my games without mods, cheats or anything, I play them 'as is'

                              Yup Panag! We can hope and wish, and that's why this is a WISHLIST!

                              One more thing... Better movement! Sometimes I'll try to envlope my opponent... [For tactical reasons such as keeping them out of my territory, or forcing them back into theirs... Or something ] But when I point to a spot to move them to... The path it takes isn't always the most stratigic... Forcing me to move a bit at a time Oh well... We can WISH!

