As far as additions in an XP or Civ4, canals and outposts or forts - a place where you can station troops, get the healing effects of a barrack and the defense of a fortress. Maybe letting you see 2 squares away, as if you were on a mountain.
Missile silos? Not really necessary, just fun.
Trenches. Build only on grasslands or plains, add defensive bonus to infantry and the like. Takes away irrigation, etc.
As previously mentioned, colonies shouldn't disappear when your culture borders expand. They should stay there, and maybe eventually grow into a city?
Fixes: IMO, fighters and bombers are now useless in Civ3. Sure, they can have some uses, but they were more effective in Civ2. Same goes with artillery. Fix it Sid and I will stop the death threats.
UU needs a lot of rethinking and work. F-15? C'mon. Is that all they could pick? And Panzers? whats the point, if they get annihilated by some club-wielding barbarians and spearmen?
Another thing is more for looks, and they made have fixed it in Civ3, i don't know cuz I haven't tried it yet: when fortifications are built adjacent to each other, they should appear to be connected.
I have never won by UN victory, because I never play the option. However, I gather that when the UN is built, they vote and if you are elected, you win, end of game. Correct me if I am wrong.
What I would like to see is, if you are elected to UN, you have the ability to build "peacekeepers". Ideas for them: Nation A is attacked by Nation B. Nation A petitions you, the UN, for help. You can then send in peacekeepers, when can defend only. Don't have details worked out.
Diplomacy: fix the option to trade cities, or remove it. I have offered every city but one to Zululand, just to see if they would accept it, and they don't. Someone explain that to me.
Trading: negotiate the length of agreements.
What happened to nations going into civil war and splitting in half? Was there a specific reason they took it out? Wouldn't it be nice to see Bolsheviks take over half of Russia?
Civs: true, a lot are missing and need to be added, but a lot need to be removed! Yes, Iroquis did noteworthy things. That doesn't mean it needs to be in Civ3. They lived in obscurity until they were conquered: simplistic, yes, but you get my idea. And then the argument about America, which wasn't created until the 18th century.
Personally, I think some of you are just hating on the US, but this isn't the place for that. I believe that the Civs that are in the game were decided upon because of their impact on world events, their achievements - cultural, scientific, and military. Rome and Greece are in there for obvious reasons. The same for the rest of the Eurasian countries. As far as America being in there, which nation had a greater effect on the world: America, or Korea?
We all know that the leaders need a lot of work. Give us the option of playing male/female, like in Civ2 - that will quiet the liberal feminists
. Also, to satisfy those who want to see Washington give way to Lincoln, then FDR, etc, either have the leaders change in the appropriate year, or have them serving as your ministers. A lot of diff. ways to fix that problem.
Missile silos? Not really necessary, just fun.
Trenches. Build only on grasslands or plains, add defensive bonus to infantry and the like. Takes away irrigation, etc.
As previously mentioned, colonies shouldn't disappear when your culture borders expand. They should stay there, and maybe eventually grow into a city?
Fixes: IMO, fighters and bombers are now useless in Civ3. Sure, they can have some uses, but they were more effective in Civ2. Same goes with artillery. Fix it Sid and I will stop the death threats.
UU needs a lot of rethinking and work. F-15? C'mon. Is that all they could pick? And Panzers? whats the point, if they get annihilated by some club-wielding barbarians and spearmen?
Another thing is more for looks, and they made have fixed it in Civ3, i don't know cuz I haven't tried it yet: when fortifications are built adjacent to each other, they should appear to be connected.
I have never won by UN victory, because I never play the option. However, I gather that when the UN is built, they vote and if you are elected, you win, end of game. Correct me if I am wrong.
What I would like to see is, if you are elected to UN, you have the ability to build "peacekeepers". Ideas for them: Nation A is attacked by Nation B. Nation A petitions you, the UN, for help. You can then send in peacekeepers, when can defend only. Don't have details worked out.
Diplomacy: fix the option to trade cities, or remove it. I have offered every city but one to Zululand, just to see if they would accept it, and they don't. Someone explain that to me.
Trading: negotiate the length of agreements.
What happened to nations going into civil war and splitting in half? Was there a specific reason they took it out? Wouldn't it be nice to see Bolsheviks take over half of Russia?
Civs: true, a lot are missing and need to be added, but a lot need to be removed! Yes, Iroquis did noteworthy things. That doesn't mean it needs to be in Civ3. They lived in obscurity until they were conquered: simplistic, yes, but you get my idea. And then the argument about America, which wasn't created until the 18th century.

We all know that the leaders need a lot of work. Give us the option of playing male/female, like in Civ2 - that will quiet the liberal feminists
