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  • #76
    I don't know if this has been brought up before (sorry, no time to read ALL the posts), but in Civ 1 and 2, a Civs capital was something special. If you captured it, there was a small chance that a larger civ would experience a "civil war" and split into two factions. That was kind of fun, even if it wasn't common. Losing a capital also meant the loss of your palace for a few turns, which lead to really bad corruption, making it easier to finish the job. All in all, it made for some more interesting tactics. I don't like the way a new palace is instantly created in Civ3. It seems like an easy way out. Defend the capital!

    Other than that, I'd just like what a lot of others have been saying - more diplomatic options, for starters. Terraforming might be cool, depending. New wonders too, if balance can be kept.

    Someone was complaining about a lack of seiges in Civ 3. Well, you can do that if you pillage the roads. I like to pilliage the roads severing the capital from the rest of the civ. It creates civil unrest from the loss of luxeries.

    I've never liked the rail roads = infinite movement, it's overkill. Maybe just double the road value.

    Here's a biggie. Make more interesting maps! I hate the way Civ 3 almost always creates two continents. Make more islands for exploring. As it is, I hardly ever make boats until magnetism and then only for patrolling my coast. One of my recent games was a blast (not just because I was doing well but also) because I found three large and empty landmasses off my shore. So there was a hardscrabble fight to get those and it was fun, with a large impact on relations on the mainland.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Btw. I'm enjoying the game a lot more after tinkering with the editor. I was able to address two of my biggest gripes - resources like iron are now a lot more common, and I reduced corruption to makle expansion more fun and less of a headache. Corruption is a good idea, but the default values were a bit too high.



    • #77
      Rule Mods in 1.21

      Dear Folks,

      I do not like the fact that with 1.21 you can no longer modify the rules and have the changes apply to the current game !

      I've made hundreds of rule mods, and enjoyed doing so on the fly as problems/nonsense came up guring game play.

      I believe this would be especially missed in multiplayer, as my previous experience is that agreed-upon changes to correct problems enhances gameplay, without having to start over!



      • #78
        Another wish,

        A picture importer so I can be my own figure head for a civ.
        Janitor, janitor
        scrub in vein
        for the $h1t house poet
        have struck again


        • #79
          Originally posted by W4r_Machine
          Another wish,

          A picture importer so I can be my own figure head for a civ.


          • #80
            Originally posted by W4r_Machine
            Another wish,

            A picture importer so I can be my own figure head for a civ.
            I want to reiterate the PRETTY PLEASE. I don't want Cleopatra as the face of William Penn of the Pennsylvanians.

            What about webacm support for MP diplomacy? I know it's a lot of extra code, but imagine trying to screw another human player while you're laughing maniacally while he ponders the ROP agreement you just laid in front of him.

            I also would like to see BROWSE buttons in the editor where specific files are referenced (like the leader animation).

            I would also like to be able to change the rules on the fly. I just made a mod where I forgot to put my new unit in the proper position in the upgrade chain. Whoops, now I have to start all over so I upgrade my pikeman to my new musketman replacement. Of course, I didn't find that out until I got to gunpowder, which made me, well, mad.

            I'm assuming that the new editor will allow me to add new units / buildings / civs (without replacing an old one). I would like the editor to ask me, "Which unit files (animation, sounds, etc.) would you like to use for this new unit?" And then I could select one of the existing ones and it would create the necessary folders, copy the necessary files into that folder. For example, if I create a unit called "Frontiersman" to be a replacement for the "Musketman", I would hit the add button on the units tab, and then tell the editor that I want my new unit to be like the musketman. The editor would then create a new folder called "Frontiersman" and copy the "Musketman" files into that new folder.


            • #81
              Two Wonders:

              The Chunnel - Cost 400 shields, split between both cities at either end. Must have two cities separated by only one water square. Cities don't have to construct concurrently, but both must complete before use. Available after Minaturization. Zero movement cost between connected cities (acts as a railroad). Must control both cities to use (cannot attack via chunnel).

              The Panama Canal - Cost 400 shields. Available after Steam Power. Can span three land squares with water squares at either end. Host city must occupy one of the three canal squares. Roads/Railroads are normal over the canal. Ground units may attack sea units in the canal with the sea unit at 1/2 effectiveness.


              • #82
                I've said it before ... and I'll say it again ...

                I've always thought that there was something "wrong" about the slider bars for Science, Luxuries, and Income. Specifically, I found it bizzarre that, while vitrtually every other part of the game stays the same, these slider bars are the same throughout the game.

                All civs use the same sort of budgeting system from ancient times to space flight. In my opinion, this needs to be changed. I have a suggestion on how to improve it.

                Every Civ, starts the game with the slider bars changing things in 10% increments like they are now.

                When a civ acquires "Currency", the slider bars change the tax rates in increments of 5%.

                When a civ acquires "Economics", the slider bars change the tax rates in increments of 2.5%.

                And Finally, when a civ enters the modern age, the slider bars move the tax rates in increments of 1% (and the numbers are rounded off to the nearest 1%; so no one is stuck with a .5% because they had it when the changed over to the modern age).

                This would reflect a greater financial savvy as technology improves. It also makes 'tweaking' the tax rates a lot bit easier. (How you ever tried changing the tax rates when you have 40 + cities each with 16+ pop ? ... the 10% increments are "clunky" at best).
                Thank god, there are no KENDER in Civ3.


                • #83
                  Tech advance - Steel
                  You do realize that the Chinese in the Middle Ages had quite an elaborate system of canals, don't you?


                  'Scientific Method' probably isn't the best term for the tech advance in the game. One would assume it is talking about developments around the time of Darwin (it does after all give you the TOE), which was more to do with a reduction in the power of religion than scientific method.


                  • #84
                    My idea can be easily introduced with a Mod ...

                    Workers that can Pillage.

                    It makes sense that if they can make a terrain improvement, then they should be able to un-make one too. (They do that sometimes; when you try to Mine and Irrigated square or vice versa).
                    Thank god, there are no KENDER in Civ3.


                    • #85
                      Spy Satellites

                      In an earlier version once you had satellites, you could see the entire world...

                      Once you have Espionage and Satellite, you can build Spy Satellites. With a Spy Satellite you can investigate the contents of one city per turn per satellite. This would be cheaper than using a spy, and you wouldn't anger the other civ either way.

                      You capital city has next to natural resources, an area for "strategic" resources which shows a satellite and the number you have.

                      Once Laser is achieved, you can build Anti-Satellite (ASAT) and per installation take out another civ's Spy Satellite.

                      This could get really involved....

                      You could add another advance "Percision Optics" and that coupled with Espionage and Satellite would allow Spy Satellites to be built. (It could also allow the Hubble Telescope for research bonuses).

                      In the real world, the United States modified an F-15 fighter with a rocket and used it to shoot down a satellite. Therefore after Rocketry is learned, Jet Fighters could be given the option of an ASAT attack.

                      Now let's take this a bit further. Satellites can be built just like other units. A city improvement "Launch Complex" is added (a small diamond with a gantry is shown next to the city). Satellites can be moved to the city with the Launch Complex, and when "right-clicked" have the option LAUNCH along with disband, etc...

                      Launch Complexes add economic bonuses to the city also...

                      A sceanrio could have a civ keeping a stash of Spy Satellites handy. Once war is declared, the enemy starts using available Jets to attack the Spy Satellites to knock out thier "eyes." As Jets take 'em out, the other civ can build and launch. You have a semi-space battle going on overhead, as you have a battle happening on earth.


                      • #86
                        OH MY!!!!

                        I really like the game... But having to constantly make sure that the workers in each and every city are doing what they "Should Be" doing is getting to be too much and is driving me from the game... It gets too manatneous to have to constantly monitor each and every city... It's too criticle for your city/Civ's development and deployment of units to have to constantly monitor each and every city, especially when it gets over 20 cities

                        It can mean the difference from you building the "Art of war" or 'letting' another civ do it which can be detremental to your Civ's life! Or that one 'extra' turn in getting out a unit that could turn the battle for your civ, or save one of your cities from being conquered!


                        • #87
                          So many Changes

                          I can not stress the absolute importance of altering gameplay! I think we deserve a change to things...

                          for a start:

                          a.) accomodate adjustments that adpat to development.

                          b.) enrich gameplay by modifying prior enhancements to allow for orginal phenomenon!

                          c.) Improve current details

                          d.) Shift focus from refining old options to centering attention on devloping novel concepts!

                          Now, is that too much to ask!?!


                          • #88
                            1. When the AI wants to demand something from you (give us world map and 10 gold and we'll spare you) you don't have a chance to accept or decline the emisaary. You should have that ability
                            2. You should also be able to demand tribute, and the AI should accept every now and then if you are bigger then they are. As it stands now, the only way you will get something 'for free' is when you have beaten them in a war.
                            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
                              1. When the AI wants to demand something from you (give us world map and 10 gold and we'll spare you) you don't have a chance to accept or decline the emisaary. You should have that ability
                              2. You should also be able to demand tribute, and the AI should accept every now and then if you are bigger then they are. As it stands now, the only way you will get something 'for free' is when you have beaten them in a war.
                              You can do a demand tribute, although in a different way. I've found that usually, when you've attacked an enemy and you either attempt to negotiate a peace treaty with them, or they contact you, you can get techs and stuff and your peace treaty lasts 20 turns. However, after that 20 turns, you can pull it off the table and renegotiate, obviously throwing further demands on the table. You do this in the negotiation/trade screen. At the bottom of your screen, click on the Active link. You should always see Peace treaty listed. If you've just recently signed a peace treaty and 20 turns haven't passed, you cannot click on it and remove it from the list to renegotiate. However, if the treaty wsa just "automatically" renewed by your enemy, you can just pull it off the table and make whatever demands you'd like. I've even had the AI give me several cities (everything except his capital) to renegotiate the treaty.

                              The same with ROP. Usually, after the 20 turns, the ROP will just continue on, unless the AI feels it is disadvantageous to you and then it will contact you to either renegotiate, or eliminate the deal. If you don't want an existing ROP to continue, you can pull it off the table to renegotiate, or eliminate it as well.
                              Working together to Spread the Burden, Share the Wealth, and Conquer all Challenges


                              • #90
                                This is a pipe dream, but I'd like to see improvement abilities similar to the orbital platforms in SMAC. Of course, without the ability to add another era onto the end game this is rather pointless. So, the ability to add eras too.

