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Building Naval Units on a large lake

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  • #16
    This size or width of the "lake" has nothing to do with whether it has only coast tiles or not.

    I sensed from your response to my post about the large "inland sea" that I was dealing with in my example, that you did not recognize that that body of water was 100% coastal tiles. The inland sea I was talking about only had coastal squares and was about 3 tiles wide and 9 tile long, shaped sort of like an X-box logo. It was (I believe) computer generated by the fractal algorithm in the code.

    I have seen other examples of fairly large land locked bodies of water with only coastal squares in their shapes.

    You could technically have the entire water surface of the world map covered with coastal squares if you wanted to turn the map into a galley free for all.

    I would be interested in seeing a save game file or small concise segment of a screen shot for your current example.


    • #17
      here's the lake i was referring to. Atlanta cant build any ships or coastal improvements, SF can.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Originally posted by cracker
        This size or width of the "lake" has nothing to do with whether it has only coast tiles or not.

        I sensed from your response to my post about the large "inland sea" that I was dealing with in my example, that you did not recognize that that body of water was 100% coastal tiles. The inland sea I was talking about only had coastal squares and was about 3 tiles wide and 9 tile long, shaped sort of like an X-box logo. It was (I believe) computer generated by the fractal algorithm in the code.

        I have seen other examples of fairly large land locked bodies of water with only coastal squares in their shapes.

        You could technically have the entire water surface of the world map covered with coastal squares if you wanted to turn the map into a galley free for all.

        I would be interested in seeing a save game file or small concise segment of a screen shot for your current example.
        i know lakes can come in all different sizes. This was the first lake of this size i've gotten under 1.21 and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was still a lake even tho it had sea tiles. even under 1.17, i rarely had a lake that had a coast more than 1 tile deep, before it switched to sea tiles and was no longer fresh water.

        What i'd like to see is these large lakes remain fresh water, but also allow ships to be built (not wonders, undecided about coastal bldgs). if its an AI issue, maybe these cities could be flagged as to whether it has access to a ocean port, and only if a port to the ocean exists, then the AI can build ships so that it doesnt build a large useless fleet.


        • #19
          If I had paid closer attention to your earlier posts, I would have probably said this earlier, but it sounds like you have some sort of single game bug or program corruption going on.

          By looking at your screenshot, the lake you have would actually be classified as an "inland sea" by all the rules that I understand. The presence of even one tile containing sea water or one tile containing a fish should (I believe based on my experiences so far) make that body of water into NOT FRESH WATER.

          That means that if San Fransisco is viewing the body of water as a fresh water lake, there is something deeper wrong with the underlying .sav and .bic file that you are operating with.

          (By the way that is a great map position).

          If you have modified any rules in the bic file )as indicated by the snowmen and the logpiles) and/or if you hand generated or direct edited the map file you should try and identify those changes.

          If this was an unmodified game with a computer generated map in V1.21 you should need an aqueduct in both SF and ATL and you should need a harbor to get the food yield up above the 1 unit level. You should also be able to build naval units in both cities.

          Otherwise sounds like an in game bug versus a general code bug.

          If you have a .sav file, I would look closer and try a hacked extract of the base map if you would like?


          • #20
            21 seems to be the magic number.

            20 coastal tiles, no ships, no harbour, no Lighthouse.

            21 coastal tiles, ships yes, harbour yes, Lighthouse yes.

            Took quite awhile of noodling around to find this. Was at work. Not there now. You can verify with your own editors if you wish.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              Originally posted by notyoueither
              21 seems to be the magic number.

              20 coastal tiles, no ships, no harbour, no Lighthouse.

              21 coastal tiles, ships yes, harbour yes, Lighthouse yes.

              Took quite awhile of noodling around to find this. Was at work. Not there now. You can verify with your own editors if you wish.
              nye has hit the nail on the head. I just talked to Soren and found out that the cutoff point for determining the difference between a large lake and an inland sea is 20/21 tiles. There is (despite something I may have posted either here or on the "other" forum ) no correlation with regards to the depth of the water, only the size.

              Barry Caudill
              Executive Producer
              Firaxis Games
              2K Games/Take 2 Interactive


              • #22
                Speedy, maybe this is something that should be able to be changed in the editor. I just hate seeing hardcoded values.
                Seemingly Benign
                Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                • #23
                  Thanks Speedy. and NYE, I think it would have taken me forever to figure that out since I was under the impression it was tile type and not number that determined an inland sea.

