Why don't I catch the AI spies.
Granted I usually win before the AI gets nationalism, but you would think that with the high probability of my spies getting caught, I would be equally likely to catch the AI spies. The computer always seems to have a good idea of my troop movements, especially right before they declare war, which suggests that the AI has spies, or they're cheating. So far I have never, ever caught an enemy spy and I know that the AI has had the means, opportunity, and motive to do this before. So this leaves four options. One, the game is incredibly unfair against the user, not allowing him to intercept spies. Two, the AI never or very rarely sends spies. Three, the AI cheats. Four, I am horribly unlucky.
Any thoughts, has anyone been able to accomplish this? Please post.
Any thoughts, has anyone been able to accomplish this? Please post.