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My Last Game

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  • My Last Game

    Okay, so I followed your advice and added memory (bringing it up to 384 megs) so I could play on a larger map without it taking the rest of my natural life to complete a game. I built cities like crazy at the beginning, ending up with over thirty. I built the Super Science city with the Colossus, Copernicus Observatory, Newton's College, and the SETI program. I also built Theory of Evolution, Hoover Dam, Leonardo's Workshop, Sistine Chapel, Bach Cathedral, and finally the Apollo Program. I stayed out of war by kissing up to my neighbors and building a strong defense--over 100 Mechanized Infantry, a dozen Modern Armor, 40 artillery, a dozen bombers, a dozen jet fighters, and several naval units. I was TWO MOVES AWAY from getting The Laser and completing my spaceship, when all of a sudden for NO REASON the French and Iroquois, with whom all interchanges had been "POLITE" for 4,000 years, declare war on me. I could have held them off, but I was so disgusted I nuked both their capitals with ICBMs and quit.

    People, this game SUCKS. There is NO WAY to win peacefully. Anyway who claims that they've won a science, cultural, or diplomatic victory without a major war is a liar. If the people who designed this monstrosity thinks that this is what real civilization is about, then they must be very depressed.

    And even with 384 megs of RAM it still runs slower than molasses.

  • #2
    What real-world civilization has gone 6,000 years and become prominent without participating in a few major wars along the way? I do wish it were less important to conquer a good chunk of the world to build up your financial and industrial base, but you'll have a hard time convincing me it's unrealistic.



    • #3
      People have won the game with a single city. I suspect they couldn't do that if they engaged in a major war.

      War is part of both civilization the real world and Civilization the game. If you were playing against real people you can be sure you would never go through a game without many major wars.

      YOU made the war major by having a temper tantrum. Tossing nukes because the big bad AI decided continued peace was a sure way to lose. At that the AI clearly waited too long to attack you.

      All you needed to do was finish the tech and launch. I can launch on the same turn I get the Laser tech. In my last game I thought it was funny the way the Iroqouis attacked just before I launched. I won even before I could launch a counter attack. They should have built a Space Ship themselves.

      I have no sympathy for people that insist on playing huge maps and then complain the game is slow. Play on standard maps if you have no tolerance for long games. I personally am not a big proponent of self-flaggelation. You may do so if you wish though.

      You had the game won.


      • #4
        when all of a sudden for NO REASON the French and Iroquois, with whom all interchanges had been "POLITE" for 4,000 years, declare war on me
        Is this so unbelieveable? I think these things are quite realistic and have always been a good part for the civ games. NAtions in the real world go through different periods. In some of these periods they are very warlike and aggresive, wheras in others they are very peaceful. A good example would be Hitler's Germany and Germany nowadays. Look at the difference, and thats only in 50 or so years!

        It's part of human civilisation that nations will from time to time become aggresive and pursue very aggressive policies seeking new land and new resources. This has been simulated quite well with the Frecnh and Iriquois atacking you (an obviously rich and superior nation).

        Wouldn't the game be boring if no-one ever got aggresive and declared war or went on Hitler-like conquests? Well it would be very civilisation-like. That's for sure.
        Once I had an elf-friend. Then one day this kid stared at my elf-friend. And my elf-friend ran off. And then I took my flame-thrower out of my holster and torched that kid. So I guess the lesson of that story would be not to mess with my elf-friends. At least, it would be, if the story had a lesson. It doesn't.


        • #5
          would be very civilisation-like
          Wouldn't be very civilisation-like. Sorry.
          Once I had an elf-friend. Then one day this kid stared at my elf-friend. And my elf-friend ran off. And then I took my flame-thrower out of my holster and torched that kid. So I guess the lesson of that story would be not to mess with my elf-friends. At least, it would be, if the story had a lesson. It doesn't.


          • #6
            the objective of the AI is to win, not to "act civilized"
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #7
              The USA has been around 226 years, and has fought in 10 major wars. The British Empire was around for hundreds of years, and has fought in hundreds of wars. China has fought wars, Persia fought wars, the Babylonians fought wars. The Japanese, French, Iroquois, Germans, Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Zulu, Russians, Indians, and the Egyptians all fought wars. Every group of people that has been called a civilization has engaged in some kind of combat.

              If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


              • #8
                Re: My Last Game

                Originally posted by bobbyd1947
                I was TWO MOVES AWAY from getting The Laser and completing my spaceship, when all of a sudden for NO REASON the French and Iroquois, with whom all interchanges had been "POLITE" for 4,000 years, declare war on me.
                Emphases added. Wanna re-read that?


                • #9
                  Re: Re: My Last Game

                  Originally posted by LarryLard
                  Emphases added. Wanna re-read that?
                  nonsense! the AI should ignore the fact that you're about to win and just carry on minding it's own business!
                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #10
                    Mmmmh... In my last game, everyone was annoyed at me although I have a "diplomatic" strategy and try to be loved. Although everybody else traded nationalism, no one, even my only Indian friends, accepted for even a huge amount of money...
                    Well, I guess sometimes the AI is surprising and takes something into account you don't think it does.
                    For example, I think that in this game, people disliked me because I had a much bigger army than usual (even if I didn't go to war).
                    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                    • #11

                      Actually, having a large army and not using it should boost your diplomatic relations with the AI. It means you are more powerful (they respect that) and your reputation is also good (no breaking treaties and such). However, if your large military came at the expense of culture, that may explain it. Culture also has a positive effect on diplomatic relations, and if your culture was inferior, it may have hurt your standing.

                      Still, no matter how nice and honorable you are, sometimes the AI just gets jealous of you. I have noticed (often) that if I have several luxuries available for trade, but choose not to trade them to an AI, they get "annoyed' or even "furious" with me. The moment I trade them a luxury or two, they're "polite."

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12
                        One by one people who wanted to love this game throw in the towel and post their frustration here only to be treated with contempt by the choirboys.

                        Personally, I am Civ3 free. As is my registry after a through scrubbing.

                        Please wait.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................


                        • #13
                          I think I'd be happier if the AI did attack me when I was about to spaceship win. It's never happened so far. I wondered if your game was played at deity where the AI can be fairly aggressive but I take it from your possesion of so many Wonders that this game was played at a lower level.
                          We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                          If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                          Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                          • #14
                            The computer should read your mind.

                            Anyway, sounds good to me. I think the Civ's should of attacked you with relentess force, they decided that you were too close to winning.

                            Anyway, everyone has usually bought a faster computer after playing any Civilization game in the Past, usually to play the game faster in the future. Its part of the appeal of the game.
                            One would hope the game takes a faster computer to play, so one has something to look forward too.

                            Civ II was just too easy.


                            • #15
                              Civ3 is NOT SimCity!

                              Originally posted by SpencerH
                              I think I'd be happier if the AI did attack me when I was about to win. It's never happened so far.
                              Exactly! This is NOT SimCity! The AI should try to win & instead it's only interested in getting the best deal for the day. Usually, most AI Civs will let you complete your spaceship in peace if you give them a luxury and/or technology for free. Giving into the Babylonian's demand for Ivory... yes just Ivory... so I could finish my spaceship in peace is when I 1st noticed this. Talking about a stupid AI... and some people want it even more stupid???

