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  • #31
    Re: Re: Re: Realistic? LOL!!! <- Exactly

    Originally posted by notyoueither
    But what if some players only have illusionary freinds?
    But then your old illusionary friends start to get jealous of your new illusionary friends and things can get quite messy. But just between us, I still see Cleo on the side now and then.

    ...did I say too much?


    • #32
      No, you didn't say too much. It gave me an idea. I might try to sell it to Infogrames.

      Imagine a party with Otto, Joan, Mao and Cleo. Can you imagine the potential? I thought so.

      OK. Ever heard of those card board cut-out, life-sized people? I've seen them in a couple of sit coms. Or were they commercials? Maybe it was my livingroom... Never mind. Doesn't matter.

      Anyways, you prolly know where I'm going already. How about the Civ3 Leaders Party People? Sounds good right? Except nobody would order the Cathy figure. Oh well, bundle her with Liz. Kinda a 2-fer. HooBoy. Now we're on a role.

      Only problem would be costume...

      Great! They can have 4 complete sets. One for each era. That way everyone can have their friends dressed (or not) in ways they are most comfortable with...

      Mmmm... Dressed (or not)...

      Great! They can the Civ3 Leaders Porno People! Then even some the OT regulars (no names) would line up too!

      What duhyah think? Are we on to something here?

      Oh G*d! Someone shoot me. Please? No, not you Ming. No, no, I didn't mean it! Really!

      Why stop at Civ3 leaders? You could have the Poly Civ3 Party People! OK, imagine Joan, Ming, Liz, MarkG, Cleo and DanQ all at the party with you. Of course, that leaves you with Cathy.

      Nuff said.

      This post (c). Don't none of youse even think of stealing these most excellent ideas. Got it? Good.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #33
        Sleep does wonders for the fevered mind.

        I must try it more often.


        • #34

          I bet you're one of the people who say, "The AI Sucks! I had five iron resources near me, and they sent settlers to every one before I got one! I mean really! How stupid can the AI be?"

          "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

          Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005

