So to decide to use the less complex, less features, version sounds like a cop out to me. In all software people expect more of the same with added features in new versions.
Haunters of the Pit that they are, the developers have tried to foist "Culture" on you. They have tried to ply you with Resources - both Strategic and (Slaves of Jezabel!) Luxuries. Bombard baits you, Air missions will decieve you, and a stronger AI will only confound you. Yes, my baahing-ones, these _could_ be considered "new features." But can _any_ new feature be worth the loss of Wonder Movies? Or Market Gardens? No, of course not! Only a demon-loving, baby-eating, boot-licking Fanboy could think so.
This is the truth - _never_ let yourself be distracted from it: Civ3 has fewer techs! Planes can't sink ships! And - the most terrible truth of all - Spearman can beat tanks! Civ2 - after only a dozen patches - achieved perfection. By all that's holy, there is _no_ reason why Civ3 shouldn't be just like Civ2. This so-called "Civ3" is NOT what we were expecting!
... Not what we were expecting. What, I ask you, can be more damning?