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I Think It's Time to Say Goodbye

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  • #16
    Hear hear, nationalist!!

    I love playing Civ3, even if there are flaws. I love interacting with other interested players, and further developing my playing style based on their lessons / input. I love that Firaxis pays attention.

    Is the game perfect? Not even close. But I continue to find ways to explore it, to find new and interesting strategies to enjoy. It's an evolution.

    I wish that JT especially would focus on the constructive, as when he does it's usually very valuable.

    "Verily, thou art not paid for thy methods, but for thy results, by which meaneth thou shalt kill thine enemy by any means available before he killeth you." - Richard Marcinko


    • #17
      Although, JT is right, there is no need to be insulting.

      "Verily, thou art not paid for thy methods, but for thy results, by which meaneth thou shalt kill thine enemy by any means available before he killeth you." - Richard Marcinko


      • #18
        Originally posted by jimmytrick
        If you are sick of reading our posts why don't you turn off your computer. No one is forcing you to browse this forum. If you don't like it you can turn off your computer and take it back to the place you bought it.

        Get a life already.
        Jimmy, the more I read your posts the more I'm convinced that you're an idiot. True, no one is forcing me to read this foum. I read it to find out information about the game, to add some constructive criticism from time to time, and to discuss ideas about how to improve the game. However, in almost every thread there are comments from you or others like you interjecting things like "I hate everything about this game, it sucks, if you like it then you are a moron, blah, blah, blah" Then you add some melodramatic piece about how you were "decieved by Firaxis and that you're going to sell your game and that you have been scarred for life, whine, whine, whine" You sound like a 13 year old girl throwing a temper tantrum. If you think that the game is fundamentally flawed, stop playing it and stop posting it everywhere. You rarely add anything of worth to the forum, no constuctive criticism, no ideas for improvements short of "get rid of everything and make a new game", basically nothing but the same old "I hate this game and am going to sell it back" spiel that no one cares about. I have tried to ignore you, but you have finally ended up irritating me. You force people to read your post by adding your opinions where they are totally off topic. Many posts I find here are valuable and entertaining. I will continue to read and post here regarldess of how many people like you post here. I do this because I enjoy Civ 3, and this is a Civ 3 site. You don't enjoy Civ 3, so why come here to ***** and whine about it to people who give it a chance? As you would say: "No one is forcing you to browse this forum." So go, sell your game, and stop annoying those of us who want to have a meaningful discussion about the game.

        By the way, didn't you start a thread here a couple of days ago that said it was your last post? Why didn't you stick to that decision? Is it because you wanted to play the part of the drama queen yet again. I say leave, and good riddance.
        "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


        • #19
          Your personal attack on me is filled with inaccuracies.

          You accuse me of posting off topic. I wasn't even on this thread till you insulted me by name. Seems that you went out of your way to trash me personally.

          I don't mind though.


          • #20
            Originally posted by jimmytrick
            Your personal attack on me is filled with inaccuracies.

            You accuse me of posting off topic. I wasn't even on this thread till you insulted me by name. Seems that you went out of your way to trash me personally.

            I don't mind though.
            No, but this thread reminded me too much of you to not mention your name. I figured that it was only a matter of time before you added you two cents to this thread. However, my statements go to all of those who say plainly "I hate this game, and the only way to fix it is to make a new game. I'm getting rid of it, and I want to make sure that I say that I am a few dozen times." My question is: who cares? If you like the game, good. If you don't like it, well then tha's alright too. Its an opinion. Most people realize this and post questions about this game, or ask people what they think about certain game play ideas, or suggest small changes in gameplay to make this game better. Sorry, but Firaxis
            is not going to release an entirely new game. Civ 3 is fundamentally good, but it needs some changes. That is why Firaxis releases patches. They take our constructive, well thought out and argued criticisms and use them to help balance the game a little better. If you simply say "I hate everything about this game" or suggest that 90% of the game needs redone, then stop playing the game and stop posting. Let others who at least see some kind of worth in Civ 3 discuss things without having to deal with people like yourself who think that anyone who writes anything good about the game is a stupid Fan Boy and a Firaxis lackey.
            "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


            • #21
              Without involving myself too deeply... nationalist, you are certainly not forced to read jimmytrick's posts. May I suggest the ignore function? You aren't helpless.
              Lime roots and treachery!
              "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


              • #22
                Originally posted by cyclotron7
                Without involving myself too deeply... nationalist, you are certainly not forced to read jimmytrick's posts. May I suggest the ignore function? You aren't helpless.
                I know I'm not, and I am going to hit the ignore function. I just wanted to address something that many other people seemed to be annoyed with as well before I did. This is the first time that I have every attacked someone personally here, and I don't enjoy doing it. I just geniunely dislike the incessant whining going on on this forum. Take a look at JT's post where he suggests that we split up into official camps and fight it out. I just think that that kind of thing has no place here. This has been annoying me and others for awhile and I just felt like something needed to be said. Now, I'm going to go back to discussing the game.
                "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                • #23
                  "I think that the reason that most people are angry is because its not Civ2. Civ 3 is much more difficult to beat. You can no longer build a horde of howitzers and conquer all of your enemies, and you can't expect that a garrison of 1 howitzer can keep a size 24 city at bay. Most people have been using the same strategies that they tried in Civ 2. When those strategies fail, then they get mad."

                  False. Inaccurate. Annoying to those who dont think Firaxians are gods, and dare to disagree with them. IIRC the original poster was upset partly because the AI self destructed . This doesnt sound like "WAHHHH! Mommy, this game is too hard!" Comments like "learn to play civ3, its harder than civ2" are like attacks on all non-fanboys. People can like/dislike, agree/disagree for many reasons and VERY FEW would dislike civ3 because of too much difficulty (if anything they say its too easy w/o rediculous AI cheats). He has valid complaints about the game being too luck-based and builder based victories being too easy compared to conquering/domionation. I turned them off, they were too easy and no fun. There is too much luck IMO, when the # generator is on my side for the next 20 turns it makes my victories feel worthless and when its against me for the other 20 turns it is just plain frustrating.

                  "Most people have been using the same strategies that they tried in Civ 2. When those strategies fail, then they get mad."

                  Do you know how to read minds? Do you know that "most" people who think civ3 is boring/a bad value or whatever are sore losers? Is there any validity whatsoever to that claim? I know someone who is good at civ3, but says it is sometimes a bit boring (which is somewhat true, unfortunately).
                  The Civ3 world is one where stealth bombers are unable to sink galleons, Man-O-Wars are a powerful counter to battleships, and knights always come equipped with the AT-S2 Anti-Tank Sword.

                  The Simwiz2 Combat Mod Version 2.0 is available for download! See the changes here. You can download it from the CivFanatics Thread or the Apolyton Thread.


                  • #24
                    "I think that the reason that most people are angry is because its not Civ2. Civ 3 is much more difficult to beat. You can no longer build a horde of howitzers and conquer all of your enemies, and you can't expect that a garrison of 1 howitzer can keep a size 24 city at bay. Most people have been using the same strategies that they tried in Civ 2. When those strategies fail, then they get mad."
                    I see this a totally accurate analysis of many of the complainers who post here.

                    There is too much luck IMO, when the # generator is on my side for the next 20 turns it makes my victories feel worthless and when its against me for the other 20 turns it is just plain frustrating.
                    With out a number generator how else will it be decided? I'd really like to know.
                    Sorry....nothing to say!


                    • #25
                      I am glad that people are getting the opportunity to vent their feelings without moderator intrusion.


                      • #26
                        With out a number generator how else will it be decided? I'd really like to know.

                        The point isn't that random number generation is being used, rather that it is so blantantly obvious that we are playing a game of Risk. A good game should mask the underlying rules from the average player. I too have been frustrated by the randomness of this game. It seems that to make the AI more challenging the developers at Firaxis thought it was a good idea to make the code less complex. Sounds like laziness to me. They should of built on the existing combat system instead of totally revamping/breaking it.


                        • #27
                          Hey jt... why does everyone pick on you? I always read what you say and while I don't agree with you all the time, i don't think you really whine all that much.

                          Besides, whining about whining nationalist?
                          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                          • #28
                            I am glad that people are getting the opportunity to vent their feelings without moderator intrusion.
                            That's only because the moderator has been away from his computer today because he had other things to do...

                            Enough with the personal insults. The next person that make a personal insult is gone.

                            It's ok to discuss your feelings about the game, like or dislike. But when you make personal attacks against other members of this site because you just happen to disagree with them... that is not OK...

                            So chill people!
                            Last edited by Ming; March 20, 2002, 19:57.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by simwiz2

                              Inaccurate. Annoying to those who dont think Firaxians are gods, and dare to disagree with them. IIRC the original poster was upset partly because the AI self destructed . This doesnt sound like "WAHHHH! Mommy, this game is too hard!" Comments like "learn to play civ3, its harder than civ2" are like attacks on all non-fanboys.

                              Thank you for helping me prove a point. Civ 3 isn't horrible, therefore I am a Firaxis worshipping "fan boy", therefore a lesser being than you tragically hip "non-fanboys."

                              VERY FEW would dislike civ3 because of too much difficulty
                              On the contrary, many of the posts on this site have something to do with the fact the the AI can be very difficult to defeat on higher levels. Read some posts.

                              Do you know how to read minds? Do you know that "most" people who think civ3 is boring/a bad value or whatever are sore losers?Is there any validity whatsoever to that claim?
                              No, but I can read what people post. Many complaints stem from differences between Civ 2 and Civ 3, and many are about things that make Civ 3 harder. For example, people hate the culture flip. I like it, because it has made me change my strategies. There are many more examples, just read some recent posts.

                              I don't think that Firaxis is infallable (even though it amuses me that you made fun of me in exactly the way that I said people would. Did you even read my post?) I think that there can be some changes to make the game better. I don't like the corruption model, I think that there should be firepower points.
                              I don't like the fact that he AI will settle anywhere, and the AI tech trading needs to be changed. I think that the AI needs to learn how to use Communism. Firaxis has listened to us before when they made patches, and if we make valid arguments then they will probably listen to us again. I don't feel ripped off when they give us free updates online. But if you had read my post, you will see that what annoys me is the people who post that they are selling their game or repeatedly posting how much you hate the game. I for one don't care if you are selling your game. You shouldn't care that I enjoy the game. I'm keeping my copy of Civ 3, because I think that it is better than Civ 2. It has grown on me, even though at first I didn't like it. Then I relized that it wasn't supposed to be Civ 2 and re-adjusted my thinking. Go ahead and call me a fanboy. I'll just refer to you people as the whining annoyances. Come back when you have a suggestion for Civ 3 or a comment other than "It sucks" or "I hate Firaxis"
                              Last edited by nationalist; March 20, 2002, 20:20.
                              "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by number6

                                The point isn't that random number generation is being used, rather that it is so blantantly obvious that we are playing a game of Risk. A good game should mask the underlying rules from the average player. I too have been frustrated by the randomness of this game. It seems that to make the AI more challenging the developers at Firaxis thought it was a good idea to make the code less complex. Sounds like laziness to me. They should of built on the existing combat system instead of totally revamping/breaking it.
                                Forgive me then if I don't understand the problem. If you mean the combat system, I think it was supposed to be made simpler as in Civ1. The whole game is more modeled on Civ 1 than on Civ 2. This was an intentional game design choice, not due to "laziness" or just to make the AI more challenging. Whether it was the right or wrong choice depends on your personal preference. I like it, you may not. Neither side is wrong, neither is right.
                                Sorry....nothing to say!

