This intolerable new tech trading by the AI has sucked the fun right out of the game! Please Firaxis, release a fix right away! Was there no testing on this most recent patch whatsoever?
No announcement yet.
Hurry up and release 1.18! I can't take the AI's tech trading any more!
The faster the better, I suppose !!
So, so, sooo impatient !
Must admit though,
can hardly wait myself.
I find myself playing less and less.
Becoming Apolytonized!
If they'd fixe it soon,
maybe the game can have a chance in comparison to MOO3.
Boy, expectations are running high on that one ...
Will it be as good and innovative and, most importantly, as terrifying addictive as MOO2?
Meanwhile, CIV3 could be great though,
just a matter of engagement I suppose?
Come on guys (you know who) ...
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
a definite NOW !
Bring back the fun.
Kind of miss it lately ...
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
Originally posted by Dissident
exactly what did they do that ruined ai tech trading? is it that bad?
Generally: civ trade almost everything ASAP among each other and by the time you have properly settled and built some forces they rapidly become obsolete ...
IMO there is too less time to enjoy combat experiencing during ancient and medieval eras. Planning one campaign will mean no problem, but executing two campaigns (a minimum requirement for two eras!) with ancient units will be too difficult!
Many players report about deity space race wins on standard maps around 1200 AD !!!
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
Just miss those massive ancient combat thrills ..!
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
Re: Hurry up and release 1.18! I can't take the AI's tech trading any more!
Originally posted by monkspider
This intolerable new tech trading by the AI has sucked the fun right out of the game! Please Firaxis, release a fix right away! Was there no testing on this most recent patch whatsoever?
test cycle! -- oh wait that's how we got into trouble with 1.17
Oh where, oh where has my 1.18 gone???
Yes I am finding the tech trading and rapid expansion of the AI a bit overwhelming. I usually play Monarch and am losing by the time AI reaches Modern day, I am still discovering Cavalry, etc. Twelve games so far on the patch(1.17f) and I like most of what's in the patch but the horrendous AI "cheats" are getting to me and souring me on this game. It's a great game but man I am starting to get frustrated.
I do hope this will be addressed in the next patch. But for the life of me I don't have a conrcete suggestion as to how this should be implemented. Of course the Firaxians will know, but I hope it's a quantative and balanced fix. Oh yeah combat is still a problem, three elite swordsman taken out by one conscript barabarian???? Tanks vs. Phalanx's not so bad anymore but still some boner moves in certain battles. No it's not me, i am quite content and fairly versed in the Art of CIV Warfare.
Oh yeah last thing, down with barbarian rushes, even on "roaming", I had four cities attacked by 4 stacks of 10+ barabarian horseman. THAT was on ROAMING. It wiped out my treasury, PYRAMID and ORACLE builds and hacked down my cities in 1 a piece. This is ridiculous on "roaming". I'd expect this at raging.
Here are few things I do just to survive.
-Archipelago's, keeps contact down.
-don't offer contacts between CIV's.
-go to war every once in a while and wipe out a few of their cities.
-Tech for GOLD, buy what you can.
-keep tech rate as high as you can.
-build the Great Library, libraries and Universities and all science inducing techs.
I know it's been threaded elsewhere but these are just my thoughts.
CIV III will rule one day, I'm sure of it.
Its sad...
This tech trading thing has ruined the game. Before I played it constantly now I don't at all. The 1.18 patch was obviously not tested, its is very hard to miss the main problem with it. It ruinss the immersion of the game when every enemy has the exact same techs so I fall behind. I cant trade for or trade my own techs for anything reasonable. I congratulate Firaxis for screwing their game up with a PATCH!!!! Its a first for me to see a company so incompetent.
Used to love the game
waiting on next patch to fix tech trading....
Re: Oh where, oh where has my 1.18 gone???
Originally posted by Uncle Thade
Here are few things I do just to survive.
-keep tech rate as high as you can. ....
Profit from the work the AI does, they can do research a lot better than you can! Then trade a resource for their advance, and repeat after 20 turns.A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute
I quit my last game(which was my first game in a month) because of this.
It seems worse since the last patch.
I was playing as the Japs on a real Earthmap.Restarted a few times to get the right starting spot(something else that should never have gotten past the dev team and SHOULD have been fixed by now!
)16 civs.
Anyway- the Greeks started in Australia and Im the only civ to contact them.By the time everyone else was in the middle ages the greeks had still not even developed mapmaking.
All the other civs were constantly bugging me for contact and so I finally cracked and sold contact with the Greeks to everyone for as much gold as they would give.Before I did this I sold the Greeks all the tech they could affford, which wasnt much but I still broke their treasury.
THE NEXT TURN the Greeks were even in tech with everyone else!!!!!!
Its obvious the AI will even go so far as to GIVE techs away since I know the Greeks were broke -had nothing to trade(and even if they did they couldnt trade anyway because they had no harbors).Whenever I tried to trade techs the AI wanted 500-1000 gold-TWO techs -and my world map for one older tech that I didnt want to research.
Folks we are talking about 15 to 20 techs in ONE turn.
I mean WTF -Did that *** Alexander run around giving BJs to all the other leaders? Did he give them IOUs?Did he bend over and let them push him around their throneroom?
NO- the simple fact is that the AI CHEATS CHEATS CHEATS.
You hear all this talk about how much better The AI is compared to Civ2 and I say they just hid the cheating a little better.
Firaxis sucks - this game sucks-I give up for the last time.Die-Bin Laden-die
Originally posted by Evil_Eric_4
Folks we are talking about 15 to 20 techs in ONE turn.
I mean WTF -Did that *** Alexander run around giving BJs to all the other leaders? Did he give them IOUs?Did he bend over and let them push him around their throneroom?
NO- the simple fact is that the AI CHEATS CHEATS CHEATS.