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Fascism as a 3rd form of Modern Government in v1.18

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  • #16
    scooby_doo, I think that something as drastic as halving research for fascism is (a) unrealistic as under fascism the germans developed rockets, jets and almost nukes before the americans and (b) you get the same unbalancing effect as in civ2: just wait until you have all techs and then change to fundamentalism do kill everyone.

    I like sultanofATL's idea of sub-parts do govs. It makes loads of sence, brings the political intrigue of SMAC back in and allows you to change things without a full blown revolution.

    Even though the sci/lux baqrs might represent how much of a welfare state you have, if under democracy you are forced to have an 'election' every 8 turns or so and according to how happy the people are they vote for one thing or another and that gives you a challenge in mass-psychology management.

    hmmm... must think about this alot more... I think this thread has promise...


    • #17
      Originally posted by sachmo71
      But the average German THOUGHT he was better off, and therein lies the beauty of fascism! If this government is created in the game, it should make it harder for cities to go into disorder...maybe a 1.5/1 ratio of unhappy for it to go into disorder.
      Increased morale effect of temples and cathedrals but all foreign nationals are automatically unhappy?
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • #18
        even maybe sub-categories to governements like monarchy (constitutional monarchy like england or holland or autocratic monarchy like tsarist russia) and fascism (latin fascism like italy and spain or national-socialism like germany, the difference being one uses money and the other pop to speed production.)


        • #19
          I agree with you, aahz_capone that halving science would be too drastic a move, but the idea is, I think, a good one that certain governments have to contend with big drawbacks as a result of their way of doing things but in return reap huge benefits on certain aspects. I think that something like the halving science, not exactly this, but something on similar lines would help to distinguish between governments more and make the decison of switching much more interesting as there are clear-cut pros and cons. Instead, the differences between the current governments are, in my view, small. (There was a post somewhere that compared corruption rates for each government and the differences were so small as to be barely noticeable)
          I agree again that something as drastic as the halving of science rates for a government would unbalance the game although I would like to see more clear cut differences other than "Well, corruption will be slightly less, science will probably be more and your peeps will be generally happier".

          I think that this would definitely make the choice of governments far more interesting.

          Also, on the realism note, I think that it would be wrong to claim that a government such as Fascism has the same freedom of speech and openness to changes that a more representative government has and so I think that it would be justified to cut down on the science rate of Fascism to reflect this.

          If any history people are now going to prove me totally wrong, feel free, I welcome your opposing views and, who knows, I may learn something.


          • #20
            Originally posted by korn469

            personally i would like to see fascism or some other modern government be thrown into the mix, however without improvements in the editor it is difficult to properly distinguish between all of the governments while maintaining balance
            Not anymore, the gov specific buildings now work properly. You can differentiate between govs by creating buildings with unique characteristics to each gov that only they can build and use. It would be nice to have more options in the government area itself, but at least there are more possibilities now.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gramphos
              The biggest problem with sush a government would be to get the rules work well for it.

              As you say
              Fascists can only come to power when they have overwhelming popular support.

              The peoble need tu be unhappy with the current government to be able to swich to fachism, and maybe also have been unhappy with any other government they can think of. Sush rules require mush programming, but that's the only way to get it working without debalancing the game.
              I don't think Firaxis shoul focus on this yet, but maybe focus on adding more options to the governments in the editor.
              That's why I think a more general term like Dictatorship would be more appropriate. There needs to be some modern replacement for Despotism and I think that would fit nicely. While looking at the preferred governments of each civ, I discovered that 3 of them have Despotism listed. To me that's not a viable option for a modern government, considering the tile and the trade restrictions. Those 3 govs are bound to be much stronger with some other form, more modern form.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Kilroy_Alpha

                Nonsense. Russia managed to industrialize in about half the time it took the United States. China pulled it off fairly quickly too. Compared Russia in 1900 and Russia in 1930 and tell me why you think they're "unproductive."
                Unproductive doesn't have much to do with speed of industrialization. The reason that the U.S.S.R. was able to industrialize rapidly was due mostly to the fact that it was copying from what others had developed over the past 150 years. Russians didn't spend the time developing methods like the first industrializing nations did, they could just co-opt ideas. Their entire society changed from the years 1900-1930, and they moved from a feudal to an industrial society in those years (remember that Russia was a monarchy until 1917, and communism nearly collapsed in the mid 20's due to a failing economy) True, Stalin did push industrialization, but it would have taken a lot longer if they had to come up with their own techniques. German Industrialization provides a good parallel to this. Germany was able to industrialize and catch up with Great Britain, the world's economic leader, in a very short span of time. This is because Germany copied most of the techniques from existing U.S. and British models. The case of China is evn more striking.

                But, as I was saying, rate of industrilization and productivity are two different things. Research the Communist work ethic and you'll find that countries of the former Soviet Union are having tough times adjusting to capitalism simply because they have to work harder. Before it didn't matter how hard they worked, they were paid the same wage. Couple this with the fact that black market hoarding of government materials designed for use on projects but stockpiled by factory foremans to sell for personal profit was rampant and crippling and you will have the reason why I say that Communism is very unproductive and wh the U.S.S.R couldn't compete over the long run with the west.
                "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                • #23
                  Willem, I think that Dictatorship is far too vague. Communism is already a "dictatorship of the proleteriat". Infact, dictatorial powers can come with almost any form of government, be it far left, far right or even monarchies in the form of a theocracy. This is why we need to expand on the govs in civ3.

                  scooby, quite true that freedom of speech accelerates research faster then less "free" communities.

                  I like grumbold's idea of making all foreign nationals unhappy under fascism, it could balance the fact that nationals "think" they are happy. Hell, just create buildings like a Ministry of Love, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Truth and make an Orwellian dictatorship, like in 1984. Long live Engsoc, double plus good, duckspeak unslow tech. unnation unplus happy, double pop redux fast make.

                  Duckspeak unbad you? Fast know civlopedia, unknow lag work time good.


                  • #24
                    Government Forms

                    These are my ideas for the re-tooled government, Let me know what you think. Would they unbalance the game?



                    - The same tile benefits as Democracy (Fascists are capitalists)

                    - Draft 3 "regular" units from each city to reflect militaristic and popular nature of Fascism. After that, each unit will need support.
                    Also, military has the same martial law benefits as Communism
                    Military improvements don't require support.

                    -Factories add 1 extra shield to each square where squares are produced. This reflects the emphasis on industrialism. Also, rush building should cost half as much to rush as in Democracy.


                    -Other nations distrust Fascist governments. Therefore, the best relationship that you can have with other leaders is "cautious". Other Civs are far more likely to make alliances and embargoes against you no matter how powerful you are, and will not trade fairly with you.

                    -You cannot culturally assimilate foreign cities unless those cities are made up of more than 50% of your nationality. No foreign people would willingly join an intensely nationalistic fascist government. Foreign nationals in your cities are permantly unhappy.

                    -Corruption levels as bad as Communism, except not evenly spread out.

                    -All of your culture producing improvements will produce 25% less culture under Fascism, representing the emphasis of old ideas and the stifling of innovations (Jazz was banned in Nazi Germany, but Polka and Wagner were supported by the government.)

                    -Impossible to win a diplomatic victory until 25 turns after abandoning Fascism due to the stigma attached to Fascism.


                    -cultral improvements produce 1.5 times more culture per turn than their assigned value, due to the freedom of Democracy.

                    -Other Democracies will treat you very kindly (no worse than polite) unless you have a bad reputation, no matter how powerful you are. They will ally and trade with you more readily, and will rarely attack you. (this is according to the theory of the democratic peace.)

                    -war weariness levels will be negligable when your democracy has been attacked by a fascist or communist governmet. People will co-operate because it is a just war against authoritarianism. Normal war weariness for aiding an attacked ally or initiating a war with Communism or Fascism. However, if you invade a democracy while under democracy you will have severe war weariness.

                    -easier to win a Diplomatic victory


                    -Draft "regular" units, like under Fascism

                    -If a city adjacent to your border has a factory, is under size ten, and has fewer than 1,000 culture points and no wonders goes into disorder for more than two turns, you automatically assimilate it. (This is according to the theory of worker's solidarity. The culture points of a city matter because, in my mind, culture points represent how strong nationalist feeling is in any particular city. If it is under 1,000 and has no wonders there is greater loyalty to class than to nation, and a far greater chance or a porletariat revolution that would be willing to join with its communist neighbor. Study the Bavarian revolution of 1920)

                    -Spy missions cost 1/8th as much as for the other types of governments, because there are ideological brethern and sympathizers in every nation.

                    -Other civs treat Communists better than Fascists, because there are working classes and leftists in every country. On the other hand, it is hard for other nations to be sympathetic to belligerant foreign nationalists.

                    -Culture penalty is 50%. Communist governments (specifically the U.S.S.R.) have been very anti-tradition and athiest. They destroy old culture and do not allow new culture to flourish unless it follows a specific doctrine. At least Fascist celebrate (some would say worship) their cultural history.

                    There would be no expansion limit for modern governments other than standard corruption, and that corruption could be battled by city improvements. There would be no super-corruption in modern governments.
                    Last edited by nationalist; February 22, 2002, 17:56.
                    "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                    • #25
                      Lots of good electrons flowing in this thread... Lots of good ideas. I particularly like the idea of sub-governments -conservitave, liberal, hawkish, radical, nerdie (scientific), greedy etc. etc. Great way to help refocus your government without having a revolution every time you go to war.

                      I think lots of governments should be added - BUT THEY MUST BE BALANCED FOR THE GAME. Variety is the stuff of life, so I say bring it on, the more the better.
                      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                      • #26
                        I like your ideas nationalist, except I think that democracy get TOO much culture. If you add to a democracy AND take away from commies and fascists then winning culturally would only be available for democracies. There are enough well known monarchies that are culturally richer then democracies.

                        Also, even though I agree with lessening cultural effects for fascists, I don't think it should be halved. I think it should be maybe a third or quarter down. Commies in general REPRESS culture because they are athiest and culture goes against internation proleteriate solidarity doctrine, fascism however only STAGNATES culture. Looking at Mussolini's Italy, they reveled in Roman culture, and Nazi Germany tried to promote classical norms and values in their culture amongst the nationals (think of the increase in propaganda including the "classical ubermensch" and obsession with christian legends like the holy lance and that amongst the SS). But because of this surgical removal of anything culturaly new (think about the nazi's movement against jazz), culture doesn't develope, it stays the same in essence and content, and increases only in capacity. in a democracy it increases in capacity and essence. in communism it get repressed.


                        • #27
                          Oh, but for the goverment system in SMAC,
                          Would civ 3 be a game that takes no flack.
                          To mix and match like gods inflinitely,
                          It would bring out the Yang in me
                          and my social experiments!

                          I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by aahz_capone
                            Willem, I think that Dictatorship is far too vague. Communism is already a "dictatorship of the proleteriat". Infact, dictatorial powers can come with almost any form of government, be it far left, far right or even monarchies in the form of a theocracy. This is why we need to expand on the govs in civ3.
                            And what's not vaque about Democracy? The US model is quite different than the English one, or the Japanese. Same with Communism. Are we talking about the Stainist version, the Maoist, or the Castro? Exactly which version of these two forms are being represented in the game? That's why I feel a broad term like Dictatorship would be much more appropriate. You can split hairs about the differences between Fascism, and the current government in Myanmar, but they both boil down to the same basic mechanism of running a country, the iron fist.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by aahz_capone
                              I like your ideas nationalist, except I think that democracy get TOO much culture. If you add to a democracy AND take away from commies and fascists then winning culturally would only be available for democracies. There are enough well known monarchies that are culturally richer then democracies...
                              I agree. If you want to win culturally, you probably shouldn't play as a communist or a fascist. But, under my system Monarchy and Republic would retain the current level of culture production. If you wanted to be militaristic and culutrally advanced, play as a monarch.

                              I see your point about cultural levels. This could possibly work: Fascists lose 25%, Despots lose 25%, Communists lose 50%
                              "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                              • #30
                                Hmmmm... you have a valid point there. Which is why we need non revolutionary options like liberalism, and parties and what not to destinguish this mess.

                                Still, if you boil down too much then you might as well miss out on monarchies and republics, as hell, The Republic of France is a democracy, and a constitutional monarchy is also a democracy. In fact thats a way to change from monarchy to democracy without a revolution: constitional evolution.

                                That aside though, not destinguishing between the dictatorial forms of communism and fascism is something I'd rather not do, seeing as both forms are so far from each other on the politcal spectrum.

