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Fascism as a 3rd form of Modern Government in v1.18

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  • Fascism as a 3rd form of Modern Government in v1.18

    There has been an ongoing debate in a few threads about whether the governments of civ 3 are satisfactory or not. Much debate has circled around the inclusion of Fascism as a form of government, and I was just curious as to what people's opinions on the topic are. Here are my opinions (most of which have been posted on a different thread).---

    I think that Fascism should be the modern version of Monarchy, where Democracy is equivalent to Republic and Communism is equivalent to Despotism. It should have the same commerce benefits as Democracy (Fascists are capitalists), but greater corruption. It should be good at fielding an army. You should be able to conscript 3 units from each city, and those conscripts should have "regular" status, with three life bars (to reflect the militarism of Fascism and the popular support received by Fascist governments) After that, units should be the same as Democracy. To reflect the industrial benefits of Fascism, factories should produce one extra shield in every shield producing square and rush building should cost half as much as in Democracy (fascists, with the exception of Nazis, didn't use slave labor. Therefore there should be no population killing rush building.) The same martial laws that apply under communism should apply under Fascism. The drawbacks to Fascism should be that the per turn culture benefit from each building should be halved (representing the surpression and destruction of dissenters) and, most importantly, alienation from the other Civs due to belligerant nationalism. This alienation will make trading far more difficult and the probability of alliances and sneak attacks against you far more probable. To balance the system, Democracy should recieve 1.5 times as much culture from buildings as it does now, and AI will treat Democracies with far more trust, making trades easier and sneak attacks much more unlikely. Communism will remain as is, except it should also recieve a culture penalty.

    Fascism is a real and historical form of government, and should be represented. In itself, Fascism is no more evil than Communism or other forms of authoritarian government. Though there have been whole books written about fascism, in a nutshell it is an extension of democracy gone wild. Fascists can only come to power when they have overwhelming popular support. Once they have that support, they use it to do the will of the majority and force the majority's opinions on everyone else in the country. It is basically the "mobocracy" that the American founding fathers sought so hard to avoid: majority rules regardless of what happens. They are hyper-nationalistic ( they think that they are better than any other people), and tend to be militaristic due to the nationalist rhetoric inherent to their government. The governments are lead by a strong, idealized, father figure type. They tend to arise when nations are in very hard times, and allow for extremely quick industrial and economic growth.

    Fascism and Nazism are different things, and Fascists are not all Nazis. There have been a number of fascist governments in the world beside Nazi Germany ( Mussolini's Italy, Perron's Argentina, Franco's Spain, and some would say France under Napoleon and Napoleon III, along with some other less notable cases), and those Fascists did not commit genocide. Genocide was central to the Nazis. Sure, Fascists governments aren't the nicest governments if you aren't one of the majority, but for the majority, they tend to be less oppressive than Soviet style Communism (except for the Nazis. Both the Soviets and the Nazis were totalitarian, but that's another story.)

    I think that Fascism would be a good middle step between Democracy and Communism, just as Monarchy is between Republic and Despotism in ancient times. It would be a nice new addition to version 1.18. What does everyone else think?
    Yes, add Fascism as the 3rd modern form of overnment
    No, Fascism is inappropriate. Add a different form of government
    Add Fascism along with other forms of government
    No, the current selection of governments is acceptable
    Last edited by nationalist; February 22, 2002, 05:36.
    "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796

  • #2

    personally i would like to see fascism or some other modern government be thrown into the mix, however without improvements in the editor it is difficult to properly distinguish between all of the governments while maintaining balance

    personally to me i see fascism as the upgrade to despotism while communism is the upgrade to monarchy, i know that communism didn't work as planned, but a communist (marxist) state doesn't have to be exactly like the soviet union


    • #3
      The biggest problem with sush a government would be to get the rules work well for it.

      As you say
      Fascists can only come to power when they have overwhelming popular support.

      The peoble need tu be unhappy with the current government to be able to swich to fachism, and maybe also have been unhappy with any other government they can think of. Sush rules require mush programming, but that's the only way to get it working without debalancing the game.
      I don't think Firaxis shoul focus on this yet, but maybe focus on adding more options to the governments in the editor.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        Originally posted by korn469

        personally to me i see fascism as the upgrade to despotism while communism is the upgrade to monarchy
        The reason that I see Communism as equivalent to modern despotism is because the production penalty of despotism is analagous to some of the problems inherent in Communism. Communist governments are notoriously wasteful and unproductive (due to the "communist work ethic" Why work harder than anyone else when we all get the same benefits?) Also, Fascists are capitalists, and should be able to generate commerce at a rate equivalent to democracies, which are also capitalist. Communist governments aren't capitalists, and should therefore not produce as much commerce as the capitalist forms of government (much like despotism has a cap on commerce generated per tile.)
        "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


        • #5
          check out my mod.
          MonsterMan's Mod:


          • #6
            Give the community a better editor and new government types will sprout all over the place. Fascism will certainly be one of the most commonly included.

            I don't personally see Fascism as a commercial success, more as an industrial one. The average German became no better off once the initial climb out of the depression and rebuilding of Germany was complete. If production rises then the 'wealth' option will become more lucrative. So a Fascist country building wealth is buoyant but when it turns to building tanks and bombers it tails off rapidly.
            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


            • #7
              I personally agree with nationalist here. His arguments are solid and he destinguishes nicely between fascism and national-socialism. However I don't think this problem will be fixed by just having a better editor. Yeah, editing and making mods is fun (check out for the most well rounded and accurate mod of the Netherlands, my home country) but the biggest problem there is that everyones mod for fascism would be different, just as there are many different mods for including the spanish and the vikings and god knows what else.
              I would like to see FIRAXIS bring out there own stuff so that the is standardization amongst the civ community. This includes of course bringing out fascism and maybe some more civs.

              The fact that fascism is missing doesn't pain me in the way of missing CTP, but it pains me in the way of missing the political intrigue of SMAC. As you say, democracies should be nicer to eachother (as is in the real world) etc. I also think its comendable the way you've thought of government affecting culture.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gramphos
                The peoble need tu be unhappy with the current government to be able to swich to fachism, and maybe also have been unhappy with any other government they can think of. Sush rules require mush programming, but that's the only way to get it working without debalancing the game.
                I don't think that you would need to do anything that drastic. In my opinion the anarchy normally caused in the game when you switch governments would be enough to bring about a fascist form of government. Going into anarchy always makes my entire civ bacome unhappy, and that unhappyness could produce the same effect that you are talking about. Nothng else special would be needed, simply click the revolution button, wait for the anachy to end, and choose fascism. Therefore, Fascism would simply be another government you could pick from.
                "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nationalist
                  I don't think that you would need to do anything that drastic. In my opinion the anarchy normally caused in the game when you switch governments would be enough to bring about a fascist form of government. Going into anarchy always makes my entire civ bacome unhappy, and that unhappyness could produce the same effect that you are talking about. Nothng else special would be needed, simply click the revolution button, wait for the anachy to end, and choose fascism. Therefore, Fascism would simply be another government you could pick from.
                  Well, maybe, but what would you give it for stats to not unbalance the game?
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Adding Fascism as you describe it would break the game. It would also require a lot of retooling, time probably better spent improving the editor.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nationalist
                      Communist governments are notoriously wasteful and unproductive
                      Nonsense. Russia managed to industrialize in about half the time it took the United States. China pulled it off fairly quickly too. Compared Russia in 1900 and Russia in 1930 and tell me why you think they're "unproductive."


                      • #12
                        You cannot argue against adding more governments. (As long as they are all balanced and one is not too powerful.)
                        Sorry....nothing to say!


                        • #13
                          First post, so bear with me if it all goes pear-shaped...

                          "As long as they are all balanced and one is not too powerful."

                          How true, I think this was a major problem with Civ 2 that Fundamentalism, although a good idea, was simply too powerful and unbalanced the game drastically. This may be why the makers of Civ 3 decided not to change the formula of governments too much and stick with what they knew worked. However, I agree that new types of government should be available as they allow a much greater diversity in the game and allow greater freedom to rule as you see appropriate.

                          As for the actual nitty-gritty of exactly what kind of bonuses and restrictions should be given for Fascism, I'm not sure. I liked Civ 2's idea that Fundamentalism had research halved, and I think that something like that could represent the rigid focus of Facism although I don't know if this can be done with editor.

                          What does everyone else think? What governments can be accurately modelled in Civ 3 using the editor? From what I've seen it's quite restrictive and this may pose a problem as I think its important not to have unrealistic govts. but to try to keep it true-to-life


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Grumbold

                            I don't personally see Fascism as a commercial success, more as an industrial one. The average German became no better off once the initial climb out of the depression and rebuilding of Germany was complete. If production rises then the 'wealth' option will become more lucrative. So a Fascist country building wealth is buoyant but when it turns to building tanks and bombers it tails off rapidly.
                            But the average German THOUGHT he was better off, and therein lies the beauty of fascism! If this government is created in the game, it should make it harder for cities to go into disorder...maybe a 1.5/1 ratio of unhappy for it to go into disorder.


                            • #15
                              Why can't we have sub-parts to the current governments. Like a Conservative democracy with military defense bonuses and stable economies and contentedness boost. Or a Liberal democracy that has military cost penalties, but offers more citizen happiness bonuses and is some what unstable. Little things like changing the science tax would have profound effects on your population.

