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Army from a Hut???

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  • #16
    Well, I do not know how closely this is related but I have noticed a couple of times that when I popped a goody hut it would tell me I got a skilled warrior but instead I got a settler or another unit. Sorry, I do not have a saved game of it but I will try to recreate it. Hope I get an army from one soon though!
    I came, I saw, I got whooped....


    • #17
      I downloaded the updated patch just to see what had been changed.

      And it wew just what units the barbarians could build that had chaned back to default. So don't download the new patch you too. Here is the chaned bic, if you don' want to chane it yourself.
      Attached Files
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #18
        Ahhh, so it looks like my good luck was due to having downloaded the patch when it first came out, and not bothering to go back and get the "old" editor, since I've been playing by the standard rules.


        • #19
          There was a thread about this earlier...

          I have a couple questions for Firaxis/anyone who knows...
          Since Barbarians can get any unit (according to the editor...)

          -Can they build armies?
          -Can they build air units?
          -Can they build nuclear weapons?

          Armies, I don't mind so much. But if barbarians can build nuclear weapons... Damn. Scary.

          If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


          • #20
            Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but you're saying that the reason I got an Army was because I downloaded an early 1.17f patch? If this is so, why didn't I ever get horsemen from the huts in 1.16f? If this is not so, did anyone actually experience tech-progressing barbarians like in Civ 2?


            • #21
              They can't build them, but you 'shoul' be able to get them from the huts. Hoever, that was changed in the updated rukles with the second patch relase, which was not included with the updated editor.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #22
                I am also a little confused. Does this mean that getting armies from huts is a bug, and will no longer happen with the latest version?

                If it was a mistake, maybe it was a good one. It would help out expansionist. More important, you could use your first leader for Forbidden Palace, instead of having to use it for an army and hoping to get a second leader for FP.

                So please clarify: was getting armies from huts a bug, or does it still happen in the latest version?

                Thanks whoever answers...
                Good = Love, Love = Good
                Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
                  This was fixed on the version that went up to and will be going up on shortly. The units a barbarian can build has remained unchanged since v1.07f (the retail version). It was updated with the editor.

                  Why fix this? Its a feature not a bug.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by nato
                    So please clarify: was getting armies from huts a bug, or does it still happen in the latest version?

                    Thanks whoever answers...
                    It must have been a bug as they changed it. However, it is easy to change what you can get from them. The problem with the first v1.17f is that you could get anything (including really dangerous stuff from the huts) also concider that a hut could give you a leader. This is probably a little too powerful for the hut, as the chance to get a leader would most likely be the same as the chance to get a warrior. If they make a chanch of being found in a city option for each unit, then it would be a great improvement to the editor.
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by GodKing
                      Got one the other day - quite a surprise!!!

                      Thank you Firaxis. I have noticed a significant decrease in the number of barbarians also (althoough I was playing as the americans).
                      Americans are expansionist, so they don't get any barbs coming out of huts to attack.


                      • #26
                        Thanks Gramphos, I just wasn't sure.

                        You're right, a lot of stuff would be too good to get from a hut, like modern units. That was why I thought armies were clever ... they are a great thing to get, but guaranteed not to be too technologically advanced. I also really liked that I could use my first leader on FP, that helps so much...

                        I really think expansionist is vastly weaker than the other civ traits. Sometimes they get super lucky, but I think usually that trait is worth far less than the others. Maybe if only expansionists had the chance to get armies or maybe even leaders out of huts, it would make that trait attractive. Of course many will no doubt disagree strongly.
                        Good = Love, Love = Good
                        Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                        • #27
                          Well my editor still has Barbarian Chiefdom highlighted for every unit, and I'm not going to change it. I like that bug, especially the Army popping out.


                          • #28
                            I think I'm going to go that route too, Willem. It may have been an accident, but I think it was a good one.

                            Serendipitous, thats the word!
                            Good = Love, Love = Good
                            Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                            • #29
                              I'm not sure, I maybe will enable a few more units (army and settler probably), but not keep all units selected.
                              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                              • #30
                                My first game playing with the new patch I got TWO armies IN A ROW from the first two huts I entered. I thought it had to be a bug and I posted about it here, but apparently I'm not the only one (still haven't seen anyone get as lucky as me though ).

