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Have you or will you ever play CtP2

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  • Have you or will you ever play CtP2

    Please don't move this to Apolyton or the OT. Its a question to the Civ3 players...

    Really, if you haven't, it costs so little now, it is worth it. It doesn't wholly deserve its reputation.
    Played it without mods. Civ3 is better.
    Played it with mods. Civ3 is better.
    Played it with mods. CtP2 is better
    Intend to play it. Civ3 is dull.
    Intend to play it. I keep hearing such wonderful things about it...
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

  • #2
    I have played ctp11. Civ 111 is better.
    "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
    --P.J. O'Rourke


    • #3
      I'll play CtP II when someone gives me a pirate copy.
      Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
      Waikato University, Hamilton.


      • #4
        Sorry....nothing to say!


        • #5
          Where is the No I never will play CtP2 ever!! option??
          I picked Banana, but that isn't exactly a decent 'No' option...
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • #6
            CTP2 was not without its charms, but Civ III is better. IMHO, ctp2 was exceedingly dull without modding. All it effectively did was remind me of how much I missed the original Civ franchise.

            However, that's not to say that the game was entirely without merit. In fact, there were a couple of elements in ctp2 that I wish were incorporated into Civ III.

            In the end, however, I think it's the AI that makes or breaks a strategy game. In the case of ctp2, it's what broke it.
            ...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs


            • #7
              Re: Have you or will you ever play CtP2

              Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
              Please don't move this to Apolyton or the OT. Its a question to the Civ3 players...

              Really, if you haven't, it costs so little now, it is worth it. It doesn't wholly deserve its reputation.
              haven't yet.
              if it's less than $25, I might pick it up. know of a good place that still has it?
              also, doesn't it need to be modded to be decent?
              where do I get the latest mod for that?
              Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
              Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
              Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
              Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


              • #8
                Re: Re: Have you or will you ever play CtP2

                Originally posted by Captain

                haven't yet.
                if it's less than $25, I might pick it up. know of a good place that still has it?
                also, doesn't it need to be modded to be decent?
                where do I get the latest mod for that?
                Yes, it does need to be modded to be say the least. However, even after modding, the AI will still blow.

                You might want to check this website for ctp2 mods. This is where I found the ones that I used to use.

                (edited because I don't want to get banned)
                Last edited by Minuteman; February 18, 2002, 02:41.
                ...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs


                • #9
                  CTP II

                  On the good side the game treats you like an adult, has a reasonable if not great combat system and attempts to do some intelligent and innovative things.

                  But, the blatant cheating, interface difficulties and dull action kill it.

                  Worth trying to see the good ideas that CIV III should have copied, if you can get it cheap. Maby CTP III will learn from everybodies mistakes and give us a game we can be proud of.

                  Overall, it's gathering dust on my disk.


                  • #10
                    CtP2 has some nice graphics and a very good combat system. But it ain't a challenge for a single player, because the AI is dumb (at least compared with Soren's masterpiece ).

                    Especially after interface problems being fixed with release 1.17, CivIII is ways better. Top 3 advantages are AI, strategic resources and culture (in this order).


                    • #11
                      Dumb AI?

                      Well, I used to think CTP2 wasn't worth playing.

                      Then I picked up a copy very cheaply and loaded up the Cradle Mod v2.1. I put the difficulty on "Hard" and figured I 'd breeze through the game. WRONG!

                      The AI hit hard, and never let up

                      What a surprise. I have been battling for my life for 4, 000 years (of game time).

                      Cradle starts the game in 7000 BC - so it makes for a much longer ancient game.

                      The mods have fixed the AI - it is almost as ruthless as the AI in Civ 3. The AI formed armies before attacking me. It would avoid a frontal confrontation if it felt inferior to my forces. One nasty trick it had, was to use legion/slinger armies to pin my forces, while it used chariots to get in behind my front lines and pillage my terrain improvements and infrastructure, especially the roads. It would also use ships to land units BEHIND my forces. . .

                      Several other things I like: 1) You can build 12-unit combined arms armies (such as legionaries, slingers, catapults and cavalry. The nice thing with cavalry is, they get bonuses for making flanking attacks); 2) There are NO workers (I love Public Works - NO end game click-fests); 3) Great intro movie; 4) I love the Wonder movies; 5) There are 12 different Gov't types; and many other things. . .

                      This game is very cheap now - you'll be very pleasantly surprised But play the game with the mods - it is very challenging. . .

                      Frankly, I think there's room for all kinds of Civ-like games. They ALL offer something unique, as well as their own special brand of challenge. . .
                      Last edited by Leonidas; February 18, 2002, 05:42.


                      • #12

                        I checked Gamespot's get prices link for CtP2 and the best they had was CompUSA at US$29.99, not including shipping.
                        Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                        • #13
                          Ctp: few hours. Most wasted money ever!
                          Ctp2: never never (even if someone pays me money, I will not waste my time).

                          Civ3: fascinating



                          • #14
                            I think CTP II is better

                            I could write an essay as to why... but it would only be spammed.

                            Modded CTPII is a much more immersive and strategically rich game. I am actually sorry to say it... but it is.

                            The CIV 3 team had 2 years to at least have a look at CTPII to get some ideas.


                            • #15
                              If only public works, and ctp combat system had made their way into civ3....we'd almost have a perfect civ game, imo.
                              If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man

