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v1.17f Reaadme

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  • I just wanted to add my voice saying good work to Firaxis!

    Good work selecting which problems to fix, and good work programming solutions for them!

    I would also like to ask what exactly "It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units" will mean?

    It would really help players who are frustrated by reversion to know the formula.

    Once again, this looks great, good work!
    Good = Love, Love = Good
    Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


    • Still waiting for Gold Edition. Glad we have some good people to do the testing for me before then. Get to work, people!
      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


      • Originally posted by yin26
        Still waiting for Gold Edition. Glad we have some good people to do the testing for me before then. Get to work, people!
        Hey! Who pulled the yin26 action figure's string?
        MOHonor - PJP

        "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John


        • IMO, the top five additions are as follows:
          1) "Improved unit activation sequence"
          2) "Added stack movement. Hitting 'j' will produce the goto cursor. Once you select a destination, every unit of the active unit's type in that square will move to the specified location. Air units of the same type will attempt to rebase",
          3) "Mobile units now have to make a die roll to determine if they withdraw. Success is also modified by their experience level"
          4) "Added Sentry command: y = wake whenever next to friendly or enemy unit(s) / shift+y = wake whenever next to enemy unit(s)"
          5) ""beginning wonder" pop-ups now only appear if you have an embassy or spy with the corresponding civ"

          Most of these speak for themselves, but I think these fixes will contribute the most to the game, as I'm sure many others would agree. I can't begin to tell you how frustrated I get with all of wonder pop-ups I get. Now I will only get those pop-ups in a strategic way.

          Lastly, most pettily, but the thing I know would bug me a lot in the course of the game is the new sentry command. I mean, how often in a game to you want one of your units to wake up when one of your own passes by? Yet this is given the 'y' hotkey and the far more used enemy-only wakeup is relegated to 'shift & y' which is a much harder order to give.
          You should re-read what was actually done with the sentry command. Also, I think you should reconsider not even giving a test game to Civ3 after the release of the patch. Even though it is your choice, but what's the harm in giving it a shot?
          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


          • Well, I'm gonna wait until I can actually play the patched version before I pass judgement, but if the readme file is accurate, I'd say they've done a nice job with it so far.

            I'd still like more editor enhancements (setting player starting positions would be nice without having to use a third-party save utility). A true scenario tool would be nice, too.

            It appears that the multi-player feature is being reserved for an expansion pack or, as Yin puts it, the "Gold" edition.
            Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


            • Originally posted by Steve Clark
              rflagg, you apparently do not recall Civ2:FW and Civ2:MGE, both $30/$40 products. IIRC, FW was the first with scenarios and the ability to create them, MGE obviously was the first with MP, plus more scenarios.

              The original Civ2 had 2 scenarios, Rome and WW2 and the ability to create scenarios. Then came Conflicts in Civilization with about 20 scenarios and a patch. FW did come with a more advanced scenario editor though...
              In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
              In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


              • Hmmm, forgot about CiC. But would it be true that the original Civ2 had the equivalent scenario-making capabilities as Civ3? In other words, didn't they release the events.txt file (or something) until FW, thus that was when the true scenario-making community took hold? I think the point is that the same thing should be expected for Civ3, but probably not three expansion packs though. Personally, I want this to be in a $50 Gold Edition, if it has EVERYTHING needed to create clever and complex scenarios. It would more than worth it, imo.


                • I might be completely wrong (and probably am!), but the reference to government buildings might have something to do with the issue of government-specific improvements. Basically I've heard a lot of mod-makers complain that, though government specific buildings can ONLY be built by that government, when you change government, the building and it's effects remain. Hopefully, this has been removed! As I said, I'm probably wrong, and it might be just my wishful-thinking talking, but if someone out there in the know (hint hint) could correct me, I'd much appreciate it!!



                  • Originally posted by korn469

                    and please please please firaxis, could you fix where every time a unit breaks off in an army it costs the entire army a movement point?
                    could you clarify this?
                    - What's that?
                    - It's a cannon fuse.
                    - What's it for?
                    - It's for my cannon.


                    • Originally posted by Velociryx
                      I'm...tentatively hopeful... It really looks pretty good! Tho it does sadden me to see that there's only one addition to the editor, and a relatively minor one at that. The Mod-With-No-Name then, will sit on ice a bit longer.

                      But I will be reinstalling the game to see how this new patch changes/improves things!

                      I know they're still working on it. Mike, I think that's his name, answered a query from some poster and he mentioned that he was focusing on being able to have civ specific starting points, and the ability of placing units/cities on the map. So I guess we'll just have to wait a bit longer. It looks like they're focusing on game play issues at the moment, the bells and whistles will follow.

                      I'm sort of disappointed there's very few additions to the editor as well, but at least I feel that it will get there eventually. Hopefully Jeff will start a new thread for next patch ideas soon. (Nudge,nudge,wink,wink)


                      • Re: how about these?

                        Originally posted by Minmaster

                        i know its could be done by editor i want this to be official: how about giving army unload ability? it will make armies more useful and allow upgrades to those units.
                        Unless I screwed up somhow, this isn't possible to change in the editor. I tried it and it didn't work.


                        • Soren

                          from the research done on armies in the Blitz mod thread here is what we have found

                          of course we've changed things a bit, like giving armies blitz but here are the relevant posts

                          original post (save game included cleo 1918)

                          I built an army and loaded it with 3 calvalry units (who, also in your mod, don't have the ability to blitz). However, I was able to attack with this army two times per turn. As the army retreated after the first attack and had only one movement point left, this corresponds to the cavalry's movement rate of 3. Apparently a cavalry army has blitz!

                          Savegame is enclosed. The army is loaded on a transport; move it to the continent to the west and attack an American city.

                          earlier, techwins reported that an army of knights did not have blitz, and then you report that a cavalry army does have blitz

                          well here is what is happening

                          Armies do have blitz, but every time a unit retreats that means that the army loses one one movement point, so what probably happened was that the first knight in techwins army most likely broke off the attack (1mp) and the retreat (another 1mp) eat up all of the knight armies movement

                          so if you were able to attack with a cavalry army and none of the units ever retreated then it could have up to three attacks, but if you attacked, and the first two units in the army then retreated, all of the armies movement would be gone, i don't like that firaxis implemented it this way, but oh well

                          what i am wondering is does each time a unit retreat it uses up an army mp even when the army doesn't have blitz? if that was the case then this makes armies even weaker
                          more discussion

                          here is what happened, there was a full movement (3) full hitpoint cav army beside three riflemen, the cav army attacked using one movement point, the first unit in the army had to break off but the attack continued, however that one unit breaking off cost the army another movement point, then the second cav unit in the army attacked and killed the first rifleman, then the cav army still had the option of attacking because the army conferred blitz on it
                          last reply on the issue (save game included cleo 1928)

                          I did some further testing with my savegame.

                          *Parked the cav army to the north of San Francisco, declared war and attacked the city on the next turn. Killed a rifleman with my first attack, then retreated automatically because the city was defended by a second unit. Had one movement point left, attacked the second unit (a pikeman), killed him. A cavalry turns out to be the third unit in the city. End turn.

                          *Attacked cavalry with cav army, destroyed it, took San Francisco and razed it. No retreat, therefore two movement points left. Two riflemen appear on the mountain to the northwest, army attacks, kills one of them, retreats automatically, no movement left. End turn.

                          *Second rifleman disappears to the northwest. My army follows him. End turn

                          *Army has just 5 hitpoints left, rifleman (conscript) has 4. Army attacks, loses 2 hitpoints. First cav unit in army has to break off. Army continues attacking, kills rifleman, occupies rifleman's square and still has 2 movement points left
                          ok here is what we think is happening

                          if you had three cavalry units in an army in normal civ3 (no mods) and they started their turn beside of a single enemy and kill it, the army will advance and only lose movement point no matter how many units broke off (that appears to be what's happening and it seems to hold true for a single break off), but if your cavalry unit started beside of two units where it could not advance after combat, then if no units broke off it would use one movement point in the attach, if one unit broke off it would use two movement points in the attack, and if two units broke off then it would use all three movement points in the attack

                          here is two save games that we used to test this, they are modified though, so you might want to set up your test on an unmodifed bic and test with both a single unit defending against an army and two or more units defending against an army to see if your results match ours
                          Attached Files


                          • The Stack Command is really just a pseudo "stack command".

                            Let me explain:

                            The patch readme states that only units of the SAME TYPE within the stack will move to the designated location. So if you are being sensible and have a variety of DIFFERENT units, you will have to give them ALL individual unit commands. So much for stacked movement. . .

                            If you want to implement the so-called "stack movement", you'll have to make sure that all your stacks contain the EXACT SAME UNIT. So much for combined arms. . .


                            • I mean, how often in a game to you want one of your units to wake up when one of your own passes by? Yet this is given the 'y' hotkey and the far more used enemy-only wakeup is relegated to 'shift & y' which is a much harder order to give.

                              It was said above but i thought i'd clarify for your benefit
                              friendly unit in this ocntext means another civ's unit - not your units (presumably)

                              sounds like a great patch, covers everything i wanted that i can think of right now and some more. Even fixed my bug (civil disorder popup crash)

                              nice one firaxis but of course the editor needs its own patch


                              • worse... if you have swordsmen and horsemen and you don't want to leave you're weak (defensively) horsemen unprotected you will have to move them each turn so they don't jump ahead of the other units.

