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Just let it go...

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  • #16
    Re: Just let it go...

    Originally posted by Kamrat X
    Civ3 is not a great game nor is Civ3 the worst game ever produced. Civ3 is is a moderately good game with some nice features. Some like it, some don´t. And it´s painfully clear that it can´t be rectified in a manner to please the critics, myself included.

    So why not leave it at that? I don´t play the game anymore ´cause It doesn´t do it for me, others enjoy it immensly. That´s fine by me.

    What really precipitated this thread was the ugly turn the "two months has passed..." thread took at the end, c´mon it´s just a game There´s no need for namecalling and personal abuse just because you don´t like a particular game.

    This is NOT intended as a trolling attempt, neither is it intended to start a flame war. It´s just a reflection I made this evening...
    Agreed. What makes that people are yelling all over the place are expectations, cuz we saw worst games than Civ3. Just could/should have been better. Maybe we should bring Firaxis in a lawsuit for not having given what people wanted: some guys did with Ultima Online Just wonder if the judge had problem not falling on his desk laughing.

    PS: Why was Libertarian banned??
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


    • #17
      Banning of Shgggy and Lib

      Apparently Shggy has changed his name to ACooper.

      Wow... Apolyton is pretty much your typical day time soap opera isn't it?!


      • #18
        What should be done and allowed

        I think players have the ability, in a forum such as this, to discuss what notions and game concepts they like or dislike about the game, and also what changes they want to see, or dont want to see made to the game.
        The problems starts not when people take the game to seriously, but themselves too seriously. They begin to think that any knock on their ideas are personal attacks and respond likewise, ususally making outloud personal attacks, which are then met by recrimination. This is true of both those that like and dislike the game- it really is trully personal.
        I have never been in a flamewar nor will i ever because i think it is useless and builds a type of enmity that, when speaking of a game, is trully ridiculous.
        I think the moderators really should end all thread that begin to turn into flamewars or, in order to save threads, have quick, one day bans on those that begin to participate in flamewars. This might be more useful than weeklong, monthlong, or permanent bannigs, though of course I know not the technical aspects so this might simply be technically impossible, besides the fact that I assume MarkG and Ming have lives that take them away from threads for hours at a time.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ironikinit
          Like who, Kam?
          Just off the top of my head, Yin, Horsie, CharlesUFarley, and... myself! (I did some flaming of Firaxis that was really uncalled for...) You yourself made some snide remarks in the thread that got Lib and ****gy banned, so did DaShi. I haven´t read ALL posts by Lib or ****gy/ACooper, but what I´ve read is no worse than what any of the above mentioned has written. But I may have missed something...

          Edit: Ban list 2.0
          Last edited by Zoid; February 2, 2002, 18:13.
          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


          • #20
            Re: Re: Just let it go...

            Originally posted by Trifna
            Agreed. What makes that people are yelling all over the place are expectations, cuz we saw worst games than Civ3. Just could/should have been better. Maybe we should bring Firaxis in a lawsuit for not having given what people wanted: some guys did with Ultima Online Just wonder if the judge had problem not falling on his desk laughing.
            Yeah, a lawsuit IS a good idea Hell, in US you can sue anyone for anything, so why not this? We can settle out of court if they give us a decent game in return

            I think the Lib ban is explained above...
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #21
              Maybe with Lib and **** it was a matter of being able to get one from each side, and thus evenhanded. Plus, as somebody mentioned, **** and Lib were going at it pretty much non-stop.

              I think the only thing that has kept me from getting banned is using the ignore. I really do enjoy writing flames, but I'm on good behavior here.
              Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


              • #22
                PS: Why was Libertarian banned??
                Ok I just do not get it. It was originally posted in another thread. Since I was asked about it, I just said why IN THIS VERY THREAD, a couple of posts above. Why is this information so hard to understand?

                Anyway I don't know if banning is inconsistant or not. Some posts in Off Topic are really bad, like even reasonable people might find them offensive, but they are not banned. (Not that I am complaining, just noting it.)

                However I will say that the Lib vs Shggy battle was finding its way into every single thread almost, and was very annoying (to me at least). Also Lib was a pretty badly broken record at the time (even though I am on the same side of the Civ3 debate as he). I at least could see why he got banned, but thats just me.

                Grrr ... I'd rather talk about Civ than forum politics ... but there's just not much more to talk about Civ ... at least until they tell us something.
                Good = Love, Love = Good
                Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                • #23
                  I have been born again! A kinder genteler man. In the past week I have seen many posts much worse than mine, but I stand by MarkG's desision, Lib and I were out of control.

                  As for the name change, part of my former name was considered an offensive word. It was a nickname from college because I kinda looked like the cartoon character. But, it's ok really. I do understand.

                  Back to the topic of this thread: I think "letting it go" is a good idea on all our parts. I know I sometimes get testy over people bashing the game. Not because I love the game so much, but I can't stand repetitive complaining full of half truths or no facts.

                  I'm trying to stay calm now...............................really.

                  [Edited for bad spelling]
                  Sorry....nothing to say!


                  • #24
                    I'd like to say I agree on that.

                    I am not happy with Civ3 ... however endless bashing type threads are worse than useless. They make discussion and constructive criticism difficult.

                    Unfortunately, I've stated my problems and suggestions (I did that well I hope) and so have other people ... Firaxis is the Wall of Silence ... there just isn't much to talk about anymore (as far as I can see).

                    I guess the original post is indeed correct, it may be time to just walk away, like Vel is doing in his thread ...
                    Good = Love, Love = Good
                    Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by nato

                      I guess the original post is indeed correct, it may be time to just walk away, like Vel is doing in his thread ...
                      MOHonor - PJP

                      "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John


                      • #26
                        "Toodles"? You sound like somebody's grandmother. Who actually says that?

                        Anyway I don't know why you are giving me flack. I very reasonably said that I had already stated my feelings about Civ3 and wasn't sure what I had left to talk about. Given your stance, you should be happy to see that.

                        I think your posts are more pointless than the ones you're responding to.

                        With people like you around, it is time to leave Civ general. I guess in your language of grandmotherese that would translate to "Toodle Loo" or something.
                        Good = Love, Love = Good
                        Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nato
                          "Toodles"? You sound like somebody's grandmother. Who actually says that?

                          Anyway I don't know why you are giving me flack. I very reasonably said that I had already stated my feelings about Civ3 and wasn't sure what I had left to talk about. Given your stance, you should be happy to see that.

                          I think your posts are more pointless than the ones you're responding to.

                          With people like you around, it is time to leave Civ general. I guess in your language of grandmotherese that would translate to "Toodle Loo" or something.
                          Call me karma. Ta-ta!
                          MOHonor - PJP

                          "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John


                          • #28
                            Jeez, tootle-loo already.

                            You've said your bit, you even said there was nothing to talk about.

                            It just gets so very very old, and you're far from the worst.

                            Can't you just move on? Does being nice to you make you go faster? Does being mean? What helps, tell us. You don't even seem demented like some of them, surely you respond to reason.

                            You don't have to have a big funeral, please, no drama. Just get on with your life and leave the Civ 3 forums to people who want to talk about (not just complain about) Civ 3. Pretty please, with ****ing sugar on top, you've said your piece, now get out.
                            Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                            • #29
                              I'm not going to take junk like this.

                              MOHonor - Karma ... for what? I've never been a "whiner" and I started some decent threads, which I'm sure stack up to whatever threads you have made well enough.

                              Ironikinit - Your post makes no sense. I did not start a thread or post asking for a "funeral" or for you to be nice or mean. I made less than one post per day here, all of them polite. My post before MOHonor's response was totally reasonable, and I have a right to respond to his.

                              I don't think I'm the "whiner" type you "fanboys" want to go after. You're missing your target. Anway you seem just as bad to me.

                              All right I wanted to respond to that, because I refuse to take posts like yours unanswered.

                              Have fun.
                              Good = Love, Love = Good
                              Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nato
                                I'm not going to take junk like this.

                                MOHonor - Karma ... for what? I've never been a "whiner" and I started some decent threads, which I'm sure stack up to whatever threads you have made well enough.

                                I don't think I'm the "whiner" type you "fanboys" want to go after. You're missing your target. Anway you seem just as bad to me.

                                All right I wanted to respond to that, because I refuse to take posts like yours unanswered.

                                Have fun.
                                Hey "fanboys" didn't create the "whiners" you know. It was the other way around.

                                And good sticking up for yourself. Seriously.
                                MOHonor - PJP

                                "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John

