Two things. First, I wanted to publically congratulate Sev, Cat, DarkAngel, and everyone who came to the Renaissance Portal to help us hammer out the alpha version of the mod with no name.
And I wanted to do it here cos this is where the bulk of the civ players dwell.
Having played the mod even its early stages, I can tell you that it rocks! It, when combined with future patches, and stuff that we've already got in the works for future iterations of the mod, has restored much of the magic to the game for me....that's really, really, insanely cool! GREAT work guys!!!
And a lot of you may know, I recently took you up on your challenge.
Some of you said it'd be cool if I was on the Dev team for civ4. Well, most likely, that won't happen BUT, that didn't stop me from stepping up to the plate.
We're gonna make a game together.
What's more, I'm gonna (eventually...and maybe sooner than I realize) formalize it by starting my own gaming company.
And this....well not this that's coming up next, but this that's in the post right after this one....this is the rough draft of the mission statement FOR that company.
(THIS is not it...this is just some more observations...LOL)
Vel's take on forming the company someday to be known as Velocigames....or something.
This is all kinna bassackwards from the way the big guys do it, and you know what? The big guys make a lot of really crappy games. What did B. Reynolds say? 10% of the gaming titles make 90% of the money? Which means that 90% of the titles are either junk or badly marketed.
So maybe it's time for a new paradigm to shake things up a bit. That doesn't sound like any game I want to play, so here's how WE'RE going to do it, and here's what's going to make us different. Special. Unique. And maybe even cool....
(to be continued)
And I wanted to do it here cos this is where the bulk of the civ players dwell.
Having played the mod even its early stages, I can tell you that it rocks! It, when combined with future patches, and stuff that we've already got in the works for future iterations of the mod, has restored much of the magic to the game for me....that's really, really, insanely cool! GREAT work guys!!!

And a lot of you may know, I recently took you up on your challenge.
Some of you said it'd be cool if I was on the Dev team for civ4. Well, most likely, that won't happen BUT, that didn't stop me from stepping up to the plate.
We're gonna make a game together.
What's more, I'm gonna (eventually...and maybe sooner than I realize) formalize it by starting my own gaming company.
And this....well not this that's coming up next, but this that's in the post right after this one....this is the rough draft of the mission statement FOR that company.

(THIS is not it...this is just some more observations...LOL)
Vel's take on forming the company someday to be known as Velocigames....or something.
This is all kinna bassackwards from the way the big guys do it, and you know what? The big guys make a lot of really crappy games. What did B. Reynolds say? 10% of the gaming titles make 90% of the money? Which means that 90% of the titles are either junk or badly marketed.
So maybe it's time for a new paradigm to shake things up a bit. That doesn't sound like any game I want to play, so here's how WE'RE going to do it, and here's what's going to make us different. Special. Unique. And maybe even cool....

(to be continued)