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  • Re-Enchantment....

    Two things. First, I wanted to publically congratulate Sev, Cat, DarkAngel, and everyone who came to the Renaissance Portal to help us hammer out the alpha version of the mod with no name.

    And I wanted to do it here cos this is where the bulk of the civ players dwell.

    Having played the mod even its early stages, I can tell you that it rocks! It, when combined with future patches, and stuff that we've already got in the works for future iterations of the mod, has restored much of the magic to the game for me....that's really, really, insanely cool! GREAT work guys!!!

    And a lot of you may know, I recently took you up on your challenge.

    Some of you said it'd be cool if I was on the Dev team for civ4. Well, most likely, that won't happen BUT, that didn't stop me from stepping up to the plate.

    We're gonna make a game together.

    What's more, I'm gonna (eventually...and maybe sooner than I realize) formalize it by starting my own gaming company.

    And this....well not this that's coming up next, but this that's in the post right after this one....this is the rough draft of the mission statement FOR that company.


    (THIS is not it...this is just some more observations...LOL)

    Vel's take on forming the company someday to be known as Velocigames....or something.

    This is all kinna bassackwards from the way the big guys do it, and you know what? The big guys make a lot of really crappy games. What did B. Reynolds say? 10% of the gaming titles make 90% of the money? Which means that 90% of the titles are either junk or badly marketed.

    So maybe it's time for a new paradigm to shake things up a bit. That doesn't sound like any game I want to play, so here's how WE'RE going to do it, and here's what's going to make us different. Special. Unique. And maybe even cool....

    (to be continued)
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

  • #2
    THIS is it!

    The sortakinna mission statement (in the works!)

    First, we create.

    We prove that we CAN do this. That we're not just a bunch of nobodys who are going to go away.

    We create a fairly basic, oddly addictive, vastly replayable Multi-Player/Hotseat game, and we give it away.

    Yep. We give it away.

    Yeah...I know....that's lunacy according to every major player in the industry....and who the heck are we to think we can come up with a better idea than their vaunted 10/90 approach? Pah! ::as Vel rolls his eyes elaborately (eyes which are, by the way, nearly floating in Nyquil) ::

    So I say again. We give it away.

    As in Free.

    We pour hundreds of hours of our souls into a project and make it the best we can possibly make it within our own self imposed limits of simplicity, and we shoot it out the door....for nothing.

    Ahhhh....but wait a second. See, cos it's NOT for nothing after's just not for cash, and that's where the Industry giants have it wrong. They're so used to chasing that dollar that if someone snuck up behind them and tied a buck to their A$$ES they'd spend all day long chasing their tails just like my cat!

    Let them.

    We'll give our game away, and do you know what we'll get in exchange for it?

    A fan base. A following. People who love the game, and who love hanging out on forums talking about it. Giving us ideas for improvements. Talking about things they'd like to see in the next version.

    And we....are you ready for this? I'm gonna drop some major VooDoo on you here so brace yourself, 'k?....what we do is....LISTEN TO THEM!

    What's more....if nobody is saying anything at a given moment, we don't just assume everything's okay and that nobody has any solid ideas for how we could improve things....we...ready again? Here comes some more VooDoo....go out and ASK QUESTIONS! That's right...cos the simple truth is, we don't have all the answers. We don't know what our players and fan base wants unless we listen and ask.

    And then you know what we do? And this is the really cool part....once we listen and ask, then we.....DELIVER THE GOODS!

    Yep. We find out what works and what doesn't from the people who spend the most time playing and thinking about the game.

    We ask them how it could be better. More elaborate. More immersive. Cooler.

    And once we know....we go out and get it done.

    Now mind you, there may be things that sound good but are impossible to implement, or things that might work better with some other game, and that's cool too. If that's the case....and this is the biggest, baddes VooDoo of them all....we...TELL THEM SO! More importantly, if we don't think an idea is good for the game or practical, we TELL THEM WHY.

    Maybe they'll change our minds on it.

    Maybe we'll change theirs.

    Hell...maybe neither, but then, that's not really the point. The point is, we're talking to our fans, and they're talking to us. We're NOT a "big corporation" who hides behind a gazillion lawyers and threatens to sue God and everybody who thinks too hard about their game. We're people, just like them. We have hopes and dreams and desires and wishes. Goals.

    And, we make good games.

    I mean, we make really good, kicka$$ games (yes, I fully intend to use the word "kicka$$" in the company mission statement....just so you know!)

    So...after giving our hard work away and listening and asking questions, and then working some more....wanna know what happens then?

    Then we formally organize the company. Call it Velocigames, or Infogrames Wishes They Could Publish Our Stuff....or something.

    We go out and get some venture capital so people can actually start getting PAID, and that part's easier too now, cos we have a proven track record. We have a popular product and a plan for improving it.

    And that's exactly what we do.

    First one's on us, just so you know we're not fooling around. Then, we'll ask you to feed the starving artists.

    How's that sound?

    (Leader of the Rebel Alliance)
    Last edited by Velociryx; January 19, 2002, 13:31.
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • #3
      Can you eat a fan base?

      "No, I don't have cash for my Jumbo Jack Combo meal... will you accept my fan base instead?"

      Better at least make it shareware... you know, cough up $20 to PayPal if you like it... or something...

      But, hey... don't let an a$$ like me rain on your parade... I hope you can pull it off. I'd play it...

      ... and, if it doesn't suck, I'll probably even buy you a Jumbo Jack someday.
      Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


      • #4
        Nope....can't eat a fan base (but you can sure sue them or threaten to! Ask the *fine* folk at Infogrames! LOL) Ahhh, but that's just it, see? When it's not about the money in the beginning, the real magic shines through.

        The people who are helping me with the project are doing so cos it'll be fun. An adventure. Possibly a resume enhancer. Those are all good, valid reasons for donating spare time, IMO.

        And the end result will be....magic.

        I'm certain of that.

        And after round one....after we prove we CAN do it....then we'll worry 'bout that other stuff....

        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • #5
          Case in point....and proof positive that the little guys have more magic and guts than big companies ever even DREAMED of having:

          Below is a link to what is quite possibly the finest gaming company in the anyone who has ever played "Unexploded Cows" can attest to....

          Five guys (six counting the new baby)....makin' cool games. You just can't GET better than that!

          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #6

            I'm not that new around here (as my registration date would suggest). I've been keeping up with these boards as a silent observer for the last few years.

            This latest idea of yours compels me to post, wishing you all the luck and success in the world. You've proven yourself to me time and again that you have the attitude and mindset to make things happen for yourself (ie. SMAC guide). I'm positive this will be no different.

            If you're counting moral supporters for this project of yours, add me. And you might as well add me to your fanbase for the game, cause I know its gonna be great. Good luck, man.



            • #7
              Thanks for the kind words and support matso! ::hands his new friend a walking stick and a slim jim:: It's a long road from here to ....wherever it goes....shall we see where it leads?

              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


              • #8
                Was doing a bit more thinking, and figured I'd do my thinking "out loud" as it were.

                Let's take a closer look at the ol' "10% of the games make 90% of the money" paradigm for a second, cos I think within it, lies the reason that my idea will work.

                10% of the games published by the Industry Giants essentially carry the whole industry.

                Now, you gotta believe that in a relatively solidified industry that most (not all, to be sure, but most) of those games in the "90% that don't make squat "category also come from those same Industry Giants.

                Which means they could prolly up their profit margins by a healthy bit if they stopped publishing crap altogether....AND the consumer would prolly be a good bit happier too!

       could look at it another way.

                There's nothing STOPPING these Industry Giants from giving the initial release of their game away (call it an alpha...hell, call it Asparagus or Collard Greens or whatever you want!) But the point GIVING IT AWAY initially, you get a really good sense for the potential fan base of the game. You also get a whole lotta pairs of eyes helping spot bugs and weak spots and gremlins, and all sorts of other nasty little creatures that can creep into your design while you're not looking.

                That's the kind of thing that can save a company both time AND money.

                Then, once they find out...Hey! Nobody's liking this game even when it's FREE! Maybe it's crap and we should scrap it before we invest any more time and effort into it.

                OTOH, they might see that...Hey! We have a runaway best seller on our hands here that nearly crashed the server with all the downloading going on!! You know, if we listened to the people who have played our free alpha, and changed this, this and this....dressed up this interface here and tweaked this....why, we have a ready-made market! And they're practically SALIVATING for the game already, cos we gave them a taste of things to come!

                Nahhh....what was I thinkin'....that'd never work....

                (we shall see....we shall see!)
                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • #9
                  Just thought of the perfect way to sum that post up, too:

                  Why the Hell would any company in their right mind wait until the game was gold, and on its way out the door to find out if it sucked or not?

                  And yet...that's the "Industry Standard." In the whole history of computer gaming....that's the best strategy they could come up with....LOL!

                  That's corporate ILLOGIC at its very best!

                  Too funny.

                  (this is gonna be more fun than I thought!)
                  The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                  • #10
                    ' I'm sure it looks like I'm talking to myself...these meds are doing funky things to my brain....I'm sleepy and I feel like reconstituted...hmm...don't think it'll let me put that word on the post...but I'm sure you get my meaning....and I can't SLEEP!

                    So....if anyone happens this way in the midst of all my late night rambling, perhaps this will provide some amusement! ::as he vaguely wonders if he'll even remember writing all's like a public diary almost...LOL::

           just dawned on me...that's JUST what this is.

                    THIS is....the ultimate strategy game.

                    No no no! Not the game we're making.....Candle'Bre is a cool game and all, but it's not the end-all of gaming, to be sure....noooo, I mean THIS....the whole, start up a little ruffian company and go out and DO something in the midst of the Land of Giants. THIS is the ultimate strategy game!

                    Risks? Plenty! I could crash and burn the whole would suck, but nobody would die.....still, there'd be a lot of disappointment if the idea really gained momentum and then petered risk yeah, but not of the life threatening variety, and as madman the hell out of moving a hundred tanks around individually (btw, that WON"T be an issue in Candle'Bre....cos we won't be using tanks...LOL)

                    Reward? Absolutely! Even for the free version! Cos I'll be playing a game that I know I'll like! ( least I'd better like it...I designed the core rules!....LOL). And, it'll be kinna cool to be able to sit down at my computer and play my kinna game! I like that....yeah...

                    Adventure? Plenty of that! Meeting new people, sharing ideas, debating and arguing....haggling over features in much the same way you haggle over that spiffy lamp in the Bazzar in Kahsult....awesome stuff!

                    Intrigue? You betcha! 'specially when we prove that a) we can do this thing, and b) that the Velociryx-Mastermind-Top-Secret-Plan-For-Marketing-Genius-That-Will-Eventually-Take-Over-The-World (hereby dubbed as it's official title, btw) actually WORKS! Then....yeah...I can see some intrigue heading our way.

                    Selling out eventually? Yes! Every time our games hit the shelves, in fact! That's what I'm shooting for! And Infogreed can bite me....heh!

                    Know what's best of all though?

                    I like it here.

                    I like the people and the conversations....the community.

                    I believe in you guys, and I think you're gonna be the biggest part of the whole thing....cos you've been interested so far. You've offered suggestions and words of warning and advice, and I do not believe you will ALLOW ME....ALLOW US to come out with a game that sucks.

                    You'll catch it before it gets close to that, and we'll fix it.

                    And if it can't be fixed, we'll scrap it and try something different.

                    In advance then....thank you!

                    This is gonna be one bada$$ strategy game! (And Candle'Bre will be pretty cool too!)

                    (who will try not to ramble tooooo much more tonight! LOL)
                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #11
                      ::sigh:: okay, sombody lock my keyboard and take away my supply of meds! LOL

                      Can't sleep....I'm tired, I'm wired, and I'm jazzed about the game!

                      And, since I've taken this thread about as far off topic as it could possibly go, I'll post some of my initial observations about the game design in hopes of fostering a discussion about it, and what may need to be changed/tweaked/improved/tossed out altogether.

                      First off, it's relatively simple as games go. What I mean by that is, I intentionally streamlined and simplified a LOT of the initial concepts I had for it based on early feedback about the difficulties involved with making something with tooooo much complexity right off the bat!

                      I've not forgotten those things, and once we get something playable out the door, we can start ramping up the complexity.

                      Was thinking too, that if we made it MP from the getgo (MP/hotseat) then we could put off worrying about making good AI code (of course, it may be the case that MP/Hotseat code is just as tricky as AI code, in which case we're not really saving ourselves I dunno, but the thought is there).

                      Another cool thing....variability. Replayability.

                      The game start as I've outlined in the core rules allows for a....well, not near-infinite, but a damn lotta different configurations and strats you can START with.

                      First, there's five factions to play, each with their own unique playing style.

                      And, you pick five contiguous starting territories, so you can try starts in different locations, forcing different expansion tactics.

                      And you can build a different starting force each time.

                      You get to choose between starting with a temple (Influence) or Barracks (non-mercenary troops).

                      All sorts of good stuff just on the opener!

                      And once the game begins, two fundamentally different ways to win. One is very much focused on cooperation and alliance (accumulation of honor thru honorable deeds, chief among them is being a noble and good ally), or, straight up conquest, 2/3rd of the Kingdom under your banner and you win.

                      The combat system, while relatively simple (no firepower, no hp's....straight kill/capture/miss kinna stuff for now) is constructed in a way that almost DEMANDS combined arms to succeed (using a three-tier combat system, fought in rounds).

                      Another cool thing I'd LIKE to see (don't know about the feasibility tho) is simultaneous moves. That'd make things even dicier!

                      Three tech branches to persue, Espionage and sneaky stuff to tilt the game in your favor, and a random event engine too....all of which adds an element of unpredictability that I HOPE will lend itself well to replayability....that was foremost on my mind when I was putting the puzzle pieces together.

                      So....yeah. I think the basic system has a lot going for it.

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #12
                        some companies do this already..

                        Originally posted by Velociryx
                        Why the Hell would any company in their right mind wait until the game was gold, and on its way out the door to find out if it sucked or not?

                        That's corporate ILLOGIC at its very best!

                        Too funny.
                        actually some of the better game makers have closed or open beta tests. the quake series did this, qtest, q3test, etc. also almost all mmorpgs have beta tests of some kind. blizzard is having a drawing to see who gets to beta test warcraft3. the smarter guys in the industry seem to know this works, but only if you make a quality product or can make quality improvements to your product. there is no reason to let people play your game if you have reason to believe it would hurt your sales.
                        Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


                        • #13
                          Re: some companies do this already..

                          Originally posted by pg
                          there is no reason to let people play your game if you have reason to believe it would hurt your sales.
                          Thats just the thinking that most companies employ. But rember back to the release of Doom, by the then small company ID software.
                          The whole first episode of the game, 11 (or so) missions, given away FREE*!! Not just the first mission, or a dumbed down version of the game, but the ENTIRE first episode, a full third of the whole game was just given away.

                          Did it hurt their sales??

                          I would argue that the first episode increase the fans' desire for more of what they experienced, leading to even greater sales. The fact that first episode was free led to it being very widespread, virtually anyone who had a computer had a copy of doom. Maybe most didnt end up paying for the other 2 episodes.
                          Regardless, the folks that developed that game were soon driving Ferrari's.

                          * While technically shareware, meaning you had to pay if you enjoyed the product, the game was given without any crippling features. You got access to 7 of the 8 weapons and all missions in that episode without them ever forcing you to pay for the game.
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #14
                            Mod with no Name - Strategies??

                            BTW Vel, what is happening with your ongoing strategy guide.
                            Now that you have the game more balanced to you liking, will you be dedicating strategies to that game, have a non-modified version to continue developing strategies for others, or what??
                            Just wondering. I plan on installing the mod with no name as soon as I have finished the 4th 'Poly tournament as it sounds like much fun.

                            And I hope you feel better ASAP Vel

                            EDIT: Wrong tournament number. Im not waiting till tournament 5 before installing the mod with no name!!
                            EDIT2: Why does making text size = small actually make the text larger than normal text??
                            Last edited by Skanky Burns; January 19, 2002, 10:00.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #15
                              Speaking from a historical perspective, the way you plan on doing it is much like the way ID started.

                              To make a prudent point, however, I must address what could be a logical danger for your first release, which is this: IF your earliest market-test release is fully modifiable, then you may lose it at that point. The earliest release ought not be fully modable.

                              Some history about Team Fortress Classic (the quake version) is in order, as is the subject of Half-Life Counterstrike... Basically, Valve went out and bought them and avoided legal issues. The quake version, as I understand it, was shut down (later ported to Half-Life). But Valve could both afford to "do the right thing" in purchasing the hard work of the Counterstrike team (and others) and more than likely to apply some pressure to pursue legal options to keep the buying price affordable.

                              That being said, you have a council of 5 and a council of 7. Fix that or I will keep getting confused. "Ramp up" is a poor-man's way of saying "increase" fix that or I will have a canniption fit (I am, after all, an editor for a living).

                              Please be sure to post if you take this thread elsewhere. I don't know what I can do other than spell-check and grammar check (I'd offer to write creatively for you, but you obviously have a taste for that yourself). I do wish to follow your progress, though. I'll happily encourage and provide grounding as I see necessary.
                              I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. - Helen Keller

