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Has the scenario community given up on Civ3?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by CapTVK
    Erhmmm Admiral PJ, did you actually play Civ2 scenarios? I mean real ones like Captain Nemo's Red Front by any chance? A scenario like RF is currently impossible in Civ3.

    I'm asking this because you're experience seems to be solely based on Civ3. While I think it's excellent you plan to create scenarios for Civ3 it might be a good thing to check out the classic and learn from the masters.
    Well said, Cap. I would also add Kull's Ancient Age and Shay's Sacrificial Blood, as well as the classics. Right now, it is impossible to even do a simple scenario like those shipped with FW, let alone the much more complicated ones by the Civ2 Masters. If they give you all of Civ2 scenario building capabilities and much more, as they alluded to, then you will see quite a few of us back on board with Civ3. If not, it's their loss.


    • #47
      I don't know why, but for some reason I find the term "scenario community" funny. I get this mental picture of an enclave of civ players living in a trailer park on the edge of town. Society doesn't understand them and some show like "60 Minutes" does a segment on them to illustrate their plight.


      • #48
        Originally posted by BrotherLal
        Firaxis failed to deliver on NONE of it. (Not counting a couple of bugs, like for air defense.) And all of a sudden, just a couple of days after release, the bi+chers and moaners hit the boards with a vengeance. And you think THIS is bad, you should see the snobs at Apolyton. Suddenly Sid is the devil, and all the good people at Firaxis are deliberate con men who set out to defraud and mug us.
        I'm not too sure what you're referring to when you mentioned "they failed to deliver on NONE of it" by this I assume you mean some formention feature or design, I argue not that peticular issue but that they did fail to deliver alot of things (features) that with any game standard or Civ standard for that matter should have been provided with the game apon release in October, but was not.

        I also like how you could call the critics (I am a critic - because I don't care for Civ3 all that much or it's new design) bi+chers and moaners - so in other words anyone who has an opinion that rivals yours deserves a childish form of "whiner whiner" name calling, right? You're arguing about the very thing you're doing now. Wouldn't that make you a hipocrit? I doubt very much that you would enjoy someone calling you a "bi+cher" because you didn't like something and openly expressed it. Opinions are still a freedom on this board you know.

        - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Feephi
          I don't know why, but for some reason I find the term "scenario community" funny. I get this mental picture of an enclave of civ players living in a trailer park on the edge of town. Society doesn't understand them and some show like "60 Minutes" does a segment on them to illustrate their plight.
          or how about this one - when they say "fans" or "fanboys" I get this mental image of a bunch of young kids dressed up to play army - armed with water guns, ducking down below the EB store window waiting for the hardcore fans (critics) to come out so they can spring at them for calling it a bad game. And then CNN does a peice on it, making reference to "Collumbine".

          - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


          • #50
            Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

            I'm not too sure what you're referring to when you mentioned "they failed to deliver on NONE of it" by this I assume you mean some formention feature or design, I argue not that peticular issue but that they did fail to deliver alot of things (features) that with any game standard or Civ standard for that matter should have been provided with the game apon release in October, but was not.

            I also like how you could call the critics (I am a critic - because I don't care for Civ3 all that much or it's new design) bi+chers and moaners - so in other words anyone who has an opinion that rivals yours deserves a childish form of "whiner whiner" name calling, right? You're arguing about the very thing you're doing now. Wouldn't that make you a hipocrit? I doubt very much that you would enjoy someone calling you a "bi+cher" because you didn't like something and openly expressed it. Opinions are still a freedom on this board you know.

            If you had read this thread carefully, you would have realized that those are direct quotes made by none other than Libertarian.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Willem
              If you had read this thread carefully, you would have realized that those are direct quotes made by none other than Libertarian.

              - What we do in life, echos in eternity.

